Category Archives: construction equipment

Hiring ace salesman for 2016

Heavy equipment companies have by now realized that the year 2016 will be a wonderful year for them as far as the sale of heavy equipment is concerned and perhaps this is why they are recruiting salesman in high numbers. They need qualified as well as experienced people who can do the high pressure work with ease and also guys who will stick to their company for years. People who have studied from management schools are welcomed.

There is a huge requirement of people who have studied sales and marketing and know a bit about heavy equipment. Guys belonging from heavy equipment industry can also expect fat packages thus making it an awesome opportunity for everyone. Heavy equipment companies are not only hiring salesman for North America but also for European and Middle East countries. The businesses in Africa are also catching up and therefore there are also opportunities available in these countries.

Since the construction, mining and oil industry are doing well all over the globe, there has been a rise in the employment of salesman. One of the important criteria is that the candidate should be ready to travel and he may have to stay out of station for months and could be even years. Though such candidates will be paid more than the others but they got to be tough and should not feel homesick. Getting such guys is real tough and therefore people who are approaching these companies for interviews should make up their mind in advance and also should be ready to move in case they are being asked to.

There are also certain prerequisites that these heavy equipment companies have from the aspirants. They want them to have some degree of knowledge in heavy equipment. They may not know about the technical aspect as that will not be needed much when you are trying to sell machines but knowing them will always help. You may come across few companies that want their aspirants to even know about the technical aspect. If not in complete detail but definitely should have sound knowledge about what they are dealing with. For instance, if they are trying to sell a machine that is used to extract oil, then ideally companies prefer the salesperson to know the basics of the machine and in case if he manages to gather more information then he stands a fair chance to get quick promotion. So the knowledge he has about the subject can fetch him good results.

Countries like Saudi Arabia, Dubai and other Gulf nations are busy constructing sky touching buildings. The construction companies out there want hi-tech machines that simply the job of the operator in many ways and also help to get the work done in a shorter time. Here the role of a knowledgeable salesman becomes quite essential. He will then not sell machines that are being asked to him to sell. He will rather try to understand the requirement of the client and pitch his products accordingly. This approach of his will be highly appreciated by the company and he will have a higher chance to sell more equipment. Overall, the year 2016 will be a good one for heavy equipment salesman.

Borrow money to purchase heavy equipment or take it on rent

Starting a new project and need heavy equipment? You are ideally left with 2 options. Either you can rent construction equipment or you can go ahead and buy it. The thing that you need to take into consideration is if you have hard cash to buy the machine or you need to finance it from a lender. The other option is more viable under certain conditions. You should rent the machine if you only need it for the project and once the work is done you have to discard it. If you fall in this condition, then renting the machine should be the most viable option for you. However, if you feel that you will require the equipment for your future projects as well, then it makes every sense to buy it.

Do not drain out all your reserves to buy the equipment:-

Just in case if you have hard cash available to buy the construction equipment, it is advisable that you do not shell out all the money to buy the machine. You never know when you will need the money and if you end up everything to procure the new machine, then you may have to experience some hard time to fix tough situations. What you can rather do is make an upfront payment of 20% of the total value of the machine and the rest borrow it from a lender. It is important that you do a thorough study of the different interest rates being offered by the financial institutions. Go to the one which will charge you with a lower rate of interest and also will not charge much closing costs. Take a calculated decision when you intend to buy a machine.

Ensure to pay your monthly payments in time:-

If you intend to purchase the machine and borrow money from a lender, you should also ensure that you pay your monthly payments in time. Please do not become a defaulter for even a month. That will have a huge impact on your credit score. So when you think about borrowing money, you should also keep in mind that you can’t play around with your credit score. These things must be planned in advance and if there are any deviations later, then that must be taken care by the reserves that you have with you.

In case you decide to take the machine on rent then you need to analyze the period for which you may need the equipment and how much are you ready to pay as rent.

Check online to rent a machine:-

The simplest option to locate the person who wants his machine to let out is on the internet. You can just type the kind of equipment you want to take on rent and the search engine will throw all the option that it has or call us at B&R Equipment. You can check the one you want and contact the giver. If you agree to his terms and conditions, you can finalize the deal.

Construction rental equipment

Buying heavy equipment are not everybody’s cup of tea. They are very expensive piece of metal with state of the art gadgets fitted on it. Though it is the requirement of every construction company big or small, not everybody can afford to buy it. It is therefore taking one on rent considered to be the most viable option. It is pretty obvious that you got to run your business and for that you need good machines. In case, you are not able to afford to buy them does not mean you should quit the work. You should search for alternatives and in this case the best would be to rent it from someone who does not need the machine.

There are many people who are willing to rent their machines. They do it because either their machines have gone old and they have already bought an updated version or they simply do not need them any longer for their existing projects. It is also better to not invest good chunk of money in buying heavy earth moving machines and rather utilize the money for completion of other useful tasks.

Construction rental equipment can be found in websites that deals with renting heavy equipment. You just have to become a member of one such website and check out the machine you want in your project. If you find everything perfect, you have to contact the giver, negotiate the price with him and finalize the deal. These websites have made things very easy and comfortable. One only needs to be careful while he is looking for the machine. He needs to very carefully go through the description and that is it? It helps in knowing if the machine he is looking for meets his requirements or else there won’t be much use for him to go through this.

The giver on the other hand also needs to ensure few things. Firstly he need to make sure that the machine he listing to let out should not have issues that will become a hurdle for the end user. In case, if there are any complications on the equipment, he needs to get it checked by a mechanic and make it all ok for the user. Since the heavy equipment has to go through a lot on the jobsite on a daily basis, there are high chances of it getting torn from inside. The giver can’t let out the machine in that condition and therefore the need of a mechanic arise. In case if there are any dents on the machine that also needs to be rectified.

Before listing the machine on rent, you should take some pictures of the equipment from all angles and put it on the listing. This will allow the viewers to understand if the machine is in good order. Rest should be mentioned in the description. Also, mention the rental amount and if you are willing to negotiate with the price. Leave your contact details on the listing for people to reach out to you.

2016 will be the year of heavy equipment

Since heavy equipment industry and the construction industry are so closely interconnected with each other that they have an ever lasting impact on each other. For instance, if the construction industry is not doing well, the impact will definitely reflect on the heavy equipment industry as well. Heavy equipment companies will find it hard to sell their machines in the market as there will be no buyers for them. If the buyers are also having a hard time to deal with any crisis that comes up in the construction sector, they are most evidently not going for any more purchases of machines and will wait for the market to resurrect. Till that time, heavy equipment companies will be out of business.

However, things are better off and the year 2015 was indeed a good one for both the industries. The construction sector was at its peak and so was the heavy equipment industry. It was believed that no other sector was able to generate employment as much as the construction sector and they had given big orders to produce earth moving machines. Moreover, with the advent of Paris summit that was held last year, it was urged to many such heavy equipment producing companies to concentrate of manufacturing machines that emit less carbon. The goal is to reduce carbon footprint so that we can all make this world a livable place and are not tormented by natural calamities.

After this summit, government of various countries have asked these companies to focus on producing green machines and are simultaneously also trying to prepare a market for it. Governments are ready to waive some taxes if the construction companies are willing to go green and reduce carbon footprint. This will be a big step towards having a clean environment and may also garner support from people within the industry. Once the government of all countries issues law that will state companies using green heavy equipment will save on tax for the next few years there will be an increase in the sale of eco-friendly machines. Big construction houses will no longer want to work on the traditional machines and will demand for green machines.

This will give the opportunity for the heavy equipment manufacturing companies to design machines that emit less carbon. It is therefore believed that the year 2016 is an instrumental year for both the construction and the heavy equipment industry. This year will possibly see a change in the nature of machines and the earth moving companies will have to work hard to keep up to the demand of the construction industry. Since this will be the beginning, the heavy equipment companies have to ensure that the machines they produce should be of ace quality as there are high chances that due to shift in technology they might end up messing the overall product. They have to make sure that the goodwill that they have created and maintained should not be tarnished by the change in technology.

Heavy equipment fuel consumption

It is probably heavy equipment that consume more fuel in a week than your car in an entire month. Well, this is the fact of the day and one need to accept it. Though many heavy equipment manufacturing companies claim that they are in the mode of producing machines that will consume less fuel and will be more efficient as far as the production is concerned. However, the fact also remains that such heavy equipment will be very expensive that it will not be in the range of every owner of the construction company. Therefore, it has become a reason of worry for most of the companies as they feel that they have to work by paying more for the fuel and if they can afford to ever buy an eco-friendly machine then they will move on to it.

We also need to understand why the consumption of fuel increases in a machine year after year. The basic answer to this is perhaps we fail to take good care of the machine which is one of the most crucial reasons why it starts getting converted from low fuel consumption to a high fuel consumption machine. There may be many other reasons associated with it but this must be the main reason. Taking good care of the machine involves timely servicing, cleaning the stuff with power washer to get the dirt out of the system, lubricating its interiors on a timely basis and also changing the engine oil to lengthen its life span.

Also most of the heavy equipment are overworked. For instance, there is a big project in hand and there has been unanimous decision to keep the machines working all through the day. Here the equipment do not get much time to cool down especially during the summers where it has to experience the maximum brunt. It is in no way good to keep the equipment unhealthy because at the end of the day things will come back to you and there will be a point when you will find them not working and you will run out of machines.

Servicing the machine on a monthly basis will ensure the good health of it and that will also increase its fuel efficiency leading to less consumption of fuel. So you do not spend a fortune on buying gas. Other than this, you should also follow the user manual to understand what you can do to keep the fuel consumption intact. A bit of research is also needed when you are in the mode of buying heavy equipment. You should do your study well and understand which machine consumes how much of fuel. That becomes an important task while you are into the shopping mode.

These researches can be done by collecting information from internet or by reading magazines that’s related with heavy equipment or by simply asking for suggestions from your friends or peers. These things really help you to take an informed decision and also save good deal of money by buying machines that consumes less fuel.

7 Simple Tips for Young people starting a career in Construction

When one thinks about beginning a career in the construction sector, he needs to be pretty sure what he is getting into because though this industry rewards people who work hard to achieve success, it also punishes those who are not able to perform. So one has to be sure which side he wants to be in. There is no rule book that one can follow to make a career in the construction business; it is just that they need to be patient enough and follow what is right and ethical. They won’t be able to taste success in a year’s time. They got to work hard and if they feel that things are not working right for them, then they need to work harder. Follow the right path, devote yourself completely and you will see things working out for you.

Give a thought before you finally pull the trigger:-

You should not want to make a career in the construction domain just because you see your friend’s dad making huge sum out there or you see one of your relatives doing good in his business. That should be a motivating factor for you as they all must have worked extremely hard to get to the place where they are now but that does not mean that you should do exactly what they did. You can get success in anything that you do provided you give your 100% to your work. So before you decide about walking in this industry, think if you really want to stay here for your entire life or else you will end up wasting couple of years of your life into this.

Know more about heavy equipment:-

Knowing about heavy equipment is very important if you want to be in this business. You should know which machine is used for what purpose and accordingly you can take decisions on procuring heavy equipment.

Check your finances before you go for any procurements:-

Starting a business in construction sector is no child’s play and it requires huge amount of investments. You therefore need to check your finances before you go ahead with any procurements of construction machines. You also need to keep into deliberation the operating and non-operating expenses that may incur while you are active in your business.

Hiring competent operators is the key:-

Ensure that you hire competent operators who are experienced in working with different kinds of heavy equipment. They are the ones who also know what needs to be done to keep the heavy equipment healthy.

Try to generate contacts by picking up small projects;-

Since you are new to this business, it is pretty evident that you will not be able to bag big projects as the giver won’t have the confidence in you. Simultaneously, it will not be feasible for you to handle big projects if you do not have any experience in handling any projects. It will be complete chaos. Therefore, pick up small works and try to complete them on time. This will help you to gain experience and simultaneously you will also develop contacts.

Be honest and ethical to your work:-

Honesty and ethics are very important in a business where you are dealing with your client’s trust. Be honest with your work and maintain ethics while conducting our business.

Engage with your employees:-

Always maintain a good rapport with your employees as they are the ones who will work hard with you to give a good shape to your business.



Become heavy equipment technician and earn a rewarding career

If we look into the spectrum of the construction industry or the heavy equipment sector, we can see immense opportunities for people who can get into it during their early life. They will benefit the most as they will get a lot of time to learn things and understand the zone that they want to marvel. It is true that the heavy equipment domain is quite big and complex and it is simply not possible for anybody to learn everything and therefore what can be done is simply know what you are interested in doing and work on that all your life. This will make you the expert in that domain and will also help you to earn a rewarding career. Simultaneously there are been a never ending demand for professionals who have their expertise in the field of heavy equipment and who are far better technicians.

We will be talking in length about how becoming a technician can earn you a rewarding career and make you the man that you have always wished to become.

Construction companies are on look of good technicians:-

Every construction company wants their machines to work at all times. They however do not spend much time on maintaining it but certainly expects a lot from it. As a result of this, there are high chances of them breaking down. Now if a machine breaks down, it directly impacts the work in that department and also to a certain extent the monetary part of the project. No work for a day can make a huge impact on the finances of a company who are handling big operations. This has resulted too many companies hiring heavy equipment technicians whose basic job will be to keep the equipment maintained and ensure that they all are in working condition all throughout the year. In case, if they see any problem pertaining to the machine, report it to the next guy up in hierarchy and get it resolved.

Knowing the importance of these technicians, the construction companies are always in hunt of good experienced men who can really make a huge difference as far as getting the issue resolved. They are indeed ready to pay them a fat package for their services. Unfortunately, they severely experience a shortfall of such men which has invariable increased their demand.

Can open a workshop of your own:-

Heavy equipment technicians who are pretty knowledgeable to this profession and have worked with almost every kind of machine do not wish to work with any construction companies. On the other hand, they find it better to open their own workshop and run their business from there. In this way, they become their own boss and do not have to share the income with anybody apart from his employees. So the plan is pretty simple. You become a technician, work for some company and gain experience and then if you feel like doing a freelancer job, you are free to do so.

Modern heavy equipment are the need of the hour in the construction business

The construction business has always been a competitive zone and it has been observed that more and more people are getting into this industry making the competition all the more difficult. With new competitors in the market who are ready to take bigger risk, the one with more experience are having a tough time dealing with the fact that there is an urgent requirement of sophisticated heavy equipment to sustain in the competitive environment. There is only thing that can keep you above from the rest and that is technologically advanced machines. Your machines should be capable of doing work that others take days to complete and if you possess such machines then you have more chances of getting big projects that has huge profit margins. At the end of the day, it is all about the quality of work that you give to your clients that will decide the existence of your company.

Follow the best brands in the market:-

Technologically advanced machines are manufactured by many heavy equipment companies. However, the difference lies in the quality of those machines. Not every machine manufactured by different set of companies will deliver in the same manner. Some will last long enduring the same wear and tear and others will give away sooner. So you have to decide which one will be yours. Often the heavy equipment manufactured by the top brands lasts longer than their counterparts and therefore that should be your first choice. You can then do your own research and nail the one that suits your requirements. However, it is critical that you go for the top brands and not with companies that does not have significant name in the heavy equipment industry. Other than that, you can expect decent resale money if you sell machine of branded companies but can’t expect the same from a non-branded one.

Though expensive but worth the price:-

The technologically advanced machines are quite expensive given the ease and comfort it provides to the user. It is agreed that such machines are not affordable to everyone but at the same time also not beyond the reach of people who seriously want to upgrade their arsenal. The user will undoubtedly find it to be expensive but at the same time they will also feel that it is absolutely worth the price. If it is an absolutely out of budget case, one can opt for the smaller version of such machines. They will not cost much and also will be within the reach of many. It can act as a substitute for the larger version.

Real comfort for the operators:-

It is the operators who go through the pain of operating the machine. They have to take immense care when they are working with equipment that is not much advanced. Any mistake from their end can result in a big casualty. They will always appreciate if they are given machines that are simple to operate and does not need too much of their attention. They call them intelligent machines and they need such machines for work.

Volvo Articulated Trucks

Trucks have always been considered as one of the most integral component in the heavy equipment segment. The importance of trucks is required every time and everywhere no matter what the circumstances are. Be it a rough weather or a smooth one, trucks are always expected to haul materials from one place to another. Most of the time, It is needed to haul heavy equipment as they can’t be driven from one state to another. They need to be carried upon a truck to be transported. However, the trucks that are meant to carry heavy equipment and the one that carries debris are not one and the same. There are varieties of trucks that are available in the market and each of them is designed for a specific purpose. So you can’t just buy a truck and use it for all your work. It just does not function that way.

Heavy equipment manufacturing companies are also into production of trucks but the company that is renowned in producing articulated trucks is Volvo. It is tough to beat the market leaders and in order to put your product in front of the audience you need to bring something exceptional. This is how you can beat the rest who have capitalized the heavy equipment industry for years. Volvo has proven its metal well as far as articulated trucks are concerned and is producing some of the finest trucks that are being used by numerous construction and mining companies all over the world.

Volvo is considered to be the King of Productivity when it comes to producing trucks. They have recently come up with A40G FS articulated truck which has succeeded to become the eye candy of major companies. It is basically a dump truck that is used to dump materials in the dump-yard. However, it is installed with complete hydraulic front and rear suspension. This actually allows the trucks to move at a high speed and still be in control both when it is loaded as well as unloaded. The new suspension system that Volvo has come up with provides enhanced productivity and also ensures that there it offers maximum comfort to the driver even in rough terrain.

Another intrinsic feature of Volvo articulated truck is the spacious cab that it offers to the driver with superb visibility. The inside of the cab is well built and importance has been given to ensure that the driver is able to drive the truck with maximum ease and it does not become an arduous affair for him. All around visibility is something quite imperative for a driver when the weather or the terrain is not such a convenient one. Also it minimizes the risk of an accident since the driver is able to make out things that may close too close to the truck.

It is also installed with a fire suppression system that gets automatically activated the moment it detects fire inside the engine bay. This system can be triggered both inside and outside the cabin and ensures that the truck does not incur lot of damage.

Do not spend all your reserves for buying heavy equipment – Take a loan instead

When you are in the construction business, it is very important to keep your reserves intact and not spend the entire sum buying heavy equipment. The money that you make from your business helps you to run the business and also allows you to buy some machines that are much needed. However, it is also important to understand that these construction equipment are too expensive and one should not utilize all the reserves in buying machines. They should rather look out for options that can be adopted instead of clearing the reserve amount from your account.

If the need of the heavy equipment is too urgent then you should probably look for taking a machine on rent. You will a lot of people willing to rent their machine. Here you do not have to shell all that you have in your reserves to get the stuff. You can pay the rental amount to the giver on each and every month till the contract expires. The rental amount must be agreed upon by both the parties and if you see a chance to negotiate the amount, do not hesitate to do so.

However, if you feel that you may need the machine for your future projects as well and you consider it to be an integral part of your project then you can opt to buy it. Here you have 2 options, either you can buy a used one or you can go for a brand new machine. The used machine will definitely cost you less than a brand new one and hence if you feel that you want to content yourself by buying an used equipment then you got to start looking for sellers who want to sell their machines. Once you ready for the purchase, the next crucial thing that you should do is always pay a small portion of money from your reserves as down payment. The rest of the money should be borrowed from some organized financial institution.

Though you have to pay some interest on the amount you have borrowed but that will not lead to the complete depletion of your financial resources. You will still have money to run the company which is the most needed aspect when you have a construction business at hand. You always got to ensure that you have parked sufficient money for the smooth functioning of the company. Your employees should get their salaries on time and you should carry on with the same goodwill that you have earned over the years.

Before you go for the loan, do some research on the banks that offer business loans and at what rate of interest are they offering the money. They may have some other terms and conditions that one needs to know before they end up taking a loan from them. There may be certain hidden costs which they will come up once you have taken the loan. So try and read the reviews of their existing customers. If they are happy and content with the services of the bank and if they recommend others to go with it, you can take their advices seriously.