Category Archives: heavy equipment

Rain affects the construction project

Rains ideally brings cheers on our faces but when it comes to the construction industry it may not always be the same case. When the workers are laying the foundation of a building, rains can be a boon. The rain water supplements for the cost of water that is required to put on the foundation slab. A construction company can save a lot when it is in the foundation phase but when the building is been given a shape and it starts raining, the entire work comes to a standstill. The builders can incur huge loses if it continues to rain for days. There are lot of places in US where the rainfall in heavy and the construction sector in these places take a backseat in such weather conditions. Many construction companies do not want to take any projects during the beginning of the monsoon as they have experienced good deal of problems due to heavy rains.

It hugely impacts the digging operation:-

For construction houses who have taken a new project at the beginning of the monsoon face tremendous issues to dig the foundation. If they start the digging process and it rains heavily, the entire place gets filled with water and then they have to take extra pain to pump the water out. In order to pump the water out, they need specialized equipments that are capable in pumping the water. This ideally cost them a fortune and many construction companies do not want to get into the hassle of digging the construction site during the monsoon. They would rather wait for the weather to change and then begin the work.

Can’t complete the project in time:-

Rain can play a huge role in spoiling the goodwill you have maintained over the years of completing the project in time. If the weather is not good, you have no other option than to wait till it clears off. You just can’t take any kind of risk and begin working. If it starts raining, you are left with no other alternative than to stop the work. Therefore, it is imperative that you either take the job at the time that you feel is appropriate and you can kick start the work from the word “GO” or if you feel the monsoon is going to be a spoiler, then you better inform the people involved that there may be some delays before you hand over the work to them.

Problem in transporting materials to the construction site:-

Heavy rains can disgust you when you are in dire need of construction materials to be transported to the construction site. Due to water clogging, vehicles carrying the construction materials will get stuck and can only move once the water level recedes. If the materials are coming from a far-fetched place and it gets stuck due to water jam then you have to pay your workers for doing nothing.

Speeding up of work can lead to a decline in the quality of work:-

Since the rains have delayed your work and you are running behind schedule, you will be hurrying things. This may lead to compromising the quality of work. If the quality is compromised, there are higher chances that you may not get any business from the same person.

Small construction companies should deploy used heavy equipment

It is quite difficult to start up a new business and especially when someone tries to establish his business in the construction arena, it becomes all the more difficult for him. Firstly, there are many big players who have ruled the market for years and on top of that, there are many small companies who take the business that the big companies are not interested in. Now, when they see someone new coming in, they feel more uncomfortable and may try to put hurdles in your way. This is something that happens in every business but as far as the construction industry is concerned, this sort of stuff happens more often than ever. If someone is brave enough to take up this challenge, there is something harder waiting. They may have a hard time deciding if they should go for brand new heavy equipment or they should content themselves with used machines. Getting a brand new machine is no joke as it will cost thousands of dollars to buy one, may have to borrow the money.

This may really sound scary because if you lose paying up the due in time, they may impose a penalty on your loan amount which will make it a bigger sum. Just in case, you default in making payments too often, it will not only damage your credit score but you may also lose your hold over the equipment. In totality, you may have to completely shut down your business. Now, there is something simpler. Big construction companies do not tend use a machine for many years and they usually sell it off to small companies at a lower price. All you need to do is try to establish a contact with such big houses and try to buy the machine at dirt cheap price.

The above option may have some limitations. First, you have to buy anything that they are selling without even getting the time to inspect the machine. It means that you take whatever they give to you without having the power to even check if the machine is in order or not. Simultaneously, since there are many buyers like you interested to buy the item, you may know what you are buying only at the time when you are buying the equipment.  To avoid such a situation, there are platforms like online stores that sell used equipment. All you need to do is register yourself on their site and bid on the item. Try to place the highest bid and concurrently try to establish contact with the seller. Let the seller know that you want to inspect the item before you buy them. If the seller agrees to this, you can check the machine is in good order and strike the deal.

By having lower diesel prices, are you making a bigger profit in your construction business.

The rise or fall in the price of fuel does have a big impact in the profitability of a construction business. A construction company tends to make good profit when the price of the fuel is down and it has to shell more money on fuel when its prices are high. For the last many years, we have seen that the diesel price was on an increasing trend. It has only been in the last few months that the diesel price has started to fall and things seem to be a bit better for the industry. Other than this, heavy equipment manufacturing companies find it easy to sell machines that run on diesel. The logic to this is quite simple.

The machines that move on diesel involves less cost to production which means that they can sell them off at a lower price than machines that are more environment friendly. However, giving due consideration to the current environmental condition, they are also producing machines that runs on diesel but release less toxic. This may not be at par to any environmental friendly construction equipment but it also does its bit in bringing down the level of pollution.

Construction companies want diesel prices to be down:-

You make good money when the price of the commodity that is mainly required in manufacturing the end product goes down. This is quite evident t happen and does not require any big thinkers to research on it. It is exactly the same way you tend to make good profits when the price of the diesel goes down. Fuel is one of a commodity that is required a lot in a construction project. Your require diesel to run the heavy equipment.

These heavy equipment do not consume fuel like your car does. They simply eat up all the entire fuel that is there in the tank in few hours. If you keep the engine running throughout the day, you need to make sure that you have enough diesels for the machine. Now, you run many such machines in case you have a big project to work on. So all the equipment need diesel to function and if the price of the fuel is high, you are obviously shelling out a chunk of money just for paying the fuel price.

Now, let us imagine the price of diesel goes down. This means that you will be paying less and still be using the same quantity of fuel. This leaves you with surplus funds which can be utilized in taking care of other business expenses. You can even invest this money into buying much needed heavy equipment that are more technologically advanced and perhaps is just the need of the hour. So a fall in the price of diesel can win you so many things which are apparently not possible with the prices being high. It is therefore the wish of every construction company to see the price of diesel falling down which will in turn give them more gains than ever.

The Importance of Learning Safe Tractor Driving

Dealing with heavy equipment not only requires you to have a lot of skill and expertise but it is also very important that you know the safety measures. Apparently, operating a tractor is one of the easiest aspects of handling heavy equipment. However, the reality is far from true. The equipment may seem pretty straight and simple but things may go miserably wrong if the right steps are not taken. The damages caused by the wrong handling of the tractor may not be redeemable. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you know what precautions you should tackle in order to safely operate a tractor.

The following is a discussion of some of the most important tips that one must keep in mind for driving the tractor safely and effectively:

Wearing the right kind of clothes

When you have to drive a heavy vehicle such as a tractor it is important that you dress accordingly before you get to work. Wearing loosely fitted clothes is not advisable in this regard. Loose clothes can be very dangerous and it is a priority and a safety concern that you do not take this matter lightly. During the colder seasons, make sure you do not wear excessive clothing that is baggy. Wearing a scarf will of course keep you warm during the cold but it may kill you too. If you have to operate a tractor during the chilly days, wearing a good neck warmer can do the job. It is important that you wear clothes that do not have chance of getting caught with the tractor.

Keeping the speed in limit

As you know, when you are operating a tractor it is your work and it is definitely not some kind of a race. A tractor is a very heavy vehicle. Therefore, any sort of additional weight could make the vehicle very tough to stop. Most of the injuries pertaining to tractors are involved with rollovers. The risk of rollovers can be reduced to a great extent if the speed limit is checked and maintained according to the books.

Being cautious at the inclines

It is important that you try to avoid driving the tractor on the inclined plains as much as possible. It is very dangerous to drive it down or up steep slopes as the risk of a rollover increases manifold. Most of the tractors are not really suitable for such terrain. However, if you have to drive on such plains it is better to get your tractor designed specifically to drive through the sloping steeps.

Tractors are equipment that is very versatile and they are used extensively. However, it is important that you realize that like any other sort of equipment, tractors are not free from dangers. Therefore, if you have to learn how to drive a tractor in all sorts of conditions, it is important that you enroll yourself with a trainings school for professional handling of such equipment. One of the finest schools that you may consider in this regard is the Heavy Construction Academy.



Upgrading heavy equipment can boost the construction business

Human race has been benefited a lot with the advent of new technologies. We can’t imagine our lives without the presence of these technologies that we are using on a daily basis. It has not only affected our lives but has also played a significant role in giving our businesses a new dimension. A successful business largely depends upon the kind of technologies being used by the employees.

The introduction of technology has also changed the way the construction industry looked decades ago.  Earlier most of the heavy equipment were run on diesel and there were hardly hydraulics used. But now that is not the case. Construction companies are demanding machines that are environment friendly and also consume less fuel giving more productivity. The heavy equipment industry has also seen tremendous changes in the last few years. Every year we get to see an upgraded design of machine in the cover pages of construction equipment magazines. This clearly shows how much they are in demand in the construction business.

Old technology will not get the desired results in a short span:-

We live in a fast paced jet world where we want everything to happen just instantly. It is quite evident that we can’t expect things to happen instantly when it comes to construction but still people will expect the construction companies to finish up the work as soon as possible. With heavy equipment equipped with old technology, it will be almost impossible to get the desired results in a short span. Either you have to give time for the completion of work or you got to compromise on the quality of the building. However, if you are not ready with either of them, then you have to switch to equipment that have the latest technology gadgets fitted in it. It simple means that you have to upgrade your machines by installing the new gadgets.

Upgrading heavy equipment can get you more businesses:-

Guys who give you businesses also try to know the kind of equipment you would be using. They ideally do not pay much heed on the machines that you possess but they walk on strict deadlines and they want you to complete the work within the desired timeline. A delay of few days is acceptable but nothing more than that. So if you work on machines that take ages to complete a task, it will only tarnish the reputation that you have built. It will also affect your relationship with project giver and things may end up in a mess. However, if you have the upgraded machineries at your disposal, then you can always create a positive impression by completing the project in time or at times before time.

Chances of accidents go down:-

Upgrading the construction equipment can bring down the chances of accidents happening in the construction zone to a larger extent. As the old parts of the machine will be replaced by technologically advanced ones, the operator will find it very simple to maneuver the machine diminishing the chances of accidents. This will establish goodwill of yours in the construction industry and more and more people will recognize you for your work. This in turn increases the chances of getting more businesses.

How do you adjust brakes on a bulldozer?

Have you wondered what will happen when you bump off to something while your car is at a good speed and you are unable to apply brakes on it? Well, there will be a disaster. This small example can be given to make somebody realize the importance of brakes in a car. Similarly, when it comes to heavy equipment, you need to be extra careful with its brakes. Mind you, that when you are dealing with heavy equipment, you become accountable for any loss that happens if you are not able to operate the machine properly which also includes its brakes not functioning properly. At times, when you apply brakes you can get to hear a sound that appears like the brakes are not well lubricated. This is perhaps the first indication the machine is giving you to work on the maintenance of the machine. It is always advisable that you do not start opening the parts of the equipment as long as you are not an expert who know the in and out of the machine and can indeed work things out and repair the brakes. You should get help of a mechanic who can fix the problem for you.

Apparently, not many people go to the mechanic in the first place. They would like to experiment things on their own and when they realize that this is not their cup of tea that is when they turn up to a mechanic. By the time, they have caused enough harm to the machine.

For people who are used to working on a bulldozer can try the following steps to adjust brakes on it. However, it is still recommended that they get in touch with a mechanic to work things out.

Firstly, you should remove the steel floor plate. Once you have done that, you should be able to see the drive shaft area. You should then check how long it takes for the drive shaft to stop spinning after you are done with depressing the clutch firmly. If you find that the spin time is taking quite long, then you should make sure that you grip the brake band aggressively. However, a word of caution will be that you do not try to be very aggressive in tightening the brake band as there is a possibility that you may end up causing a brake drag on the disk and in this process may overheat and damage the lining of the brake.

You should ensure that the disk spins smoothly when you put off the engine and monitor the temperature of the disk after it has ran smoothly for some time. This is done to check if it is getting hot. If it is overheating then that suggests there is a problem. You can do the same process again and check if it is overheating. If it continues to overheat, then it is better that you take this up to a mechanic and let him fix the problem.


Acquire the Service of Ready-mix Concrete by Several Renting Ways

Construction companies are facing the problem of loan rejection by most of the banks and for that reason the budding construction organisations are in stress. To curb out the tension of the industry’s owners, the rental companies are proffering the service of heavy equipment on rental basis. Most of the contractors and the possessors of the construction firms opt for these rental companies because these firms did not ask for any financial documents. But it is essential for the trade owners to go through the leasing agreement carefully before confirming the deal. Ready-mix concrete is the most important heavy equipment in the construction industry. It can be rented from many of the authentic leasing concerns.

Application of Ready-mix Concrete

Ready-mix concrete is contrived in an industrial unit or in a concrete plant. It is a composite material that is created according to the requirements of the respective construction companies. Thereafter it is transported to the work site with the help of in-transit mixer. Some of its benefits in construction sites are as follows:

  • Ready mix concrete is often used in lieu of on-site concrete mixer because of the precision of mixture.
  • It can serve broad vicinity and can be normally placed in industrial zones.
  • In this ready-mix concrete, an enhanced quality of concrete is formed.
  • This concrete is used in attractive-stamped, uncovered and tinted aggregate.
  • It is also utilised in highway footpath for roads and flyovers.
  • This concrete is used in building tunnels, bridges and subways.
  • It helps in maintaining the decorative and architectural quality of the walls.
  • Sometimes these concretes are used in sheathing the optical fibre lines of electric, gas, water, TV cables etc.
  • Some of the concretes are available in lightweight that are especially used for ceiling and flooring purposes.

Types of Leasing Companies for Renting Ready-mix Concrete

  • Vendor leasing concerns provide heavy equipment in rental ground only by the vendor proprietors. Most of the time, the heavy equipment are outsourced by the vendor lessors. These companies charge a major amount for nonconformity returns and the returns are processed individually.
  • Independent leasing companies purchase heavy equipment from the reputed manufacturers by taking a loan from the bank and then provide the equipment in lease to the construction industry. The possession of the equipment is mostly attained by the independent leasing companies and banks are not responsible for bearing any storage or maintenance cost. These renting companies also proffer low-value equipment to the construction industries. Therefore sometimes, the contracts of these leasing companies are considered as of high risk to the clients.
  • There are many banks that provide construction heavy equipment on rental basis. Though banks charge a high interest rate but the capital cost claimed by the banks is comparatively low from other leasing companies.

It’s true that selection of correct renting company from the crowd is a frantic task but the apt selection of renting concern satisfies the construction companies by accomplishing their project successfully.

Caterpillar truck has been designed to cater to the new market

Wants and requirements of the customers keep on changing with increase in demand of new technologies. Construction companies are always in the hunt for something new that can make a difference to the way they do business. This definitely does not mean a change in the way of doing business but a sort of change in the technology that helps us to conduct business easily and with precision without compromising the quality of work and the end product. The heavy equipment manufacturing companies pay a lot of attention to the needs of the customer and hence produce machines that make work far simpler than could have ever imagined. One such company that has made a reputation in producing quality products after knowing what the customer wants next and has given the word innovation a new dimension is none other than Caterpillar. Caterpillar specializes in producing machines that no other company has even given a thought to. From bulldozer to excavator or backhoe loader to crawlers, they are simply the market leaders. Likewise, there is one such thing that most companies have not paid much attention and Caterpillar has made a mark in that as well. After keeping the needs of the customers (local as well as global) in mind, they have designed trucks that are worthy of carrying tons of material with low maintenance costs attached with it.

Caterpillar is proud to have manufactured CT681 heavy trucks. It looks very similar to the ordinary trucks but the moment you view the rear of the truck; you see the steer axle shod with very large tires. The axle’s center is said to be the shortest with just 28 inches at the back of the bumper. It is said to be the shortest in the business. By manufacturing this truck, Cat is targeting customers who are operators of dumpers and mixers. Cat is seeing them to be the primary customer as they are the ones who will be benefitted with this machine. If you are of the mind that it could be used only to set off dirt and dump, then you should read how well the truck can be used to remove the snow from the roads. You only have to attach a big plow blade to the truck and that should be all to clear off the snow from the road. Caterpillar for this reason is also targeting highway departments as they can be a major customer who will require such trucks. Caterpillar has not worked much on the looks of the truck and hence if you check, you may find it like any other ordinary truck. However, the feature that’s added onto it is just amazing. The engine is 12.4 liters and has a horsepower of 430 at 1700 rpm. This is an axle forward version unlike the ones made earlier which had it backwards. Cat executives say that they are taking time to learn things better and give the world class products.