Category Archives: construction equipment

Tips for mixing lime in the soil with a caterpillar SS250 Mixer

Lime has been used widely as a key ingredient in construction for centuries. It has been used for many purposes like lime wash at building construction, site preparation, calcium silicate brick, insulation materials and many more. With fine design and good techniques of construction, lime can be mixed with soil chemically and make the unstable soil stable. For construction purposes lime is mixed with soil using a caterpillar mixer to different degrees to modify the soils. This kind of mixing along with proper design, testing and construction techniques gives the soil a stabilised form permanently.

Use of Caterpillar SS250 Mixer in Mixing Lime with Soil

The lime should be mixed with soil in a definite proportion so as to ensure its strength. That’s why the engineers have designed Caterpillar SS250 mixer to do this task perfectly. This mixer, at first blends the poorly graded soil into fine and tiny particles. Then it mixes hydrated lime or quick lime in accurate measurement with the soil that is already present in the mixer. By doing this, the mixer increases the capacity and friability of the soil. This kind of mixing lime with soil minimises shrinkage. It is generally done with cohesive soils which are wet. The wet soil is dried in the process. Caterpillar SS250 mixer can also mix lime and fly ash into the fine soil particles. But this mixture contains low strength as compared to the previous method. It contains duck feet. This mixer increases the compacted density and shear strength of impermeability of the mixture. Some of its other uses are cited below:

  • Improves workability
  • Increases the stiffness
  • Reduces plasticity
  • Enhances durability and potentiality.

How Caterpillar SS250 mixer works?

  • Drying:- It immediately hydrates the water present in the quicklime and gives out heat. This hydrated lime reacts with the particles of clay. These reactions add to the drying process. In return, it gains stability.
  • Modification:- After the initial mixing stage, the mixer enables the hydrated lime’s calcium ions to move to the clay particles’ surface to displace the water. This process helps in increasing the compactness. During this process, plasticity of the soil reaches its minimum and hence it minimises swelling and shrinking too.

Features of Caterpillar SS250Mixer

Mixing of lime with soil using a Caterpillar SS250 mixer has really some advantages. It has the following features which make it to stand out among other mixers used at construction sites:-

  • Auto-lube pulvimixer
  • Rear steer and down-cut mixer which can be changed quickly
  • Open operator station and soil rotor
  • 28L X 26 front tires
  • Water system
  • And lastly it has spade teeth.

To sum up, we can say that in mixing lime with soil, Caterpillar SS250 Mixer is economical and accessible in the long run. It can make heavy mixing work at construction site easier and smoother. Then, why wait? Just turn on steam and buy this wonderful mixer today to get your work done in seconds.


Prevent Accidents at Construction Sites with Heavy Equipment Back Up Alarm

If you are in the construction business, then you must be aware of the number of mishaps that occur regularly in the construction sites. As somebody involved with the whole business, you must be aware that working without heavy equipment is not really an option in the field. So, what can one do in order to reduce the number of accidents? Take safety measures, of course.

The Heavy Equipment Back Up Alarm

Working at construction sites almost always equals to working under hazardous conditions. One really cannot avoid being prone to accidents when they are involved in this particular field of work. It is in thinking along these lines and coming up with safety solutions that the people involved in the arena of construction have come up with certain solutions to reduce the number of accidents. And the back-up alarm system put to use in heavy construction equipment serves this function.

Dealing with heavy equipment without venturing into the danger zone is not really an easy feat. Operators or those in the vicinity of the heavy equipment are always vulnerable to hazards especially when it comes to backing up the heavy equipment. Anybody in the vicinity of the heavy equipment can meet with an accident if they are not careful enough. This is where the heavy equipment back up alarm comes in. Back up alarms have been found to save the day by emitting a high frequency sound that warns people in the vicinity of the heavy equipment when it is being backed up.

Things to Keep in Mind When Dealing With Heavy Equipment Back Up Alarms

Back up alarms can prove to be great when it comes to ensuring safety and preventing mishaps from occurring at construction sites. However, construction site supervisors need to keep certain aspects of the back-up alarm in mind when opting for the deal.

  • Back up alarms are meant for the safety of the on-site worker or people who might be in the danger of running over by the heavy equipment. In such a situation, it is important for the back-up alarm to be audible from a distance of at least 200 feet.
  • The other aspect that construction site supervisors and workers need to ensure when handling back up alarms is the proper functionality and bi-directional feature of the device.
  • Since, the noise emitted from the back up alarms has been found to be of significant discomfort for people living in the surrounding areas, a lot of companies have come up with certain alternative solutions, such as, self-adjusting alarm volumes that keep the noise in check.
  • Manufacturers have also come up with integrated back up alarm systems that are a mash up of lights, camera and radar system. Construction site supervisors can consider using some of these to enhance the productivity of the entire thing.

One might, therefore, conclude that among the many safety measures that have come up on the block, the back-up alarm system is definitely one of the best.

Get a brief idea on how to operate a track loader

The track loaders are the most useful equipment of construction companies. It helps the workers to work smoothly in the field. It actually uses in the construction sites for many different works. As the construction business is growing day by day, the demands of such equipment are also increased. So, many people have started their business in this field in order to get profit. Whoever is working on this ground requires using such heavy equipment. However, when you are going to use this machine, it is really important to know the process of operating it. If you can increase the undercarriage life and reduce the operating costs through this equipment then it is completely based on its operators. A well trained operator can fix any problem and handle the machine properly. It is the duty of an operator to control near about 60% of the operating cost of a track loader by his different operating techniques and different types of practices.

Therefore, at first you need to hire a trained operator who can control the every part of this machine and by giving a preventive operation, he can save the maintenance costs. A good and reliable operator know how to make big turns, familiar with the surface, control the slippage and regulate the load.

Some operators use track loader just as the skid steer. However, the processes of operating the skid steer and track loaders are not same. Usually in case of skid steer, the operators need to perform a number of counter rotate and spin the tires in order to fill the bucket. But compact track loaders have great traction therefore; it does not need any additional spin in order to fill the bucket. So, when you are going to use a track loader you should keep it in your mind.

When you are operating a track loader in the underfoot condition then you should consider certain things.  If you are going to counter rotate the compact track loader, and then many materials will submerged in the undercarriage. You should be always careful about it and operate the machine properly without causing any damage to it.

When you are going to control a track loader and operate it on the construction field then you have to use it smoothly. If you start to move it faster it can cause little damages and increase your maintenance costs. Therefore, you shouldn’t try to move the travel direction quickly by counter rotating. It can cause huge damages on the machine and its other components.

These are the basic steps that an operator needs to follow before operating track loaders if you can manage to learn these steps then you will surely be able to handle the machine properly. It is the best machine to use on the slopes. However, you should always be careful on the different parts of the machine and handle it carefully.

Being A Successful Heavy Equipment Salesman- Do You Have What It Takes To Be Out There?

Building a successful career in the present job scenario is not really an easy deal. Are you aiming to become a heavy equipment salesman? If yes, then read on to find out some of the features of a heavy equipment salesman that is sure to put you on the pinnacle of success.

Being a Heavy Equipment Salesman

The heavy construction equipment can be said to be one of the pillars of the construction arena. If or not a construction project will be completed successfully is largely determined by how well the construction equipment is functioning. And for this it is important to purchase the best heavy equipment on the block. And this is where the role of a heavy equipment salesman becomes prominent. It is a heavy equipment salesman who guides the customer to the best heavy equipment product on the block that will best cater to their requirement.

What Are The Factors That Characterises A Good Heavy Equipment Salesman?

So, you are heading towards becoming a heavy equipment salesman. Let us take a look at those features that will make you the best salesman on the block.

  • Ability to listen- A heavy equipment salesman has to be a good listener. He/ she should be able to lend an ear to the individual demands of the customer and guide them to the heavy equipment that will best fulfil their needs.
  • Have thorough knowledge- The heavy equipment salesman should also have enough knowledge about the heavy equipment put up on sale. It would not really do for them if they are not able to satisfy the queries of the customer.
  • Commendable Persuasion skills- A heavy equipment salesman should also be able to persuade his/ her customer in investing into the heavy equipment. They should be able to present the facts and figures in such a manner that will most certainly convince the customers in buying the product.
  • A good heavy equipment salesman also makes sure that he/ she is well aware of what the customer needs by pitching in relevant questions and working based on those answers.
  • Honesty- This is another quality that a good heavy equipment salesman should possess. They should be able to present things as they are without distorting the facts in any way. In the construction arena a lot depends on the smooth operation of the heavy equipment. And in such a scenario, it would not really do to have a salesman who misleads the customer.
  • A good heavy equipment salesman always puts the needs of the customer before anything else. And if satisfying that need means lower rates of commission on the sale of the product, then won’t be able to deter them in any way. Customer service is always their first call.
  • A heavy equipment salesman also needs to acknowledge the fact that the sealing of a deal doesn’t put a full stop on the entire affair. He/ she should always follow the deal with follow up calls to ensure that the heavy equipment is operating smooth enough.

Understanding the psychology of the customer is one of the characteristic features of every salesman. You need to understand what it is that your customer actually wants. And as a heavy equipment salesman this feature becomes all the more important in the light of the position held by the heavy equipment in the entire construction business.




Soil stabilizers can make the soil stronger and effective for construction purposes

Soil is one of main construction materials, without which, almost no construction work can be implemented. However, seasonal moisture makes the soil plagued and contaminated, causing cracks on the constructions. Therefore, to remove the moisture and to make the soil stronger, external stabilizers are incorporated within the soil through the heavy equipment namely soil stabilizers. For removing and replacing the poor quality soil with a very good quality soil, soil stabilizers are the only equipment that we need. It incorporates engineering properties into the soil.

What are the additives that a soil stabilizer incorporates into the soil?

Normally a soil stabilizer stabilizes the soil in two ways: 1) by adding mechanical additives, 2) by adding chemical additives. The mechanical stabilizers or additives are cement, bituminous and lime. On the other hand, Portland cement, Quicklime, Fly Ash, Calcium Chloride, Bitumen etc. are the chemical stabilizers or additives.

How does a soil stabilizer work?

The first thing before stabilizing the soil is to determine what are the properties that re missing in the soil that need to be incorporated. As soon as the engineers determine the additives or the stabilizing agents for the soil, the stabilizing technique is determined. If mechanical stabilizing method is chosen for the process, then all the additives will be mixed properly, as per their required proportion. The soil stabilizer spreads the additive mixture into the soil as soon as it is mixed; this is taken care of in the mechanical method as some of the additives that are used in this technique have a tendency to settle fast. If the additives are not mixed in proper proportions, then they will destroy the soil. Other than mixing, compaction equipment are also used for soil stabilizing, as it provides pressure from above and increases the density of the soil. Soil is also reinforced in the mechanical technique by adding gravels, sands and stones, boulders etc. to prevent the migration of the soil. In the chemical stabilizing method, the stability of the soil is increased by using Calcium Chloride; the soil’s resistance power is increased by the Bitumen and other products. Chemical soil stabilizers efficiently add these stabilizing agents to the soil.

Types of soil stabilizers:

  • Tractor-towed soil stabilizers:

This heavy equipment or soil stabilizer has a mixing and milling motor that is driven mechanically. The additives or binding agents for the soil stabilization are mixed in this motor and spread on the soil across the ground, along the full width of the machine.

  • Bigger Tractor-towed soil stabilizers:

This soil stabilizer can cut the ground with a 6 foot, 7 inch or even an 8 foot cutter that can cut 20 inch deep into the ground and put the additive mixture into the soil.

  • Very Large Soil stabilizers:

This soil stabilizer has the capability of controlling or rather preventing the formation of the dust clouds and thus the stabilizing agent or additives are saved from going out into the atmosphere.

Get the Important Marketing Tips on Heavy Equipment

Whenever you are going to start your construction business, you need to follow some rules. In order to make it big and establish a successful business you have to opt for marketing. Without a proper marketing procedure, you cannot reach to your customers. In case of heavy equipment, you have to go for this step. Whether you want to start business on heavy equipment or want to sell them you have to take help of marketing. It will help you a lot in your work and give you the best customers. So, marketing is not just for the big companies or consumer products. Small or medium companies can also try this amazing policy to get ahead in their career. Heavy equipment contractors can definitely take these marketing strategies to get the best position in the marketplace. It will help you to get more bids and you can increase your revenues and at the same time you will be able to enhance the reputation of your company. As the pressure of such businesses are very high in the market place, so, it can little difficult for you to run the business properly and stay update always. However, the good marketing strategies can help you to take your company to the next level.

Here are some marketing steps that help you to promote your business. Check it out-


Clear and best branding is very important to increase the reputation

Well, when you are the owner of your company then there are many things that you have to take care of. So, you cannot look in each aspect of your business. However, it is really important to promote your equipment and name it popular. Therefore, if you don’t have a particular logo for your company or products then you should definitely apply for the right logo. To give a professional outlook to your company you should create a good logo that can represent your company. A logo is very essential to run a successful business. Therefore, you should take it very seriously and make it as soon as you can.


Make good networks:

Well, there is a term like “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know”. In case of business marketing policy this is really true. Knowing the right people can be the first step to gain profit in your business. They can definitely provide many contacts that can help you to enhance your business. If you start to meet new people every day, then you will definitely get to know about some upcoming projects that are going to take place. You shouldn’t get hesitate to contact some people or improve your conversation with him. You can even get good customers to sell your heavy equipment.



Follow the local news:

Well, newspaper can give you the best information. Therefore, you should definitely follow the newspaper and get in touch with the local news. Then you can get to know about the current situation of the market of your area.

Get the detail of most useful heavy equipment for construction sites

Well, running a successful business is not an easy job. It needs experience, skill and patience. However, the most important thing that can help you to run your construction business is heavy equipment. Without the help of good and reliable heavy equipment it becomes very difficult to run a construction site. You need to purchase the most important heavy equipment such as bulldozer, excavator, wheel loader, backhoe loaders, skid steer loaders and many more. Such equipment help to maintain works properly. Workers cannot work in the construction sites without the best equipment. To dig the ground, shift extra material from one place to another they need to take help from heavy equipment.

Therefore, it is really important to know every heavy machine properly before purchasing it for works unless you know the details of such equipment you cannot work with them. Here is a list of some essential heavy equipment. Check it out-

Backhoe loaders:

It is almost same as the tractors. It contains a big shovel that is attached at the front of the machine. There is a small bucket strongly attached with the loader. You have to use this bucket for digging.  Usually workers consider it as medium sized equipment that is used for smaller works. It needs a very small space to perform the entire operation. It can easily move dirt and other additional material, dig fields and trenches; in fact, you can install smaller pipes under the ground with the help of this equipment. One of the best features of this machine is that it can be used in any places.


To run a construction business, you have to rely on bulldozers because it is the most useful and strongest equipment that is very important for the construction industry. You can move extra dirt and all the wasted material from one place to another with the help of a bulldozer. A big flat blade is attached with the front side of the machine. You can use the two hydraulic pistons to operate it. Actually these two pistons help the blade to move in right direction. A bulldozer helps to crush larger boulders easily.

Motor grader:

Motor grader is a type of heavy equipment that is used to grade smoothly and move small dirt. It is a very important machine that helps the workers to complete their works within time. It has a big and long blade which is attached with the machine perfectly so that it can meet every angle in order make a flat surface. Well, this equipment also has another blade which is located at the front axle. This part of the machine helps to perform underground mining. It actually uses to grade dirt properly or gravel roads. Thereby, motor grader is the most important equipment for the construction sites.

These are the most useful heavy equipment that are used in the construction sites. You should try to know about the different parts of this machine in order to work properly.

Know the main Advantages of EOBRs

If you are willing to start a construction company that bring success into your life then you always should be very careful on choosing the right path. There are a number of starts up companies who are dealing with this field. It is not an easy job to run a construction business. You need to take care of many things. Organizing the site, managing workers and track down the every single detail of your site is very important. You should know how to operate the heavy equipment. It is obvious that you need to work with the heavy equipment, so it is very essential to purchase the best heavy equipment. Now, many companies are taking the help of electronic onboard recorders (EOBRs) to maintain the safety and security. It is really difficult to use the electronic logs as the drivers and other workers know to work with paper logs. They cannot manage to work with this technology. Many workers feel that this technology is really different and need proper attention. Once you start to use this technology you will surely love it. It actually helps the drivers to save their time and makes the work easier. Here are some important reasons for why drivers love to use EOBR. Take a look-

It helps you to reduce your paper work as well as reporting time. With the help of this system, the drivers do not have to waste their valuable time by finishing the paper forms and counting the working hours. This fleet tracking system helps to gather the diagnostic information from the engine and help the workers in their job. Through this way of working, workers can smoothly record the each data of their Hours of service. You can completely rely on EOBR because it provides 100% error free and perfect data. So if you want the details of such data or information then you will easily get that from this device.

Most of the workers and businessmen want to stay compliant to their job. This is their biggest concern of a job that helps them to build the business properly. If you cannot meet the compliance then you may have to give penalties or fines which can ruin the image or reputation of your business. If something is going wrong in the site then this automated alarm makes you aware of it. Fleet managers also use this technology to get rid of their problems. It helps them to track a record on the drivers and workers of that site.

Through this EOBR system a person can easily be connected with his office. It is not safe to talk or share confidential things over phone.  So, you can use this system in your office to get detail information when you are not in office.

These are the very few things that you can get from this technology. So, you should definitely use it.

Sell Your Heavy Equipment Virtually- Get To Know Where

Are you a heavy equipment manufacturer out to sell your product but haven’t been able to get enough customers? Wondering about your next course of action? Well, how about considering trading heavy equipment online?

Selling Heavy Equipment Online- Considering the Pros

Advertising and trading of heavy construction equipment over the World Wide Web has a number of pros- both for the buyers as well as the sellers. Let us consider some of the pros that online auctioning has to offer.

  • A greater and wider exposure- that is one of the key of selling heavy equipment online.
  • The expenses that are incurred by the seller in the event of offline trading of heavy equipment are also lowered by a considerable extent.
  • As far as the buyers of the heavy equipment are concerned, they too, have the advantage of going through various makes and models presented by various construction manufacturers organisation before investing on particular equipment.

It would, therefore, not be wrong to calculate that the trading of heavy equipment has a lot of advantages. Not only does it save a hell lot of time and expenses, it also contributes in making the entire process much simpler.

The Platforms for Selling Heavy Equipment

Now that you have made up your mind to sell heavy equipment over the net, you will first want to advertise it and let potential customers know that you have put up heavy equipment up for sale. But before you do that it is important for you to learn where you can do this effectively?

  • The heavy equipment auctioning sites are one of the best places for advertising your heavy equipment and putting it up for sale. For one, the traffic that is directed to these sites mainly consists of people related to the construction arena. This means that you have a higher probability of selling your product.
  • The social networking sites are another area that you could consider for advertising your heavy equipment. For instance, let us consider Instagram. You could post a picture of the heavy equipment up for sale along with all relevant information. You can be absolutely sure of reaching out to potential customers and letting them know about your product.
  • You could also consider advertising your heavy equipment on YouTube. All you need to do is upload a well-made video of your heavy equipment enumerating its features and all relevant information. This is another sure shot way of letting people know that you have heavy equipment for sale.
  • You could also consider letting people know about your heavy equipment on the blogs related to heavy equipment. Post an appealing advertisement of your heavy equipment and be ready to receive offers for your equipment.

Letting the right kind of people know about your heavy equipment is of paramount importance. And selecting the appropriate platform for advertising is equally important in order to accomplish that successfully. So, opt for the advertising platform wisely and see the sales figure soaring.

Get the detail information on New Cat 311F RR Excavator and use it

Are you going to start your own business?  Well, it is a very good decision but you need to be very careful on choosing the right field. Construction business is the best business arena that can bring huge success for you within short time. Therefore, you should try to indulge in this business in order to get success and make money. Running a construction site is not an easy job, you need to be very careful and buy the perfect heavy equipments to maintain your work site. There are many heavy machines that help to continue your work in your site. Without the help of such heavy machines you cannot work properly in the construction site. Among the other popular machines excavator is the most popular one. It helps the workers to dig the field properly and enjoy the best services. The latest cat 311F RR excavator is the best machine that is powered by 70 net horsepower. It has 4B engine that provides great performance and is highly standard.


Features of the machine:

  • It is a very useful machine that has 5,400 pounds of counterweight. So it is a very strong and stable machine that can easily handle difficult heavy duty works.
  • It comes with a unique design that actually creates space for a full size cab. All these features help to improve its productivity and help the operator to work with it comfortably.
  • It is a fuel efficient machine that helps the workers to perform their work smoothly. It has a useful hydraulic system which actually helps to work properly.
  • This Cat 311F RR excavator has unique engine along with idle shutdown feature and different performance levels which are adjustable. With the help of these features the excavator work properly and give many advantages.
  • This cat 311F RR excavator is very environment friendly machine because it runs on biodiesel as well.
  • The small cab of this equipment offers easy controls, great visibility and large service doors.  So, it is safe and comfortable to work with this machine.

The all new cat 311f RR excavator has the best features that help it to work smoothly. Its innovative features ensure the stability of the heavy duty cab’s structure. Its undercarriage is made of high tensile steel elements which make sure that it can perform for many years and many applications. Its internal components are made flawlessly so it works properly. So, this equipment can be the most useful equipment for your site.


You should definitely purchase this machine to enjoy its smooth and perfect work. It helps you to perform your work easily.