Category Archives: heavy equipment

Heavy equipment used to a rapid transit system

For different kinds of construction projects, we require different types of heavy equipment. So if one has just started a construction company and is checking out for the machine he should possess to start working, quite frankly he will not find one. However, once he has been able to bag a project he can start looking for the heavy equipment using which he can start the work. One type of heavy equipment can’t be used for all kinds of work. For instance, you can’t use a loader to roll the roads. You need a roller for that purpose and if you try using other machines then you may not be able to do the work as precisely as you would have been able to by using the right sort of machine. A construction company owner should pick the machines on the basis of the kind of projects he generally wants to work.

There are some construction companies who specialize in constructing roads. So you will find all the necessary heavy equipment required for road construction at their disposal. In case if they do not have it with them they will manage to buy one or get it on rent. For companies who take the project of constructing a subway, they got to be really choosy with the kind of machines they are using. Ideally, most construction companies all around the world use Tunnel Boring Machine also known as (TBM) and other equipment that are primarily used to complement TBM’s during construction of Subways.

Tunnel Boring Machine is made of a rotating cutter-head that is located at the front of cylindrical steel shell this is pushed forward to excavate the ground. The steel shield is used to support the excavated earth until the lining of the final tunnel is constructed at the back of the shield. Hydraulic jacks are being used for propulsion that pushes against the vertical tunnel lining system. The material that the tunnel boring machine generates during this process is removed by a conveyor system and ferried away in trucks.

As the tunnel boring system gets ready to move to the next level, liners are placed behind the machine to form the tunnel. These liners are nothing but pre-case concrete tunnel segments and are carried in huge trucks to the construction site. Now while the tunnel boring machine is working all throughout the day, it causes little or no disruption to the surface above. So people walking on the surface of the road may not even know what is happening just right down under him. Once the job is done, the tunnel boring machine is broken down into parts so that it can be hauled to the next jobsite and can be restructured as per the design of the subway. So before the tunnel boring machine and the liners go to the next jobsite, the preliminary works are already done and the charge is given to the machine once it arrives at the site.

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Want to rent/buy heavy equipment. Avoid involving middlemen

Heavy equipment are highly expensive items and people who deal with buying, selling or renting heavy equipment usually earns good commission out of it. However, the person who has to pay commission may not find himself in a comfortable environment to pay money just to procure machines. The buyer in this case pays to two parties. First it is the seller and the next is the agent. So eventually, he ends up paying more for the same item and therefore he may not be so happy with the transaction. On the other hand, the seller also needs to pay his part of commission to the agent. This means that the agent gets a good deal of money from both the parties. His part of work was to understand the needs of the buyer and then search for a seller who is selling exactly what the buyer is looking for and ultimately introduce both the parties to each other. He needs to push the buyer a bit to buy the machine and if he gets convinced, the sale is done and he gets the commission.

The seller does not have much to lose here as he gets rid of the machine and does not mind paying someone who has helped him to get it sold. The problem is with the buyer who has to pay for the heavy equipment and also to the agent. Now by any way if he can manage to get the agent out and deal directly with the seller he does not have to pay any cut to anybody. So just pay the price of the machine and it belongs to you. The difficult part would be to locate the seller who will have exactly the stuff he needs.

Well there is a solution to this. We have many online portals that deal with buying, selling and renting of heavy equipment. So all you need to do is become a member of one such website and search for the heavy equipment that you require for your business. You will find almost everything under the sun. Right from scrapers to loaders and from CAT to Volvo, you will find a seller for all kinds of heavy equipment. The important part for you would be to join the portal that does not charge any fee from the buyer. The seller usually does not mind paying a small amount as fees to the online portal.

There are also some agents who work in the same manner as the online portals do. There is no harm in using the service of the agents as long as they do not bill you for earning commission. So you got to be pretty sure that they are not charging anything from the buyer and if they do, make it clear to them that you do not want their service as you do not want to pay commission to them. Try to avoid the involvement of middlemen ad it can save lot of your hard earned money.

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Equipment purchase advice

An advice received from a knowledgeable person boosts our confidence towards our commitment in accomplishing a task. We as humans are meant to take advices from people in things that we do not know and also at times we go for advices for things that we know. We just want to be double sure about what we are doing and therefore we want to hear the person out and whatever he speaks go in sync with what we have thought, then we go for it.

So advice is something that is not only taken by guys who do not know about a particular thing but also by folks who knows about their stuff but just want to get a sort of assurance to their thoughts. Advices become all the more important when it is asked at critical junctures like a team of junior doctors operating a patient and want to confirm things from their senior or when you are about to purchase a new apartment and need advice from your attorney and from other people who are associated with the sale of the property.

Advice coming from an expert makes a lot of sense at critical junctures and especially when it is related to construction business. You need all sorts of advices from various sections as nothing is less important in that form of a business. Advices pertaining to purchase of heavy equipment is of immense importance for any construction house no matter how big or small his business is. It becomes more important when the scale of your business is big and any incorrect decision can take a big toll on it. For big construction companies, a lot of planning is needed before they go for buying heavy equipment. Heavy equipment are basically bought on the basis of the current requirement and how it can be used for future projects. It makes no sense to use the machines for just one big project and then sell it off at a much lesser price.

Involving men and take their inputs:-

Involvement of men who can give inputs on the purchase of heavy equipment is crucial for taking decisions. You have to ask them to go through the entire project and check what kind of heavy equipment will be required and at what stages they will be needed. You may not buy everything at one stroke. Just when you see the requirement is felt, you can go for the purchase. Now selection of heavy equipment is imperative. Get all the minds rolling on the model, brand and type of heavy equipment required for the work? Their advices will be will really helpful for you to take the final call.

Brand new or used heavy equipment:-

We often see ourselves in a dilemma when we have to decide if we should go for brand new or used heavy equipment. Probably due to lack of experience or knowledge we are unable to make our mind on this and desperately need an expert advice. This is where you talk to someone who is a part of this industry for long and take this advice.

Purchasing heavy equipment can really become a pain and only an advice from a knowledgeable person can make you feel comfortable.

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Selling a backhoe loader

We live in a world where we have to multitask to keep things in place and also expect the same from others. Multitasking has now become the order of the day. We even need home appliances that can multitask. In an environment like this, it has become very important that we also deal with machines required in our work to perform multitasking activity. In the construction business, we have few heavy equipment that fit perfectly in the role of a multitask machine. Heavy equipment like excavator and backhoe loader are absolute multitasking machines as you can get to do more than one work at a time and also multiple kind of work in phases. This is perhaps the reason why a person never has problems to sell a backhoe loader. If he is trying to sell a second hand loader, then he needs to ensure that the machine is doing well and the dents in the body of the machine are well removed and also painted before it changes hands.

A backhoe loader is heavy equipment that has the ability to work in any treacherous work or weather condition. They normally do not give up easily and is worth every penny the owner puts into it. Other form of heavy equipment if put in tough working condition will soon generate complication and the need to call a mechanic to fix the machine arises. Having said that, one also needs to check the brand from where he is buying the equipment. If the machine is of a good brand then the chances of having a mechanic working on the machine diminishes. But as far as a backhoe loader is concerned, it normally does not give much complication and especially when it comes from a renowned brand, the frequency of it breaking down becomes all the more lesser.

A contractor can use a loader for 5 years and can still expect a good price for it. He only needs to know the various platforms where he can sell his machine. Other than that, people are always ready to pay the price of a worthy item.

Selling it through a dealer can be a safer way to sell the backhoe loader. Here the dealer will take the onus to take the machine from your place and ship it to the new owner. It also becomes his responsibility to find a buyer for you. It is just that you have to pay a cut to the dealer for the successful sale. The dealer on the other hand will also give you advices on what you can do to get a better price. For instance, he may ask you to paint the machine in case if it is looking a bit old or to change the faulty parts if any. So you will get some good help and also an opportunity to fix the machine before you sell it to the next person. Before you contact the dealer for the sale, it is crucial that you check his fees. It should not be exorbitantly high that you find to be cheated later.

Job opportunities for heavy equipment operator

Construction sector is quite a widely spread industry which has lot of requirement of human resources. Right from the laborers to heavy equipment operators, all play a crucial role in this segment of business. It is somewhat simple to get construction workers but getting experienced operators is way too difficult and is one of the biggest challenges with the major construction houses. They are unable to work in full strength due to shortage of heavy equipment operators which is why a good chunk of machines are lying idle at the jobsite. It is not that heavy equipment operators have paid meagerly which is why they are less in numbers. It is simply the scarcity and hence the demand is huge.

This is the situation in most of the cities in US and as a matter of fact, the operators also have good demand in the overseas market which actually lures them to go out for few years and come back earning decent money. The job opportunities for heavy equipment operator starts right from the day they graduate from their institution. There are interviews held at the campuses of different institutions and the young guns are picked up from there. Since they are without any experience, they are nurtured and molded into fine operators and are allowed to work on machine under the guidance of an experienced operator. The experienced guy monitors their work and gives his report to the higher management. This is probably how the newbie are rated and they perhaps receive their hike on the basis of this report.

Well, once they spend a couple of years operating different kinds of heavy equipment and have a hands-on knowledge, most of them begin switching companies. They move to the next construction company probably a bigger one with the hope of a better package and gain more experience. The brand of the construction company that they will be joining also matters as it will decide what they can expect from the new company. Once they are 5-8 years old in this line of business they have set up a position in the industry. It means that they will not be turned down by any construction company as long as their conduct is good and are not engaged into any sort of unethical activity.

Other than working for a construction company, they can also work on contracts which mean that they are not employed by the company. However, they are paid more than what an operator who is employed with the company earns. Well, people who work on contracts are ideally very experienced people to whom the company can’t afford to keep throughout. Therefore, these people are hired and once the work is done they are paid their dues and they move on to the next company. They may use their own machines or can operate the ones provided by the company. Some are also hired to just teach the newbie and monitor their performance. Give them the feedback and nurture them into competent operators.

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Buying equipment overseas and shipping it to North America

Just because the economy has opened up, it has led to doing business without much restriction all over the world. The world has shrunk to a larger extent when it comes to doing business internationally. This means a person located in Singapore can easily manage his daily business affairs that he has spread across several countries. Many small time businesses who were not able to grow in the domestic market suddenly became successful as they were allowed to trade overseas. The businesses that did not have many takers in the domestic market were able to benefit a lot once the overseas doors were open to them. Heavy equipment manufacturing companies that were founded in America have now spread their wings in many countries and are operating from there. So let’s say if you need a specific machine that is perhaps not manufactured in the US, it gets shipped from some other country and the order is met.

The reason why many heavy equipment companies have switched their manufacturing units from US to other countries is they get cheap labor and cheap facility as compared to US. Since they get everything so cheap and yet come out with supreme quality product is one of the prime reasons why they have moved their offices to other countries. It does not certainly means that they do not have any manufacturing units left in US. It is just that they are hedging their profits by having separate units all over the world. Other than that, they can also meet the demand of the construction industry of the country they are currently located in without having to spend more money in shipping the item from some other country. One more reason why it makes sense to produce heavy equipment in a country having cheap labor and ship it to US is the end product will cost far lesser than what it would have been if it was produced in the US.

Import and export restriction needs to be analyzed:-

Every country has some restrictions on the import and export of materials and so does US. All you need to do before you place an order outside US is contact the customs and inform them of the heavy equipment that you want to import. Check the restrictions that they have and what you can do to clear them by following the law of the land. The cleaning the quarantine department may pose some kind of problem to you as they will not want foreign germs and bacteria that is usually found in the soil and remains stuck to the tires of the machine. They might ask you to come along with certified heavy equipment cleaner who will clean the stuff and then you can take the machine.

Update yourself on taxes and duties:-

When you order heavy equipment from overseas, you are liable to pay certain tax and duties on the item. You need to update yourself on those duties. Get in touch with a professional customs dealer who will inform you about it and you can be prepared for your next move.

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Rent Heavy Equipment Texas

Experiencing monetary crunch – Don’t buy heavy equipment. Rent it

People who are from the construction business frequently experience the problem of unable to buy heavy equipment dues to shortage of finance. They may have got big projects to work but often find themselves short of heavy equipment and when they think of buying few machines they experiences huge shortage of finance. Heavy equipment are thousand dollar items and you will not get any at a dirt cheap rate as long as it is an outdated model and is being used by none. Those types of machines will be of no use to you. It is better that they are sold as scrap.

So what can you do when you are in the middle of signing few very important and life changing projects and at the back of your mind you know that you are highly short of heavy equipment and are in no position to buy new stuffs. Well, the better way to deal with this kind of a situation is to rent some machines for the time you think you will need them to complete the project. Though you have to spend some money each and every month as paying rent to its owner but still you will be able to get your work done. Later if you feel like you can buy one such equipment you can take the call but till the time you are having monetary issues, you should not be thinking about increasing them by intending to buy more machines.

One of the most appropriate ways to take heavy equipment on rent is to do it online. There you can find numerous machines posted by various owners; all wanting to either sell their machines or rent it out. Searching for heavy equipment online will give you good enough options. You also will be able to see the pictures of the machine, read the description and analyze if this is what you should be looking at. Few online portals also allow you to contact the owner of the machine so that you can speak to him and clear your doubts if you have any. You can also try to negotiate the price with the owner only if he is comfortable in doing so.

It is very important that you estimate the duration for which you need the heavy equipment. It is very much possible that you have to contact different owners and take machine on rent from them. You may not find one person renting all the different types of machines you need. Therefore knowing which equipment will be needed when is very crucial. It is also possible that one owner has lot of machines with him but has listed only a few. You can check with him if he has more stocks and if he wishes to rent them as well. You may get all the fruits in one basket.

Last but not the least; make proper rental agreement with all the terms and conditions stated explicitly in it. This will help you to safeguard your rights and you do not have to pay more for anything that’s not mentioned in the agreement.

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Top 5 motor graders on rent

Construction industry requires different types of heavy equipment. A motor grader is commonly used in construction industry and is referred to as road grader or a maintainer. It is a machine with a long blade used to create a flat surface during the grading process. It moves earth from one location to another and levels the soil by spreading it evenly. It is easy to operate in almost any terrain or weather condition. It can produce inclined surfaces for roads. Graders are the workhorses of construction industry, hence they are always needed on the worksite. Today they are highly in demand due to increase in construction activities. It is often observed that regular users buy them on rent or on lease, which is a cost-effective approach. Similarly, the first time users of this equipment try the rental option instead of purchasing new equipment.

Caterpillar, Komatsu, John Deere, Case, and Volvo, are the world’s topmost brands which manufacture different types of heavy equipment including motor graders. These brands are very popular and are trusted in construction industry. Thus, they are highly preferred for heavy construction activities due to the quality, durability and reliability. They sell or rent or lease their equipments. They provide new and used equipment on rental basis either directly or through their authorized dealerships.

The following are the reasons why topmost brands offer their equipment on rent.

  • Due to the increase in construction activities, there is huge demand for motor graders. Heavy equipment including graders are very expensive and it’s difficult for construction companies to purchase a new grader for multiple jobs on their work site. Further, there is an economic downfall, where a customer may not afford to buy brand new grader.
  • In case of short term projects, buying a new grader leads to waste of money since the grader is used for a particular duration after which it is not used.
  • When the current grader at a construction site is damaged and it needs to be repaired.
  • Due to the increased quantity of work on site, more number of graders are required.
  • The user wants to try a new model which is advanced technologically. However before purchasing a brand new one to be used for a long time and the option of buying on rent is helpful. The user also gets an idea of how the equipment performs and if it is suitable for his work.
  • Most buyers prefer for used graders which are rugged, reliable, easy to operate and maintain by local, low skilled crew, ready availability of spare parts and have high resale value. They do not want to work with grader equipped with highly sophisticated technologies and electronics in particular, since they lack operators with the required skill sets to operate and maintain the machine. Used equipment of Caterpillar and Komatsu are in demand.


Buying on rental basis becomes a feasible option, where one has to pay monthly rents the cost of which is affordable. In addition it has been observed that these both used and brand new equipment are maintained very well by the Rental service provider.

Machines that matter the most in the construction domain

Heavy equipments are considered as the most important element of the construction industry and each machine has its specific role to play. So whenever you go out to shop for heavy equipment, you must know which machine you need to buy. There are few heavy equipments that are mostly required irrespective of which sphere of the industry you are in. For instance, if you are into landscaping you may need a grader, an excavator and at times a dozer. However, if you are into building bridges, you may need more heavy equipments than for building a landscape.

So the genre of business you are in defines what kind of construction machines are needed by you. It is quite imperative for a construction business owner to understand the functions of heavy equipments in his business. He can’t go for every type of heavy equipment that is available under the sun. He needs to understand the role of the heavy equipments in his line of business and thereby make necessary purchases.

We will be discussing about some heavy equipment which are commonly used in almost every construction site.


Rollers are ideally used to construct roads but they are not restricted to just road construction. They are used for leveling the paths on the construction site as well. One can understand how difficult it is to walk on crooked paths and that too when you are working in a perilous ambience. You need to have proper ways that are properly leveled and also smooth enough to move without any hindrance. This will allow people to move with comfort causing almost 0 injuries while walking on the site. In this way rollers also provide good deal of safety to the workers.


Almost every construction site requires some amount of digging work and the most convenient and suitable construction machine that can be used for this purpose is an excavator. Its huge sharp claws can dig deep inside the ground and remove the mud out. You only need to change its attachment to make it multi-functional. This is perhaps the most sought after heavy equipment in the entire construction domain. You will hardly see any construction project without an excavator. Though there are now alternatives in place but the old players still want to work with this piece of metal.


Let us now talk about the unbreakable or the one that has the potential to break anything. Well, a dozer is heavy duty equipment that is known for its capability to mow down the toughest structure. While bringing down a building, a wrecking ball is attached to the front of it and then the ball is moved in full force and it bangs the object. Doing this continuously brings the structure down. This form of equipment is used during the initial stage where a permanent structure needs to be pulled down and will be replaced by something new.

These are perhaps few construction machines that matter the most in the construction domain and have also earned its reputation for the right reasons.

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Care for the safety of heavy equipment

We often consider safety as one of the most important factor irrespective of the nature of job that we are into. We do differentiate between jobs that are more risky and less risky but then at the same time we also take the riskiness seriously so that we do not harm ourselves. Similarly, we should also understand that the equipment that we use in our daily work also get exposed to certain risks and it is our duty to ensure that the equipment are safe and sound. Safety of equipment become more crucial when they are related to an important work assignment without which you will not be able to proceed with your work or when the equipment are too expensive that you can’t afford to go lousy on them. You have to take the extra care to ensure the safety of your expensive equipment.

When we talk about expensive equipment we certainly can’t miss talking about heavy equipment that plays such a crucial role in the construction sector. Heavy equipment are highly expensive machineries which cost thousands of dollars and at times it even goes in millions. Not many in the construction sector are ready to pay thousands and not take proper care of it. Therefore it becomes so important for the user to ensure that the machines are safe at all times and in order to maintain the required level of safety, the person in charge has to follow few safety parameters. These safety parameters need to be followed at all times.

Cleaning the heavy equipment:-

A construction jobsite is full of dirt and filth and heavy equipment are expected to work in this dirt. Other than that, at times the machines also have to work in treacherous conditions which make it more vulnerable to dirt. The dirt gets accumulated in the interiors of the machine and it gradually weakens the machine from the inside. The best way out is to clean the heavy equipment on timely basis. One can’t clean it every day but they should fix a couple of days in a week where they will spend good amount of time to clean the equipment. Now you can do this job yourself or take it to a workshop where the guy will spray water and get it cleaned. Doing it yourself will be appropriate than giving it to someone else.

Keep the equipment properly greased:-

Once you are done washing the machine, you also need to check if the machine is properly lubricated or has the grease being washed away with water. Grease does not ideally get washed away so easily but you got to maintain your checks and apply lubricants wherever you find it to be necessary.

Clean your engine by regularly changing the engine oil:-

The engine is considered to be the most vital organ of construction equipment. It is the engine that keeps your machine moving and therefore should be given due importance. Changing the engine oil at regular intervals is quite crucial as it keeps the overall health of the machine in order.

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