Category Archives: Commercial

How do you adjust brakes on a bulldozer?

Have you wondered what will happen when you bump off to something while your car is at a good speed and you are unable to apply brakes on it? Well, there will be a disaster. This small example can be given to make somebody realize the importance of brakes in a car. Similarly, when it comes to heavy equipment, you need to be extra careful with its brakes. Mind you, that when you are dealing with heavy equipment, you become accountable for any loss that happens if you are not able to operate the machine properly which also includes its brakes not functioning properly. At times, when you apply brakes you can get to hear a sound that appears like the brakes are not well lubricated. This is perhaps the first indication the machine is giving you to work on the maintenance of the machine. It is always advisable that you do not start opening the parts of the equipment as long as you are not an expert who know the in and out of the machine and can indeed work things out and repair the brakes. You should get help of a mechanic who can fix the problem for you.

Apparently, not many people go to the mechanic in the first place. They would like to experiment things on their own and when they realize that this is not their cup of tea that is when they turn up to a mechanic. By the time, they have caused enough harm to the machine.

For people who are used to working on a bulldozer can try the following steps to adjust brakes on it. However, it is still recommended that they get in touch with a mechanic to work things out.

Firstly, you should remove the steel floor plate. Once you have done that, you should be able to see the drive shaft area. You should then check how long it takes for the drive shaft to stop spinning after you are done with depressing the clutch firmly. If you find that the spin time is taking quite long, then you should make sure that you grip the brake band aggressively. However, a word of caution will be that you do not try to be very aggressive in tightening the brake band as there is a possibility that you may end up causing a brake drag on the disk and in this process may overheat and damage the lining of the brake.

You should ensure that the disk spins smoothly when you put off the engine and monitor the temperature of the disk after it has ran smoothly for some time. This is done to check if it is getting hot. If it is overheating then that suggests there is a problem. You can do the same process again and check if it is overheating. If it continues to overheat, then it is better that you take this up to a mechanic and let him fix the problem.


Acquire the Service of Ready-mix Concrete by Several Renting Ways

Construction companies are facing the problem of loan rejection by most of the banks and for that reason the budding construction organisations are in stress. To curb out the tension of the industry’s owners, the rental companies are proffering the service of heavy equipment on rental basis. Most of the contractors and the possessors of the construction firms opt for these rental companies because these firms did not ask for any financial documents. But it is essential for the trade owners to go through the leasing agreement carefully before confirming the deal. Ready-mix concrete is the most important heavy equipment in the construction industry. It can be rented from many of the authentic leasing concerns.

Application of Ready-mix Concrete

Ready-mix concrete is contrived in an industrial unit or in a concrete plant. It is a composite material that is created according to the requirements of the respective construction companies. Thereafter it is transported to the work site with the help of in-transit mixer. Some of its benefits in construction sites are as follows:

  • Ready mix concrete is often used in lieu of on-site concrete mixer because of the precision of mixture.
  • It can serve broad vicinity and can be normally placed in industrial zones.
  • In this ready-mix concrete, an enhanced quality of concrete is formed.
  • This concrete is used in attractive-stamped, uncovered and tinted aggregate.
  • It is also utilised in highway footpath for roads and flyovers.
  • This concrete is used in building tunnels, bridges and subways.
  • It helps in maintaining the decorative and architectural quality of the walls.
  • Sometimes these concretes are used in sheathing the optical fibre lines of electric, gas, water, TV cables etc.
  • Some of the concretes are available in lightweight that are especially used for ceiling and flooring purposes.

Types of Leasing Companies for Renting Ready-mix Concrete

  • Vendor leasing concerns provide heavy equipment in rental ground only by the vendor proprietors. Most of the time, the heavy equipment are outsourced by the vendor lessors. These companies charge a major amount for nonconformity returns and the returns are processed individually.
  • Independent leasing companies purchase heavy equipment from the reputed manufacturers by taking a loan from the bank and then provide the equipment in lease to the construction industry. The possession of the equipment is mostly attained by the independent leasing companies and banks are not responsible for bearing any storage or maintenance cost. These renting companies also proffer low-value equipment to the construction industries. Therefore sometimes, the contracts of these leasing companies are considered as of high risk to the clients.
  • There are many banks that provide construction heavy equipment on rental basis. Though banks charge a high interest rate but the capital cost claimed by the banks is comparatively low from other leasing companies.

It’s true that selection of correct renting company from the crowd is a frantic task but the apt selection of renting concern satisfies the construction companies by accomplishing their project successfully.

Follow the tips before choosing the right equipment tracking system

To start a construction business or make a new path for your business, it is very important to organize it properly.  If you cannot maintain your business, then you will not get success in this field. It is really essential to purchase some good and reliable heavy equipment to maintain your business properly. There are a number of heavy machines that can help you to establish your business. To continue it properly, you should rely on such machines. Now, if you start to rent on equipment or operate it then you have to take several experienced workers who can control these machines. To manage everything properly in your site and operate them properly you should take help of equipment tracking system. This will help you to make your business more profitable and productive. However, there are different types of equipment tracking systems so you can choose the right system that is fit with your requirement.

Before choosing the best equipment tracking system to track down the detail information of your equipment you need to consider few things. It is your responsibility to select the best tracking system that has great features. Here are some tips that can help you to choose the perfect equipment tracking system for maintaining your business.

  • At first you need to find out the right provider who can definitely provide you the best equipment tracking system. There are a number of companies that provide different types of tracking systems. You need to find out the best one. You should check the background of the company and try to know which types of equipment tracking system they actually offer. If they can provide different types application then you can definitely try their service.
  • It is also important to check the features of the equipment properly before buying it. If the equipment tracking system doesn’t have reliable features then you will have to face many difficulties. So, it is always good to check the features. You should check whether they can provide good services or not. It is important to check whether they can work in rough situations or not. It is also important to know whether it can run for long time or not. When you are going to work with equipment then you should know the duration of its working.
  • Well, you also need to provide proper maintenance on your equipment. It is really essential to maintain your machines properly so that it can work well. Without proper maintenance you cannot work with it. So, it is your duty to look into the machine and take care of it properly.

These are the most important things that you should always take care of before choosing the right equipment. As it helps you to track down the records of your essential equipment so, you should be very careful and handle this machine properly.


How to Get a Job in the Construction Industry

The construction industry is expanding all over the world. Therefore, it is quite natural that the demand for skilled professional is very high in this industry. However, it would be wrong to assume that any layman could land a job in the construction industry. It is important that you through a considerable amount of training and education so that you are eligible and skilled enough to handle the heavy equipment. Academic as well as practical expertise is required tyo get a good job in this industry. Therefore, you must acquire your certification from a proper school of some repute.


It is very important that you have your basic education competed if you want a job in this industry. Therefore, one of the first things that you would need is diploma certification from your high school. A course in math, English and shop could be quite useful in this regards. If you do your course on the subject of auto mechanics you may enjoy special preferences because most construction workers have the job of maintaining the equipment. You can also go for a vocation course in the private schools. Getting a job can be a lot easier with a degree from one of these schools. However, it is very important to do a background check on the reputation of the school. It is also very important to know if the school can give you training with real machines.


You can also learn the job with operating equipment training with the guidance of an operator. With the graduation in training, these learners may start handling heavier machines like bulldozers. It is important that you have excellent operational skills if you want to handle equipment with improved hydraulics and computerized controls. It is important that you get specialized training in order to be able to handle such equipment. Workers may have a clear understanding of the job with an apprenticeship of about four years. For every year, the apprentices would have to follow instructions of 144 hours. They would also have to go through paid training for 2000 hours. At the job, these apprentices would learn about operating machinery, procedures of operating, safe practices, first aid, using special technology and many more. With an apprenticeship, you would be able to work with a wide range of industry equipment. Therefore, the choices of jobs in this industry would also increase for you.



Many workers learn their jobs by operating light equipment under the guidance of an experienced operator. Later, they may operate heavier equipment, such as bulldozers. Technologically advanced construction equipment with computerized controls and improved hydraulics and electronics requires greater skill to operate. Operators of such equipment may need more training and some understanding of electronics.

There are a few requirements that are to be considered after the competition of the apprenticeship:

  • A minimum age of eighteen years
  • An education of high school
  • Physical ability of working
  • A driver’s license that is valid

These are the requirements that you would need for making applications.


Use the proper service to improve your business in construction sites

Well, if you are willing to start your career and cannot manage to choose the right path, then it is the high time that you should take a decision. Business is all about profit. You have to make profit and earn huge amount of money from your business. So, in that case you can definitely rely on the construction business. It is the most powerful business field that can provide you huge profit. Like the other business field you need to follow the strategies o this business. A reputable and good construction company always share good and cordial relationship with their clients. From the architects, communities planners to the usual contractors you need to take care of everyone and maintain good relation with them in order to complete your work within time. There are many such professionals who work really well in this field can assist you to perform your job perfectly. They work as a managing unit and always provide their parts of specialization to help your business so that it can get success. They are the experts who offer services to the clients and help them to plan and execute that plan into reality.

To maintain the dignity and reputation of your business it is really important to take help from the experts. They can really help you to plan the strategy of your business. In fact you will be able to know the construction management properly. There are many professional contractors who can help you plan and execute your plans. This is a brilliant service that helps to run the contractual process smoothly. Through this amazing service you can definitely make a good impact of your site. As the staff members will help you to establish is properly so it will definitely help you to improve your business.

If you are a start up company and do not have proper experience on this field then you should definitely hire a good service provider who can help you out from this situation. There are a number of service providers who can guide you in your work. As you have to perform a number of heavy works in the construction site so you should definitely need to buy the useful heavy equipment. They can also guide you to buy proper equipment.

If you can appoint a reliable construction company to design and build up the process of your business, then you will get success in a much simpler and easier way. They will do everything for you. From handling your finance, management to build up the perfect environment for your site they will help you in each way. So, you can definitely trust them and take their help.

So, in the world of construction or any other field service is the main thing. If you cannot give proper service you will not get success in life.

Managing Heavy Equipment Made Easy With Asset Management

Being involved in the construction arena invariably means working with heavy equipment. And in this context one has to acknowledge the difficulty that construction site authorities face when it comes to managing all those heavy equipment. It is perhaps this difficulty in managing heavy equipment that has given rise to the popularity and demand of the asset management software ion the construction arena.

What Is Asset Management All About?

Now, the very first question that must be knocking your heads right now is what is the asset management software all about? Well, to begin with, as the very name must have made it clear that asset management refers to managing of those objects that are valuable, in short assets, for an organisation. Now, purchasing particular equipment, deploying it, maintaining it and keeping a note of its whereabouts is not an easy thing to do. And this is where the entire asset management deal comes in. This system not only makes the entire deal of managing assets easy, but also reduces the chances of them being misplaced or stolen or the like.

Asset Management and the Arena of Construction

If the statistics of the National Insurance Crime Bureau is taken into account, one can easily see that around 11,000 heavy equipment get stolen every year with the recovery rate being as low as 21%. Now, as heavy equipment form such a part of the entire construction industry, one could easily assess the loss that comes equipped with misplaced or stolen construction equipment. This is perhaps the biggest reason why asset management has become such an important part of the construction industry. Not only does the use of asset management software help in reducing costs, it also acts instrumental in improving information availability and customer service.

Asset management allows you to coordinate your scattered fleet geographically, thereby, reducing the cost of operation quite significantly. Operating an entire construction site is no easy a deal and when there is extensive paper work involved, you can be assured of the entire business getting as gruesome as possible. But by means of the electronic trip orders, the construction organizations can efficiently manage and organize assets, manage projects, coordinate with those involved in the business, drivers, operators and the like and thus, handle things efficiently.

With asset tracking and management tool, you can remain close to your equipment even when you are far from it. The system has been designed in a manner so as to alert you as soon as the heavy equipment leaves their designated position. This allows you to save quite a lot of time that would have otherwise gone into tracking the equipment manually.

Hence, one could easily conclude the asset management tool to be quite an asset in itself in the construction area.

Use equipment tracking system to protect your site

Are you going to start your own company? If yes, then you must be aware with useful strategies that help you to run your business. Without following the important as well as essential strategies you cannot get success. Well, in case of construction sites, it is really important to give your full attention on your site. You should always be very careful about your machines, workers and other related things of your site. It is your responsibility to take care of your heavy equipment. It is not easy to work with such heavy machines. It takes huge time as well as money. So, you should know all those things that can reduce your profit margin. If you cannot maintain these machines properly then the machines can face many problems. These small damages can turn small issues into major fault. Therefore, check the machines properly and remember wrong billing, unnecessary idling can make you huge fuel cost.

Well, when you are going to do business then you should always be aware with your profit and loss. It is very important to manage profit for business to establish it properly and take it to the next level. There are many easier way that can help you to increase your productivity and help you to get more profits. If you can manage to give you 100% attention and full concentration on your job then it is not so difficult to choose the right equipment tracking system for your business. It is your responsibility to find out the proper devices that can help to track down and monitor solution for the business. If you are going to work with forklift then it is very important to know how to work with it and efficiently it can work for you.

You need to track the usages of useful equipment. As you work with a number of machines then may be for sometimes you do not use one of them and keep it aside. Then it becomes very difficult to track for how many days the equipment is not in use. However, by following a continuous monitoring over equipment give an idea of such things. It also allows you to reduce the fuel costs and assure that the proper and prolonged maintenance is not missed for a single day. You can get the information on fluid levels, error codes and temperatures by using the equipment tracking system.

As many workers work in a construction site, so there are high risks of theft and other similar things. If you stop using a machine for a while then you can lost it as well. Therefore, if you can use the equipment tracking system then it can track down the records of all your machines. Equipment tracking helps to track down the detail of the equipment that is in use and not in use. To protect your site you should definitely take help of such system

Winters may cause immense health hazards to construction workers

Places where it snows are not conducive for construction industry to flourish. But it does not mean that the construction industry will not flourish at all at such places. If it snows throughout the year then it is a grave concern for this industry to set its foot in. However, if it is only during the winters that it snows and for the rest of the year, it becomes conducive for the industry to thrive then that will really help. We all know how immensely difficult it is to take care of heavy equipment and also to work on a project during the cold weather but less care has been given to the fact that it also takes a toll on the construction workers who find it all the more difficult to work in a rough weather and with very limited help from machines.

During winters, heavy equipment tend to stop working which means that the construction workers will have to put their efforts and try to get the work done. At times, it may not be possible for them to finish a job without the use of equipment. In such case, it becomes a loss to the company. In situations like these, companies tend to risk the life of the workers by pressuring them to work overtime in difficult work conditions. The workers have to work on snow or ice and have high risk of slipping while working. They may cause severe damage to themselves. It is therefore very important for the construction companies as well as the workers to follow the correct safety parameters while working in snow. By following these parameters, they will only save their as well as their colleagues lives.

Check if the brakes and other vital parts of the equipment are in order:-

Before you start with your day, it is very important to check if the brakes, horn and other important parts of the equipment are in order. Once the operator is sure that everything is in place, he should carry on with the work. In case if he finds any issues, it is advisable that he get that sorted first and then starts off with the day’s work. Any negligence on his part can cost the company as well as the worker dearly.

Ensure that all the workers wear their safety accessories:-

In many of the occasions, workers skip wearing their safety accessories assuming that they will be safe and wearing those stuffs will be time consuming. Calamity does not knock the door before arriving. It just strikes you and workers should understand this important part. More importantly, the supervisor on the construction site should take the responsibility that all the workers are equipped with complete safety accessories and that there is an emergency team active at the site. Just in case, if there is an emergency situation, the team will be able to deal with it.

Report anything that you find to be dangerous:-

Construction workers should report anything that they find to be dangerous. This will help to save the life of many other workers who may not know about the danger on the site.

Make Your Heavy Equipment More Fuel Efficient- Ways to Achieve This

Fuel efficiency, off late has become one of the widely discussed issues around the world. Almost every second automobile that we come across claims itself to be fuel-efficient. But the question that arises here, why is fuel efficiency such a concern among people all over today?

Well, there are a number of reasons as to why fuel efficiency has become the norm of the day. For one, a fuel-efficient automobile makes sure that you save all those bucks that go into the fuel expenses of the vehicle.  With the expenses of fuel rocketing sky-high, it is not really surprising that most of the automobile owning population are now looking for a system that helps them save money. And fuel-efficient equipment is definitely one of the best ways of going about the entire process.

The second reason for opting for fuel-efficient automobile is the environment. The fast depletion of natural resources has led the global population to look for ways in which the remaining of it can be saved and thus, the advent of fuel-efficient systems.

Making Your Heavy Equipment More Fuel Efficient

It is a widely known and accepted fact that the construction industry requires a huge sum of money in order to get things going smoothly. And the heavy equipment being such an important part of the entire industry, adds quite a lot to the entire expense. And in such a situation, it is important for the people of the construction industry to come up with certain measures that help them reduce this expense and push up the profit scale. And it is in this regard that the construction industry is now making use of fuel-efficient heavy equipment. There are a number of strategies that they have adopted in this direction.

  • Anti-idling policies

The idle time that every heavy equipment goes through contributes significantly to the entire fuel expense. It has been seen that the average 40% idle time that the heavy equipment goes through, besides being completely impotent also contributes significantly to the fuel expense. Hence, going for anti-idling policy can be a good way of reducing the fuel expense.

  • Making use of clean fuel

Construction authorities should also consider making use of clean fuel in their heavy equipment. Not only will this contribute to lowering the fuel expenditure, but will also make sure that the engine of the heavy equipment stays completely clean.

  • Making use of improved hydraulic steering mechanism

A recent research conducted by the Purdue College of Engineering showed that the use of efficient hydraulic steering mechanism developed by them helped reduce fuel expenses to a large extent. With the new improved mechanism, a significant 14.5% reduction in fuel consumption along with 43.5% improved fuel efficiency was seen in the heavy equipment.

Hence, one could safely conclude that the use of fuel-efficient heavy equipment not only helps in raising the productivity level of the heavy equipment, but also makes sure that the fuel that you put in is used optimally.


Top 10 Models Wheel Tractor Scraper

Wheel tractor scraper is a construction machine which is very large in size and finds its application in earthmoving, mining and construction industry. Over the years it has become very important heavy equipment due to increase in construction and mining projects. Here are top 10 models of Wheel Tractor Scraper.

627G-627G is a unique model of wheel tractor scraper has engines that are electronically operated and automatic transmission that are combined electronically to supply highest power facility. Its exceptional speed and capability to carry great weight are some of its unique features. It is also very durable and since it is controlled by electronic means it lends it greater problem-solving abilities.

621H-In the model of 621H we find innovation at its best. It has a superior wheel tractor scraper in terms of productivity. It also ensures comfort to the users. They are controlled electronically.

651E-This model is fuel-efficient as it has eight-speed power conduction. It has an accumulator minimises road accidents and also prevents loping despite operating at high speed in the roads. It is long lasting and has low operating costs if maintained properly.

637G-This model is a great innovation as it has many unique features such as articulated routing and steering. It has clear windows with a comfortable cabin inside the vehicle. It is controlled by an ejector which helps it moving up and down.

657G-This is another model of wheel tractor Scraper which has great travelling speed and ability to put load quickly. It is extremely durable and fuel-efficient. It also has the potentiality to high efficiency at low cost.

623H-623H gives greater productivity to the operators due to better-quality wheel tractor. It is also user friendly and comfortable to the users. It does not operate manually and needs to be controlled electronically. The synchronisation done on the tractor engine helps it to operate smoothly and for longer duration. Its structure has a non-metallic hood, better hydraulics and cushion hitch

 627H-Another innovative model of wheel tractor scraper which is automatic and is extremely durable. It has a robust and good quality structural design which increases its reliability. It is controlled by a Sequence Assist which makes its use less complicated. The use of implements are reduced by the use of control lever which uses cylinders that can sense position and assimilating computer software which assists  the operator to perform task like loading and dumping .

631G– This model is especially manufactured to operate at the point of combustion to maximise the performance of the engine and to lessen exhaust emissions. It comprises of power shift transmissions and torque converter which contributes to its efficiency and reliability.

CAT 611-It is a very fuel-efficient model of wheel tractor scraper. It is comfortable, long lasting and gives higher productivity. It has a flexible mounted engine to reduce the effects of sound and vibration. All the tools are warranted against breakage. Other features of this model are great speed, ability to take loads, consistency in terms of performance and productivity and easy maintenance.

637G-The 637G model is a machine marvel which operates to give the users productivity, efficiency, durability and high speed. It has a robust structure with power shift transmissions and torque convertor.

So these are the top 10 models of Wheel Tractor Scraper. All of them are top class equipments and the operators can use them according to their needs.