Category Archives: heavy equipment

Importance of Restoring Old Heavy Equipment

Restoration of both new and old heavy equipment is necessary, as it is cheap and controllable. The old heavy equipment’s life can be prolonged by proper restoration. The restoration activities are associated with maintaining a facility’s systems and carry the old heavy equipment in working position. In the industrial area, the cost of production along with the restoration of old equipment stands to 15-40%. Therefore, the big construction companies want to assimilate the old equipment restoration work into the corporate fabric to save both time as well as expenditures related with it by squeezing out maximum efficiency from the property of the company. You either can call a technician to restore the old machine or can do it yourself.

Restoration of old heavy equipment

A practical knowledge of the repairing procedures and welding is required to properly restoring the old equipment. Sometimes, you may have noticed that the old equipment suddenly stops while working or some harsh sounds are coming out of it. These are the indications which are telling you that the right time has come to restore the machine before it damages completely. Professionals who have got welding certification are capable to do the restoration effectively. Education and training on how to become a heavy equipment technician are time consuming. You can hire an individual who has the certificate of welding and has received CNC training to handle the computer work instead of seeking help from a repair company. Some restoration jobs are easy while others may be complicated demanding a clear understanding of how to handle the hydraulics.

Regular greasing the old equipment also enable it to perform smoothly. By regular greasing the old heavy equipment which is a very easy task, you can save at least USD $300 on technicians. Other restoration activities include routine changing of the oil, checking the coolants, inspecting the undercarriage and the hydraulics to find out the wear and tear caused on it due to overuse. As these works are technically challenging and you do not want to take a risk with it, it’s better to contact a technician. It’s quite common due to the heavy pressure of the work, you forget to do the restoration work after every certain interval. That’s why, you can keep a track keeping skills, strong scheduling, accountability system and an operational strategy which will help you to take care of all other works along with the restoration of old heavy equipment.

The restoration routine varies with each old machine. It is based on the latest service notices, service manual’s revisions, redesigning of the parts to be replaced and the coming out of the quirks in the old working machine. In order to find out the magnitude of damage caused in it, you can take a fluid sample and show it to your dealer to analyse its working condition.

If you are careful enough and paying great attention to all the minute details, then you won’t have to go through huge downtime and incredible expenditures required for maintenance of the old heavy equipment.

Simple steps to boost Construction Equipment Safety

In industrial automation maintaining the safety of the construction equipment is one of the most crucial factors. Safety is the integral part of machine functionality. Safety systems standards include stopping and stand still, speed of the machine and the direction in which the machine rotates.

Principles to be followed by machine manufacturers:-

  • Construction equipment should be constructed or designed in such a way so as to ensure minimum hazards.
  • Take necessary precautions against accidents that cannot be controlled.
  • Inform the users of the risk that can happen despite all possible precautions being taken.

Tips that are mentioned in the Machinery Directive for functional safety

  • Risk reduction through assessment:-It consists of two parts- Risk analysis and Risk reduction.
  • Determining functionality and safety performance steps to either wipe out the risk or to reduce it to a minimum level.
  • Implementing functional safety by designing the equipment safety system functions.
  • Verifying whether functional safety meet the demarcated requirements.
  • Validating functional safety to ensure the system function is successful in minimizing the risks.
  • Documenting functional safety through user documentation.


What are the simple steps to boost construction equipment safety?

  • Establishing systematic procedures for identification, assessment and cleaning the equipment after its use.
  • Clear the work area away of any debris, stone chips and trip hazards.
  • Before kick the equipment on, check for loose bolts, nuts and screws.
  • If the machine does not sound properly then switch off the machine and try to find out what is wrong with it.


  • Sometimes some dirt particles get inside the machine bearing of the equipment which is generally caused by use of compressed air to clean the machines.
  • Hiring and giving proper training to the technical team to control the storage of the hazardous substances.
  • Equipment idle reduction and control can minimize the amount of diesel used and thus can prolong the life of the equipment.


Some industrial companies make use of the custom software to ensure continuity in the implementation of the preventive maintenance procedures. The only administrative expense to detect the consistency in the maintenance program is the labor time to get a record of maintenance requirements.

An effective program to manage the safety of the construction equipment is very essential. To increase equipment efficiency and life of the engine, periodic replacement of fuel and water filter is necessary. One should replace the battery before it fails. Monitoring fuel consumption and oil consumption help to detect problems. Measuring the viscosity of the oil help to find out the chemical changes that the oil undergoes due to its thermal degradation. And finally the person should apply appropriate lubricant and regularly to boost the construction equipment safety.

Economic scenario affecting heavy equipment and construction industry

Every big and small industry is co-related to the economic situation in a country. If the economic situation in a country is favorable for the businesses to flourish, it gives a good time for the people of that country to earn good money. However, if the economic condition is in turmoil then every industry takes a beating. Moreover, if it is the construction industry, it perhaps takes the maximum beating and also industries associated with it. The current scenario is such that market pundits see a modest growth rate in the construction segment. Nothing major can be predicted for the time being. It is better than being slow. However, few heavy equipment manufacturing companies have a different perspective about the current economic scenario. They do not see the market to be modest and feel that it will take more time for the market to improve in order to become modest. This means that the situation is far from being called modest. This shows that there are mixed signals coming from all areas of the heavy equipment manufacturing segment. They are also worried about the overall global situation if not much worried about what is happening inside the country. They ideally look to export their products outside the country and if the overall economy is at its worse, then it becomes very difficult for them to sell their machines worldwide.

Caterpillar being one of the strongest companies in the US has estimated that its total sale in 2014 will be around 55 billion dollars which is somewhat similar to the sales in the previous year. This shows that the heavy equipment market worldwide is indeed appalling and will take time to recover. Industry experts believe that the situation in the year 2015 will be somewhat better but will not show any dramatic upward trend. This means that the industry has to struggle hard for few more years after which it can expect to see a rosy outlook. They see immense opportunities for investment in infrastructure sector in countries like United States, Turkey and India. In addition to this, they also want the government to implement growth oriented policies that could be beneficial to all.

One of the major reasons of slow economic recovery in the global arena is the political conflict and instability. Due to this instability, no proper decisions are getting implemented and investors cannot set up the trust that it has to in order to invest their money. Countries in Africa and in the Middle East are the worst affected countries and they have to do a lot to improve things. Europe may have a different story to tell but it may not be far different. They do not see things to be so negative. However, they also do not see any signs of rapid industrial growth happening anytime soon. A report from CECE reveals that heavy machinery sales in the first half of 2014 increased by 10.24% compared to the first half of 2013. However, the second half was disappointing.

Hire Skid-steer Loader for Appending Labor-saving Gears

Trade owners, general outworkers and project executives in the construction industry are well aware of the pricey heavy equipment. Therefore they always prefer to employ the heavy equipment on rental basis. Heavy equipment rental companies show all the important documents related to lease to the business possessors so that the deal should be agreed in proper legal manner. Skid-steer loader is engine-powered heavy equipment that is available with elevate arms. This apparatus is used to fasten the labour-saving tools. Some of the renowned manufacturers of this machine are Bobcat, Terex, and Caterpillar etc. It is sensible for the contractors to hire skid steer equipment of these branded companies.
Pertinence of Skid-steer Loader
Skid-steer loader is also recognised as skid loader or skid steer that is generally attainable in four-wheel vehicle. The wheels are automatically locked and have no independent routing device. The loader can move in different motions like slewing, dragging with the help of the paired wheels. Sometimes the loaders are equipped with tracks instead of wheels and at that time the vehicles are known as compact track loader. This loader has the capacity of performing like a backhoe, pallet fork, hydraulic breakers, and auger and so on. Some of its applications are as ensues:
• The skid-steer loaders can dig the hole from the inside the earth just like an excavator.
• It initially burrows the ramp leading to the circumference of the required quarry.
• Then the loader utilises the ramp to take out the material out from the crater.
• It also assists in remodelling the ramp to keep it powerful and longer as the mining process gets deeper.
• Skid loader is used for setting up the parks.
• It is also employed in cleaning stalls in a store.
Benefits of Renting Skid-steer Loader
• Heavy equipment rental firms proffer low-hour and trustworthy skid loaders to the construction companies that are sustained in authoritarian yardsticks. It’s a fact that the rental companies are providing the second-hand heavy equipment to the business owners but these are obtainable in good conditions.
• The heavy apparatus leasing firms cater to the modern technology equipment to the business owners. The construction contractors want to hire the upgraded version of skid-steer loader therefore these rental companies are successful in satisfying them.
• For renting the skid-steer loader, the business owners should go through the standards of Emissions Compliance (EPA). EPA granted machines can be used without any stress.
• Construction equipment rental companies help the contractors to accomplish their project proficiently. Upgraded skid loaders provided by the reputed rental companies assist the contractors to attach the toil-cutback tools flawlessly.
• The construction companies are not required to take the headache of maintenance cost when they hire skid-steer loader from the leasing firms. It is the duty of the hiring service providers to examine the condition of the machine periodically.
Some of the renowned rental companies that offer skid-steer loader are Caterpillar, Ahern Rentals, Power Equipment Company. Several types of skid steers are propounded with additional facilities to grab the attention of a large number of construction industry owners.

Prepare proper UCC Filings for Heavy Equipment and handle transactions smoothly

When you are going to run your own business then it is very important to arrange every essential thing that helps you to maintain your business properly. UCC filing is very important to for construction or heavy equipment business as it helps to maintain the commercial transaction properly.

UCC is the short form of Uniform Commercial Code. It represents the law of the state related to commercial transactions through general revision. Through this facility you can get to know the uniform and important rules of commercial transactions for modern business conditions and requirement. Actually the main purpose of this system is to clarify the law or the rules that are controlling the commercial transactions.  Therefore, you should always maintain UCC filling for your heavy equipment.

As you are going to run your own business thereby, it is very important to take care of your trade account and all other financial background. Business credit examines the companies properly and orders them to pay trade accounts within time. Along with this they also check the public records like liens, suits and other things to take care of the company’s credit rating. You also have to show the UCC filings of the company. There are many potential lenders who deal with equipment. They always research huge on the borrowing history of the company so it is very essential to make the proper UCC filing. It helps to decide the credit status of the company. Whether you are a startup company or an experienced platform you should always prepare the UCC filing for your company.

Well, UCC filing can help you to enjoy a smooth transaction. So you can make it at the starting of your business without waiting for the last minutes. Generally, people file a UCC when they involve in some commercial transaction that include a secured party and a debtor. It is a very essential part of a business. Therefore, people who are going to launch their new business or already invest huge amount of money in business should always file an UCC and enjoy the facilities. It is a very common interest especially for the secured party who can file a UCC financing statement in order to save their interest.

In case of construction business you need to purchase much heavy equipment because those are the most important part of the business. They help to run a construction business successfully. So, in such cases, you have to manage many commercial transactions. So, if you can manage to make the proper UCC filing then you can definitely able to handle such transactions very smoothly and easily. as you know that the heavy equipment are expensive so, it is not good to take any risk when you are dealing with such machines.


Best practice of lubrication procedure

As industries are growing at a rapid rate, plant managers need to develop their lubrication procedures. Best practices of lubrication procedure can boost up equipment reliability, reduce energy consumption and carbon-dioxide emissions and optimize maintenance. In order to increase productivity, top-notch lubrication methods, perfect staff training and high quality lubricants are essential.

Three stages of lubrication strategy

  • Boundary lubrication: – In boundary lubrication, an equipment faces the friction most as it was in its “start –up” phase. During start up, speed is relatively low and the load is high. The lubricant cushion is here only a thin film.
  • Mixed lubrication: – When the speed increases, the lubricant cushion builds and draw more lubricants in between the metals. Though the friction is reduced in mixed lubrication, but it can’t stop metal–to-metal friction at full.
  • Hydrodynamic lubrication: – Continuously increasing speed bring lubrication to its final stage known as “Hydrodynamic Lubrication”. Here friction is reduced to the minimum and the surfaces are properly coated with lubricant to avoid metal-to metal friction.

Tips to accomplish lubrication goals

  • Choosing the right tool for lubrication process is an important part. Pump and system maintenance experts gain an insight into the condition of the lubricant of the machinery with the help of ultrasound technology. Thus the team able to put right amount of lubricant at the correct time at correct place.
  • Identification is another step in which a labelling system is involved. It is used because in large plants various lubricants are applied. The labelling helps to avoid errors of mixing lubes (as lubricants are composed of chemical compositions and hence incompatible) especially in food industry.
  • One of the main reasons of equipment’s early failure is the oil contamination. So, in order to carry out the lubricant safely and clean, one should use fully sealed container and contamination – free containers which means containers that will not generate contaminants.
  • Dispensing equipment should be efficient and user friendly. The containers should be well identified to avoid any kind of mistakes.
  • It is advisable to colour code the grease guns to make sure right lube is used for right application.
  • Controlling the oil contamination in the equipment also plays a vital role. Online and offline filtering system help to clean the oil.
  • Before applying oil in the lubrication strategy, one should undergo a chemical analysis of the oil.
  • As lubricant has the power to pollute the environment, most maintenance strategies work hard to prevent such accidents.
  • The basic training of lubrication personnel should be encouraged to carry on an effective lubrication procedure.

The customers should make their lubrication strategy not under any pressure and their decision to buy lubricant should not falsely guide by the purchasing department. Most of the customers don’t realize that their equipment stop working not due to any mechanical failure, but due to lack of or improper lubrication procedure. There are OEMs which acts as a guideline to choose the right lubricant. Many customers report leakage as a problem. This leakage increases the consumption of lubricant by upto 25% which is not negligible. Some companies specially designed dyes to find out where such leakage is taking place which is really an effective tool to optimize lubrication strategy.



Renting a heavy equipment from the owner/rental house

There are many new construction companies who are struggling to keep their businesses afloat. Every other company is experiencing some or the other problem. Some are short of finances; some are simply not getting enough businesses to keep running their business and some don’t have enough money to buy the right set of heavy equipment. Well, many people fall in the third segment. They have to wind up their business due to scarcity of funds to buy required heavy equipment. The problem seems to be a big one with sort of no solution. However, there is one solution that can work thing out in a positive way for many new and not so financially strong construction companies. They can rent the heavy equipment that they need to complete the project.

There are few things that one might want to consider before they finally decide to rent the heavy equipment.

Kind of equipment they need for the project:-

Heavy equipment are of many types and can be used for multiple purposes. Hence, it is very important to identify the kind of heavy equipment that one may require for the project. One can’t just invest his money in renting the top notch equipment even though he/she does not see much use of them. He/she has to categorize the equipment on the basis of their outcome and simultaneously start hunting for equipment that meets his/her requirements and also fulfills the need of the project. Once the person knows the kind of equipment he/she needs, things will become easier for them. However, for people who don’t have much knowledge about heavy equipment should first hire someone who can give him clear guidance about the equipment and not land them into any mess.

Hunt for owners who want to rent their equipment:-

After identifying the heavy equipment, the next big thing will be to search the person who will be ready to rent the equipment at a price that would be amicable to both the parties. You can make use of internet where you will find such advertisements in bulk. You need to check the features of the equipment and check if this is what you require. Once you have zeroed on the item, you get in touch with the owner/rental house and set up a meeting.

Ensure you go along with a technician to inspect the equipment:-

You may be a good visionary and know what are needed to run a business. You may be a good strategist and a thinker who can make future plans for the growth of the company. But if you don’t know much about heavy equipment going without a sound technician can cost you dearly in the bargain. Therefore, it is imperative that you go along with a heavy equipment technician or a mechanic who knows in depth about the model you are going to inspect. They may charge a fee from you which will be very nominal. However, that will be very helpful to you in making the right choice for the benefit of the project.


Top ten models of bulldozer

Manufacturers of heavy constructional equipment, farm and mining bring out innovative models of the machines with prototyping tools of the manufacturing companies. As these tools develop a clear understanding of the total effective cost, risk management and maintenance requisites, one can go ahead with confidence. This advancement in designing the models of heavy machines especially bulldozers slash the construction time and hence, enhances the speed time of the product marketing.

Different designs of bulldozers have their own applications in their respective areas. The skilled engineers use CAD tools to increase the productivity which in turn will reduce the cost making it affordable to the users.

List of top models of bulldozers

Fiat Allis FD-50 Bulldozer: – It is outfitted with an engine of Cummins VT28-C. Due to some rationalism in its marketing, the manufacture of this type of bulldozer has come to an end. FD-50 had the highest power of 600 hp with carrying a total weight of 80 tons.

Promtractor CHETRA HEAVY 40Ya Bulldozer: – The model of the diesel engine which the bulldozer uses is YaMZ-E856. Its fuel tank has the capacity to hold 1200 litres. Its main technical data indicates that this kind is less efficient as compared to the above said model with the maximum power of 590 hp and working weight capacity of 68.5 tons.

KOMATSU D375A-6 Bulldozer: – This kind of bulldozers uses a dislocation of 23 litres of the engine of KOMATSU SAA6D170E-3. The bulldozer can run at the rate of 15.8km/h. It is efficient with 645 hp power and carrying limit of 72 tons at its best.

Promtractor T-50.01Bulldozer:- Russian product which came into existence in the late 1980s. The width of the track is 740mm with the installation of U-shaped blades. Its power of 751hp with loading capacity of 93.5 tons makes it stand out from other models of bulldozer.

Caterpillar D10T Bulldozer: – D10 in 1970s was the largest bulldozer types. The latest T – type models use the cylinder engine of D10T-12. Both its power and lifting retention is low i.e. 671hp and 66 tons respectively.

Ch TZ T-800 Bulldozer:- This bulldozer is equipped with the diesel engine of 6-turbocharged cylinder. It has two back and four forward gears, but this machine is not efficient to give out more than 8 units when carried out to work of mining and removal of the debris.

KOMATSU D475A-5SD Bulldozer: – The capacity of its fuel tank is 1670 litres. The technical info shows that the bulldozer has the maximum power of 913hp and working weight of 113 tons.

KOMATSU D575A-3SD Bulldozer: – It has total 6 gears-three reverse and three forward. The bulldozer can hold maximum 2100 l fuel. The length of its machine is 11.72metres.

ACCO Bulldozer:- ACCO, an Italian company manufactured the world’s best designed bulldozer model in 1983. Due to some technical fault, it can’t be operated. It never got any appropriate occasion to show its efficiency.

Caterpillar D11T CD Bulldozer:- This kind of bulldozer uses the displacement of 32L of the diesel engine of Cat C32 ACERT. It can carry upto 113 tons of weight utilizing its power of 950 hp.

To sum up, the rapid advancement in the field of technology has definitely boosted up the designs of the bulldozers giving it a completely different look and efficiency.




What are some heavy equipment safety warnings?

When dealing with heavy equipment all construction project owners need follow certain health and safety guidelines to ensure safety to their workers as well as other people around the site. Faulty heavy equipment need to be repaired or replaced immediately as they can lead to fatal disasters and cause loss of monetary funds and lives of employees around the construction sites. A large number of accidents are reported every year that happen due to negligence of workers or awry equipments and lack of maintenance of proper safety warnings around the area.

The basic procedure that needs to be fulfilled with production of safety warnings in all construction sites and to be circulated through all employees, subcontractors and applicants, is mentioned here. The objective of these warning signs is to ensure that all workers follow these safety precautions when at work with heavy machinery so as to minimize the possibility of disasters taking place.

To ensure proper protection in the working area all employees must be handed with a copy of these health and safety rules at the time of their employment. And it is important that all the workers sign and submit the acknowledgement forms after reviewing the safety rules and clarifying all pertinent questions in these matters. The safety and health guidelines also need to be occasionally reviewed and updated to ensure they are current and applicable.

Enforcement measures are also necessary and employees should be subjected to disciplinary actions in case found to be violating these rules. Employees shall be afforded educational counseling and/or informative training to assure they have a clear understanding of the breach consequences and the importance of proper conduct under organizational rules. Nonetheless, nothing in the guidelines of this safety agenda will prohibit the management from terminating an employee for a safety violation. This is not progressive disciplinary system and any safety violation may lead to an employee’s termination without prior order or warning.  Management reserves all right to impose whatever disciplinary action it deems to be appropriate:

The measures can be anyone or more of the following mentioned points depending on the severity of the violation done.

  1. Verbal warning with recorded documentation in the personnel file of the employee in question.
  2. Written warning with mentioning of the details of the violation and also documentation of the offence in the personnel file of the worker.
  3. Termination if the severity of the violations seems to be too great.

The management personnel and supervisors will be deemed to appropriate disciplinary actions, if needed under certain circumstances as mentioned below:

  • Failure to provide adequate training to prospective employees before assigning them to the job.
  • Consistent safety guidelines violation incidents done by the employees under their supervision.
  • Not reporting accidents successfully or failing to provide proper medical assistance to any injured employee at work.
  • If precise cleanliness and housekeeping standards not being maintained as required which can prove to be a safety hazard.
  • Not being able to control or prevent unsafe working practices or conditions under their supervision.


How training helps one to use heavy equipment?

To use a heavy equipment, the user should know what he is going to do with it. Heavy equipment does the task efficiently and quickly. Its use can be dangerous in novice’s hands. This is the reason which compels many youths to go for a proper training to ensure their safety while handling construction equipment. In most of the cases, training is needed to operate a specific machine, or at best approved by the workers.

For the job hunters, it’s a harsh fact that the industry of construction itself is damn sturdy. No one can deny the fact that it is the world’s one of the fastest growing industries. Those who can handle the constructional jobs with the use of heavy pieces of equipment are in much demand nowadays. They can easily get themselves employed in government sectors, private industries and even can set up a business of construction machines. A systematic training will definitely open the door to the youths with a wide-range of options and fat-salaried jobs.

This field provides great opportunities to all the potential workers. Those who have not yet made up his mind to settle down themselves to achieve their goals or switch to the choices which bring about a job that can lead them to a prosperous life always prefer to go in this realm.

The duration of training related with heavy equipment varies depending on the school which the person has picked up. A person can avoid all the accidents only if he knows exactly how to deal with these pieces of heavy equipment. As its operation is not just a child’s play, it’s always better to get the training at first.

Importance of heavy equipment training

If the reader is interested to know more about the importance of training, he/she should flip through the following article:

  • A construction site deals with different kinds of heavy equipment. During the training, the student will come to know every detail of the various machines involved in the job. He will also be able to applaud the signification of the different kinds of machines.
  • While going through a good training schedule, the student will get acquainted with the safety measures that are necessary to take when he will operate the machines himself. Even a plain forklift can cause hazardous accidents if not handled with care.
  • To get a good job in this domain, the person should develop his skill regarding the use of the equipment which is possible only with an effective training.
  • Training from an institution which is recognised nationally often provides the trainee with the assistance of job-placements which can be extended to some longer period even after graduation. That’s why, if the trainee needs a job in an entirely new location, the school will aid the person to find one.
  • Operation of heavy equipment provides a great path to drive along to those who want to show their skills in the construction field. All these machines have their own subtleties which should be mastered before considering it as safe in the handler’s couch.