Category Archives: heavy equipment

Why should one use Hard Hat at the construction site?

To take preventive measures against head injuries is a key factor in all safety programs. Certain occupations are susceptible to a more risky environment as compared to others. Being employed in a construction industry is one such job where the employees are compelled to take safety precautions. Even a single bruise sometimes handicapped the person for good or it can be lethal too.

Safety Hard Hats protects a person from diverse menaces. It is a kind of helmet used at the construction sites to protect the head mainly. Organizations which issue Hard Hats generally include their companies’ logos on the front portion of the hat.

Reasons of Using Hard Hat at the Construction Site

The rigid cover of the Hard Hat resists the blows. The system of suspension placed inside the hats work as a shock absorbent. Some of the hats are designed to function as an insulator against the electric shocks. It shields the face, scalp and neck of the employee spills, drips and splashes. Like welding helmets, Hard Hats are equipped with visors to protect the eyes. Mirrors are also fitted with the hats to increase the rear view of the field. A chinstrap is attached with the helmet to keep it from falling off when the wearer bends over. These hats also have a flashlight or headlamp to free the hands of the workers from holding a torch while at work. Most of the employees prefer the hats composed of brown glass as it has more balance, less weight and highly immune to stains and scrapes. The brown glass hard hats also do not let the rainwater to set drops on the hat’s edge. The small space between the head and the shell lessens the blow by at least 3 cms with the help of safety distance cushion when an object is falling vertically.

Service life span of Hard Hats

The most common misconception regarding Hard Hat is that it has a predetermined service period-but this is not true. According to the ANSI standards, all the ingredients of the Hat should be inspected daily to check the signs of cracks, dents, damages or any kind of penetration due to the everyday wear and tear. Hard Hats of MSA brand publish their own ‘Useful Service Life Guidelines’. These guidelines state the replacement of the Hard Hat after every 5 years and the suspension should be changed after 1year. The Hats which fail in the ocular inspection should be use only after rectifying the problem.

Plastic Hard Hats are sensitive to UV rays and hence can cause a problem. Problems caused by UV rays are easy to detect, as it will start to lose its glossy look. Further degradation causes the shell to flake away. Therefore, as soon as the UV damages are detected, the Hard Hat’s shell should be replaced.

Protection is the first concern of every person. So, don’t forget to put on a Hard Hat while working at the construction site.

Heavy Equipment Training Videos – A Superlative Audio-visual Teaching Aid

Do you want to become a heavy equipment operator? Are you looking for an institute which provides best heavy equipment training? Do you have any idea about the importance of audio-visuals in this type of training course? These are the basic questions that always arise in the mind whenever there is a discussion on the bulky paraphernalia training course. Here in the following article, the trainees will get to know the necessity of videos while taking class in the diesel mechanical colleges.

Hefty Equipment Coaching is incomplete without heavy equipment training videos. The videos prove to be the most beneficial learning manuals for the would-be heavy equipment operators. These audio-visuals assist the trainees to run the machine safely in future. It is known to all of us, that in any practical based subject, the students get more interest in practical classes rather on the theoretical lessons. Here the same thing happens with heavy equipment training program. There are loads of hefty mechanisms coaching centers that provide special heavy equipment training videos to their apprentices.

Content of the Heavy Equipment Training Videos

Heavy equipment functions are all about handy training and thus apart from doing it yourself, the next preeminent alternative is to observe how the operations have to be carried out. Here in the below mention points, the readers will come to know the information given in different sorts of heavy equipment audio-visuals:

  • The videos not only demonstrate the appropriate functions of heavy equipment but also educate the students about the procedures of maintaining and mending those mechanisms.
  • These bulky apparatus training audio-visuals include all sorts of heavy construction and mining mechanisms like excavator, bulldozer, loaders, shovels, heavy duty tippers, fork lift trucks, drilling machines, cranes, motor graders, asphalt pavers, road rollers, compactors, and skid steer loaders and pipe layers.

What do the pupils learn from these videos?

The heavy equipment training video is the paramount study material for the trainees because this encourages and enthusiasts them to run the machine confidently. After observing these heavy equipment videos, the prospective construction equipment operators have an excellent knowledge on many subject matters correlated with heavy equipment operations. Those related issues are as ensues:

  • Hydraulic and hydrostatic study guide
  • Loading haul units
  • Trench digging
  • Operator safety
  • Hydraulic symbols
  • Benching and sloping
  • Maintenance of the heavy equipment
  • Safety of the machinists

Benefits of Heavy Equipment Teaching Videos

  • The trainees can retain the content of the video for a long time in their memory.
  • The audio visuals facilitate the workers to understand the nuisance of the varied heavy equipment parts.
  • The machinist will get to know about the various security measures used for different heavy equipment.
  • These videos help the would-be bulky paraphernalia operators to face the questions of the interviewer confidently.

If a first-class job with lots of options is your ambition, then heavy equipment operation is one of the most appropriate ways to go. Heavy machineries are meant to do sombre task therefore the budding operators should acquire proper knowledge. So why waiting? Get admission in a heavy equipment training institution that offers the facility of heavy construction equipment videos to its learners?


Follow the tips before choosing the right equipment tracking system

To start a construction business or make a new path for your business, it is very important to organize it properly.  If you cannot maintain your business, then you will not get success in this field. It is really essential to purchase some good and reliable heavy equipment to maintain your business properly. There are a number of heavy machines that can help you to establish your business. To continue it properly, you should rely on such machines. Now, if you start to rent on equipment or operate it then you have to take several experienced workers who can control these machines. To manage everything properly in your site and operate them properly you should take help of equipment tracking system. This will help you to make your business more profitable and productive. However, there are different types of equipment tracking systems so you can choose the right system that is fit with your requirement.

Before choosing the best equipment tracking system to track down the detail information of your equipment you need to consider few things. It is your responsibility to select the best tracking system that has great features. Here are some tips that can help you to choose the perfect equipment tracking system for maintaining your business.

  • At first you need to find out the right provider who can definitely provide you the best equipment tracking system. There are a number of companies that provide different types of tracking systems. You need to find out the best one. You should check the background of the company and try to know which types of equipment tracking system they actually offer. If they can provide different types application then you can definitely try their service.
  • It is also important to check the features of the equipment properly before buying it. If the equipment tracking system doesn’t have reliable features then you will have to face many difficulties. So, it is always good to check the features. You should check whether they can provide good services or not. It is important to check whether they can work in rough situations or not. It is also important to know whether it can run for long time or not. When you are going to work with equipment then you should know the duration of its working.
  • Well, you also need to provide proper maintenance on your equipment. It is really essential to maintain your machines properly so that it can work well. Without proper maintenance you cannot work with it. So, it is your duty to look into the machine and take care of it properly.

These are the most important things that you should always take care of before choosing the right equipment. As it helps you to track down the records of your essential equipment so, you should be very careful and handle this machine properly.


How to move heavy equipment on a low boy trailer?

When you are done with your work in a construction site, the next thing that you do is move the machine to another site. You are always in the need of heavy equipment in all your sites as long as you have your projects running. Therefore, it is very important that you always keep the machines on move whenever they are done with one site or are sitting idle. At the same time, you also have to be ultra cautious when you are loading the machine in a trailer and moving it to a different place. So while loading the machine on the trailer, you need to check if the surface of the trailer is indeed low or else it may some cause damage to the equipment. In numerous occasions, while loading the equipment on the trailer, a side of the equipment gets dented by brushing across the edgy surface of the trailer. The problem is not that the machine was not lifted properly but the real issue is with the height of the trailer. The deck of the trailer needs to be extremely low so that while loading the machine, it does not come in contact with the deck of the trailer and thus avoid any sort of damage.

The lowboy trailer is one such trailer whose deck is not much up from the ground and allows carrying load up to 12 feet. Equipment this tall can’t be ferried on other trailers. Heavy equipment like bulldozers, excavators and other heavy duty equipment are hauled using a lowboy trailer. The first lowboy trailer was made somewhere around 1920s. It had a riveted gooseneck and the tires of the equipment were of solid rubber.

It is not advisable to load heavy equipment without the supervision of an expert. This will simply ruin the equipment and what you’ll get is just scrap. There are lot of accidents happened just because of improper loading of machines. For instance, if you are loading an excavator, then you have to first pull the excavator’s bucket and then lower it. If you fail to lower it down, you will only invite some very serious problem. It is recommended that you first put the boom facing the back of the trailer and the bucket of the excavator attached below the boom.

Other than that, it is equally important to chain the heavy equipment properly. If it is loosely chained, then there are high chances that it might just slip away on the road while the trailer is on the move. It may cause to very serious accidents. There are also chances of it hitting the vehicles coming from behind as they may not anticipate a disaster like this to happen.

Concurrently, check the weight of the machine before you load them on the trailer. If you overload the trailer with machines that it can take, then it will be a cause of worry. Avoid overloading the trailer and that will help in safeguarding the machine as well as increase the life of the trailer.

Starting a career as a heavy equipment operator

Construction industry is one of the booming industries with a lot of growth opportunities for people who are working in this industry. Right from mechanics to heavy equipment operators, all can expect a good share of fortune for themselves. Something that is more exciting is to work as heavy equipment operator. Here you do not have to be ultra-qualified like an engineer and still you can manage to earn decent figure at the end of every month. All you need to have is the skill to drive the machine well and also to keep yourself updated with the latest technologies that makes its avenue in the construction business.

We would be discussing few key points that is necessary to start a career as a heavy equipment operator.

Become an operator if you like that kind of job:-

The work of an operator is not glamorous and people after doing it for a while may feel like leaving it and doing something else. At times, people may give it up as they may find the work to be monotonous and want to do something different. A heavy equipment operator has to follow strenuous schedule which not everybody is able to cope up with. Therefore, one needs to be sure that they want to pursue this job for the next many years and are not going to give it up anytime sooner.

Join an institute that can impart the best of knowledge:-

Once you have decided to become an operator, the next thing you got to do is start hunting an institute that specializes and has goodwill in producing able and competent heavy equipment operators. You will get to learn many things about heavy equipment. A year of theoretical lessons and then you’ll be moved into practical. Passing the theory is very important as it will create the much needed base for you and only if your base in strong you are able to move to the next level.

Have a good mentor who can guide you throughout:-

It is very important to have a mentor who will not only teach you the technical part of the machines but will also guide you whenever you need his expert guidance. An institute of renowned nature will always have people who could be good mentors.

Spend time doing some research on internet:-

Whatever you learn from the institute may not be sufficient as they follow a particular curriculum. In order to learn more about things, the best way is to browse the internet and check for new terminologies. This will only sharpen your knowledge and will shape your future in the best possible way.

Discuss any new learning with your friend:-

If you have learnt something new, please share it with your classmates. Sharing will only help you know more about that particular thing. You may come across some guys who may know more about that stuff and can give you a piece of his mind. Sharing of knowledge will always help you to hone your skills and make you a better heavy equipment operator.

Advantages of construction equipment run cleaner

Removal of the salts, dirt, grease, and harmful chemicals from construction machinery plays pivotal role for the effective running of the construction heavy equipment. A large number of devices used to serve industrial exercises are exposed to high dirt levels and grease. Without proper cleaning of the equipment, it’s very difficult to enlarge the lifespan of the industrial machines, as its major parts will begin to disintegrate. If you do not immediately impact the machine, it will have adverse effect on the productivity because it will be unable to operate properly. To clean the construction equipment properly, you require the best quality cleaning tools.

Cleaning Tool

Power washer is a very effective tool to clear the heavy machines. The level of pressure of the power washer is as high as 3500psi. The water flowing through it with heavy pressure easily clears out all the dirt from the coarse surfaces of the equipment. These power washers with huge pressure are mainly designed for commercial use.

Cleaning Increases the Productivity and Mobility

Trailer-mounted machines of power wash are the best for the cleaning of heavy construction equipment. These tools have higher mobility and hence can be easily transported from one location to the other. If you don’t want to transport the machine during the work to faraway distances, still purchasing of the wheeled power wash machines are advisable to clean the large parts of the heavy equipment. It also has multi-gun operation which assists in increasing the productivity by engaging more than a single wash machine at the same time. Therefore by buying a multi gun power wash machine needed to clean the equipment as well as the surrounding field, you can specify one task for each individual even if you are carrying a single cleaning tool.

Flexible Machines

The high temperature generated by the power washers make it ideal for the job of heavy equipment cleaning. Moreover, the three setting modes of temperatures which are flexible used to operate the different cleaning tasks. Hence, the runner can easily adjust the temperature to hot, steam or cold depending on the dirt level and the surface type.

A wide variety of pressure washer systems are available in the market designed according to the power they used-electric pressure washer, gasoline-run gas pressure washer, and many more. Electric pressure washers are advantageous especially in doing indoor cleaning. The equipment, as its name suggests runs on electricity. It can be heated up using oil, diesel and kerosene.

The power which is used by the construction pressure washer comes from either from propane, butane or diesel. It is more efficient in outdoor cleansing tasks. If you are planning to buy industrial pressure washer, then the first thing you have to check is whether the size of the hose pipe fits your need or not.

Heavy construction equipment which gets rusted easily resulting in short lifespan requires regular cleaning especially. The usage of strong pressure washers in order to clean the heavy equipment keeps away the damage for a long period. You should always buy the cleaning tools from an authentic company.

John Deere has given more muscles to its excavator 300G LC

What the toughest of heavy equipment can’t do, can be easily done with the help of an excavator. This means that the excavator should be of good quality and should be in a position to resist all strain that it has to undergo during its lifespan. Companies like Caterpillar, John Deere, and Hitachi etc. are working to bring excavators with different features and add to the muscle power of the machine. They normally come up with features that are an improvement to the earlier feature. We can also call it an enhancement to the earlier feature. However, at times they also come up with something that is absolutely new and the same feature is either copied by other companies adding some additional value to it or they try to bring in something far more innovative to make their product look lucrative and more sellable in the market. Undoubtedly, advertisement also plays a pivotal role. Nevertheless, it’s the quality and features of the product that the buyers are more interested in.

What an excavator needs the most is the power to perform and this is exactly what John Deere has done to its latest model of excavators 300G LC. They have increased the horse power by 19 percent which is a phenomenal increase. It means a lot to the customer to have an excavator which has its strength increased by 19 percent. It really sets the machine apart from its competitors and now other companies are eying to increase the power in their machines. However, they have to also ensure that they do not compromise on the quality of the machine. The 300G LC is replacing its predecessor 290G LC. The new machine has the swing torque that can manage to jump 17 percent which was quite limited in the earlier version. It has also been gifted with larger hydraulic pumps that complement the machine with more power in excavating and lifting the dirt from the ground.

The machine has a larger hood that has been added to improve the access to the engine, maintain ground level fluid and finally with filter service. The filter service is used to simplify the pre checks. Just to avoid the technicians to do their laptop tests in the rain a nine pin diagnostic connector has been set up inside the cabin. All these features are being added to make the product more unique and of course a product that marketing guys may not find hard to put across to the clients. For people who want their machine wired with a grade control system, for them John Deere has installed factory sensor mounting brackets on the dogbone, boom, arm mainframe and counterweight of the machine. In order to check the oil flow, they have installed a programmable thumb attachment mode that will enable the gadget to check the oil flow in the monitor attached in the cab. The company has also followed all government forms and has designed a diesel particulate filter that has the potential to clean itself without putting any impact on the machine.

Decrease Expenses and make Profit by Leasing Excavators for Construction

Excavators are heavy equipment used for constructing, mining, digging and moving huge unmovable objects. They are big in size and difficult to operate .On the construction site different kinds of equipments are required like scrapers, excavators, wheel loaders, bulldozers etc. The Excavator is perhaps indispensible equipment for its wide variety of applications. It is used for both constructing and demolishing a building. Leasing excavators is becoming popular by the contractors. Before renting, here are some tips to follow:


With a range of excavators available for lease selecting the right equipment is vital. Depending on the size of the project undertaken you should lease the equipment. If the construction project is small select a less powerful excavator but if the project is a big and complex one then a heavy and powerful excavator is essential. It is important not be over budget so that you are able to meet other construction expenses. It is important to select a leasing company that suits your pocket and provide cost effective services. Prepare your budget according to your needs. Always remember that you have other expenses too like land digging, clearing the construction site etc. If you are selecting to hire a contractor, know the expenditures involved in it.

Goodwill of the company

There are plethoras of companies that offer excavators for lease. It will be shrewd that you always opt for a reputed leasing company with good feedback and encouraging reviews. You should ensure that you don’t land in any kind of problem which proves to be expensive later. Always do research online and make comparisons with other leasing or renting companies, Read reviews thoroughly that are available on sites. Also look for those renting companies online that offer good customer support for 24*7 such as quick responses to your queries, providing toll free phone numbers for conversations etc.

Excavator Rental or Leasing Costs:

Excavators can be rented for stipulated time. It can be availed on daily, weekly, and monthly basis. If the excavator is big and powerful it will cost you more money for leasing.

  • Every day charges of renting vary from $350 to $1,600 or more. Below that price you can access to a less powerful excavator.
  • Monthly rates begin at $3,000 and can go up to $15,000 or more. An excavator with middle dimension of 45,000 pound would cost $6,000 to $7,000 monthly for renting.
  • Excavator rented on weekly basis charges around $1,250 and can cost up to $5,000. For lesser price you can get a 17,000-pound small equipment.
  • Construction activities have undergone drastic changes in recent times. Today constructing a project takes four months to complete. This is due to availability of heavy construction equipments like Excavators, Tractors, Scrapers, and Loaders etc. for leasing. These days’ heavy construction equipment are technologically superior and upgraded requiring less time to complete a construction project. They are beneficial to a user since they consume less fuel and are versatile and efficient in carrying out all the activities of construction such as cleaning, grading and demolishing a site.

Importance of inspection report at online auction sites of heavy equipment

It’s the worst nightmare of a consumer of used construction equipment that he/she has bought only a lemon even after investing huge money on it. Unluckily, what one sees is not what one always gets. A buyer craves for mind’s peace when he goes on to operate his purchased machine hoping that it will function in the same way as it has been set off in the advertisement. But, this does not happen always.

Unlike in an offline auction, the purchasers in online auctions get sufficient opportunities to inspect and operate the equipment and study the results of fluid tests. These guaranteed inspections assure them with the good quality of the equipment.

Importance of developing inspection reports

An inspection track provides a strong proof of the fine working condition of the equipment mentioning that it has already gone through repeated testing. This report contains all the info that a buyer deserves to know like a detailed description of the conditions and features of the product. A professional and unbiased individual always creates a high-quality inspection write-up. The site owner before giving the ad should inspect carefully structural, cosmetics and mechanical aspects as well as the wheels and characteristics of the machine.

To minimize the price for the sake of the sellers, inspectors perform the inspection at the seller’s online site so as to free the owner from moving the equipment until a successful completion of the transaction with the purchaser.

Purchaser wants the report to work as their ears and eyes. Obviously, an honest inspector should implement a standardized procedure to judge the equipment to generate consistent and reliable results. Some auction online companies utilize latest technology to carry out the inspections to give out excellent quality images and a better content.

Things to be included in an inspection report

The report of inspection should be comprehensive in all matters, as the consumer cannot visit the on-site physically to know its actual condition. The inspection report should consist of the following things:

  • Detail analysis: – The report should comprise of diverse sections including line-product ratings. It should also have inspector’s comments to enunciate the working condition of the specific components and subsystems.
  • Verification of the machine: – The inspection report must confirm the machine’s make, serial number, age and model number.
  • Images: – The images of the equipment should display clearly the interior and exterior of the product. It should highlight the general look of the machine.
  • Laboratory results: – Fluid and oil analysis throw light on the internal state of the equipment. This record can provide essential information about coolant and oil conditions.

Selling and buying of heavy equipment is no longer limited to local shops, market, and machine manufacturing companies. Buyers can make a smart decision only if the inspection report is guaranteed by the listing site. The internet has allowed the sellers to culminate great interest among their targeted audience globally and drive the selling finally with a quality inspection report to a happy and satisfactory end.


Effective greasing of heavy equipment can elongate its life

We take a good deal of effort to ensure that our heavy equipment are in order and it does not break down when we need them the most. For instance, when we have an important project in hand and need the machine to work all throughout the day, we will just not want it to stop working for any stupid reason. But in case if it breaks down due to its parts being not sufficiently lubricated, it only shows how much we care for our equipment. It is therefore of utter importance that we apply appropriate greasing on the equipment at regular intervals. This will not only ensure that our machines are in order but also will save you from incurring any financial losses.

In order for the heavy equipment to work in proper condition, appropriate greasing is very essential. Over greasing can also become a big problem which can prove very costly to you. It can lead to several complications in the machines like collapsed seals, high operating temperatures etc. So, people who are of the thought that applying lot of grease can strengthen the life of the machine can fall completely flat on their faces when they will begin to experience these issues in their machines.

Before you apply grease on your machine, it is also important to understand that if the grease is the right one for your machine. Not all kind of grease on earth will suit your equipment and in order to know what will go better with your equipment, you need to check the user manual of the product. In case, you are unable to understand that, you can also go through few internet articles that speaks about the kind of greasing you need to do for your machine. Lastly, you may also get in touch with an expert mechanic who will guide you with the lubricant you can apply on the machine.

Grease is ideally a combination of 3 components; i.e. oil, thickener and additives. By mixing these 3 components, lubricants of different types are produced. The oil that is used in lubricants is ideally mineral oil and it has been seen that such greases have shown significant performances in keeping the machine well lubricated. However, in case of extreme temperatures, synthetic based oil is most effective. The oil is then mixed with a thickener which can be a metallic soap. This will turn the soap into a semi fluid structure. Concurrently, companies are also using complex thickener type greases as it can provide outstanding capability to pull huge loads.

The complex greases are made by merging the metallic soap with an organic acid that has a very low molecular weight. Just in case if the machine is working in high temperatures, then usage of grease without any soap thickeners can bring optimum results.

For users who do not know what kind of grease they need to apply on their machines, it is recommended that they take some help of experts who knows about the different types and quality of greases and then work it on their machine.