Category Archives: heavy equipment

Heavy equipment with ALS ice bucket challenge is not a good mix

For those of you, who are still unaware of the ALS ice bucket challenge let us first know what ALS actually is?

ALS stands for Amyotrophic Lateral sclerosis. It is neurological degenerative disease that progresses gradually, affecting the nerve cells of the brain and the spinal cord. There are motor neurons that run from our brain to our spinal cord and from the spinal cord to the rest of our body, and they help us to be able to control various movements. When due to this disease the motor neurons die our brain’s ability to commence muscle control is lost. Due to the loss of voluntary muscle action progressively lost with time, most patients in the later stages of the disease get completely paralyzed.

The recently popularized activity that has gone viral over the internet with videos of various actors, sports person and other celebrities and prominent people doing the ALS ice bucket challenge, has seen much media attention and has now spread throughout the world.

The ice bucket challenge simply refers to the activity of dumping a bucketful of icy cold water on a person’s head to promote awareness for the aforementioned disease, and to encourage people to donate for its research and treatment. It reached peak popularity or went viral as is popularly said these days, over the internet through various social media such as YouTube, Facebook, twitter etc. during July to August of 2014.

Do heavy equipment and the ALS ice bucket challenge mix well?

As we have seen a number of videos throughout the web, the ice bucket challenge does not mix well when done with heavy equipment. As it is sites with extensive usage of heavy equipment demand full attention of the users as well as they have to take various safety measures that are stated by the OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) departments.

Various rumors have spread throughout the internet claiming that a teenager might have lost his life while attempting to do the ice bucket challenge accompanied by heavy machinery. While allegedly some of these videos have been proven to be faked as a practical joke by various twitter and other social media users, some of them stand to be true.

We can find a number of videos involving iced water put in cranes and diggers that are being used by various people to get extra attention to their ice bucket challenge videos. But as we can see later on in those videos that some of have failed horribly and can be seen to be heavily injured. Although not all of them have been proved to be true, it is a possibility that some of the disastrous events that take place in them might actually happen. All types of heavy equipment and construction machinery need to be treated with utmost carefulness and should not be used to pull out such videos.

Needless to say a huge heavy construction machine full of ice water dumped on a person could lead to hypothermia or shock after being exposed to such low temperature water. It was reported in July that a man in Germany was crushed under construction site heavy equipment leading to his untimely death and also led to injuries of others around him.

Thus, it is safe to conclude that heavy equipment should not be mixed with the ALS ice bucket challenge as it poses to a huge threat to the lives of the people doing so.




The Latest Excavators Of Asia Are Ruling The Construction World

After the manufacturing of the latest excavators in Asia and its landing in the global market, a friendly business deal has smacked between CNH industrial and Sumitomo Construction Machinery.

Korea was the first country to evolve Hyundai R430LC-9A, which is a European unit. It was an excavator of class crawler type whose weight is 43 tonnes. It perfectly bridged the wide gap in the gamut of Hyundai beginning from 38 tonne R380LC-9A to 48 tonne R480LC-9A.

A critical study on Asian Excavators

Finland was the country which purchased the first unit of excavator from Soumen Telakone and is now able to dig out the heavy rocks with ease, as the getaway force of the equipment is 20,411 kg. The Cummins QSL9-Tier4 Interim/Stage IIIB engine of R430LC-9A provides a measured power of 231kw to give out. To increase the speed of the engines, the power utilizes the fuel in Xtra-High Pressure Injection system to carry out a continuous gush of condensed fuel across every engine. The operator can pick up any of the three available working modes-S for Standard, P for Power and E for Economy. This selection of working mode is invariably dependent on the type of job to be accomplished. It is known as Computer Aided Power Optimization and this system was present in the previous models of 9A series.

The three recent models of excavators of the E-series of Liu Gong attract the attention of every heavy equipment user. The updated models of the excavators 922LC and 925LC are 922E and 925E respectively. Among these models, 930 is the brand new one which has just knocked the doors of the construction industries.

The functional weight of 922E excavator is approx.22 tonnes with a digging capability of 6595mm. The weight of 925E is 25.5 tonnes and can make an underground passage of 6925mm. The excavator 630E weighs 31.3 tonnes whose highest depth of digging is 7300mm.

Construction experts prefer 922E to 922LC because the former has 8% more fuel efficiency and can dig grounds at least 5% better than the later one. Liu Gong has designed these machines with six working modes namely Fine, Power, Lifting, Breaker, Attachment and Economy. These excavators also contain automatic fluctuation of two-way velocity which enables the operators to switch to fast mode in normal ground conditions and slow mode when the equipment is working on rocky surface.

The new excavators are installed with Yanmar engines along with integrated Flow Pump System. This integrated pump system makes use of the technology of triple-oil pump for constant travel, enhancing the performance of digging and loading. Apart from these, the other exciting characteristics are the inclusion of a perfectly designed dozer blade to minimize the over-spill while levelling and a sound balanced operation for digging along the wall boundaries and trenches.

No doubt, these excavators of latest design from the Asian countries are ruling the construction field making the work smoother and easier. But while choosing the excavator of your need demands for a complete understanding of all the job requirements which you are planning to carry on with these modern excavators.

Bridge Crane Operator – Know Job Duties and Errands

Due to the rapid development of the construction industry all over the world, it is obvious that a huge percentage of teenagers now prefer to pursue their career in construction companies. In today’s world, often you can see that the construction firms are recruiting a large number of crane operators for accomplishing their construction site projects.

Bridge crane operator is one of the common vacancies in the list of construction companies. A bridge crane operator is generally employed by the heavy equipment manufacturing companies and construction firms to carry bulky industrial apparatus from one place to another. To become a skilled bridge crane worker, it is significant to take practical training classes on the job construction sites. In heavy construction equipment industry, they are also recognized as overhead crane machinists. There are some states that claim NCCCO certificate from the job seekers during the recruitment procedure whereas there are some regions where the construction companies directly hire the deserving candidates without asking for the NCCCO certificate.

Responsibilities of Overhead Crane Operator

The main errand of a bridge crane operator is to control the bridge crane in proper manner and transfer weight paraphernalia and people from one place to another. You can see this type of crane particularly in the industrial areas like in loading ports, construction sites, and warehouse units and so on. Normally, the working hours of the bridge crane workers are eight hours but during the abnormal climatic condition, they have to work over time. In comparison to the old dated cranes, modern bridge cranes are available with the runaway attachment that helps the operator to convey the equipment safely. If you take admission in any heavy equipment training school, it will teach you the exact method of stacking, loading, unloading and moving the materials with the help of overhead crane. As a bridge crane operator, you should know the skill of weighing loads, observing the working condition of the bridge crane and controlling the cargo while moving it.

Usually, the work of the bridge crane operator is fixed in a particular place. They even have to work in an open area with a small cabin sized room from here they have to manage the over bulky load. Sometime even they have to run the crane in overcrowded spaces.

Training Require to Become an Overhead Crane Operator

If you want to pursue your career as a bridge crane operator, it is essential to complete the high school diploma course. In addition to this, if you want to get better jobs in crane operating field, it is advisable to do the apprenticeship courses from the Government registered institutes that are mostly offered by the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE). In US, most of the cities and states ask for the license from the candidates who are selected for the post of bridge crane operator. National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) provides certificate to the trainees who completed the bridge crane operation programme properly by passing the written, practical and physical exams.

As this web page, nears the bottom, surely you will get interest to become a bridge crane operator because it is one of the challenging tasks in the construction industry. But before you go for the interview, it is better to attain detailed information about the errands of the overhead crane machinists.


Heavy Equipment Maintenance- Corrective Vs Preventative

There can absolutely be no doubt about the fact that the heavy construction equipment forms an important part of the construction industry. It is on them that the successful and smooth completion of the construction deadline depends. It is, therefore, quite obvious that maintenance of these heavy equipment holds an important position in the entire business.

The Corrective and the Preventative Modes of Maintenance

The hectic schedule of the construction arena often leads the construction workers to overlook the maintenance factor. However, that is one important aspect of the arena that people simply cannot afford to overlook. The mode of maintenance of construction equipment can be basically grouped under two heads- the corrective maintenance mode and the preventative maintenance mode.

Deemed as being one of the most popular and common approaches towards the maintenance of heavy equipment, the corrective maintenance works towards the restoration of the equipment in its original operative condition by resolving the equipment failure. The preventative maintenance approach, on the other hand, focuses on preventing the heavy equipment from further breakdowns. This approach has been deemed to be the best way of going about heavy equipment maintenance by experts. By opting for regular investigations and thorough check up, you can ensure the long-term well being of your heavy equipment.

The Benefits of Preventative Maintenance Measures for Heavy Equipment

The preventative mode of maintenance has been deemed to be the best approach when it comes to the maintenance of heavy equipment. Not only does it detect the flaws in heavy equipment but also saves construction companies a lot of money that would have otherwise gone in the damage control operations of the heavy equipment. The entire preventative maintenance scheme has a number of advantages to speak of.

  • Not only does the preventative maintenance approach prove to be friendly economically, but it also adds to the value of the heavy construction equipment quite drastically.
  • Preventative mode of maintenance also serves to increase the heavy equipment uptime along with acting as an inhibitor in their breakdown.
  • The preventative measures along with adding life to the heavy construction equipment also enhances utilization on the part of the workers.
  • By opting for the preventative maintenance measures, you can ensure the safety and security of those workers who are directly involved with the operation of heavy equipment. And then there is the fact that this measure also contributes a great deal to the quality of the work.
  • And last but not the least; breakdown of heavy equipment and repairing it involves a lot of paperwork. By opting for the preventative measures of maintenance for your heavy equipment, you will be able to witness a significant reduction in the paperwork.

The smooth operation of a construction site is directly proportional to the smooth working of the heavy construction equipment. And going for preventive maintenance measures is definitely one of the best ways to ensure that you have an equipment that is in perfect working condition.


Sometimes, due to many reasons people cannot manage to purchase some necessary items. Well, to run a construction site properly is not a matter of joke. You need to buy suitable and essential machineries for your site. Such machines are highly expensive. Thereby, it just becomes a question that whether you can afford a big amount to buy such equipment or not. Most of the time, at the beginning, people cannot manage to pay such a big amount as they have to stick to the budget. At that time, it is good to go with the used things. It is not a bad idea to buy second hand equipment. You have to pay less and definitely get great usages from such equipment. In fact, you can manage to buy a lot of parts of machines within your fixed budget.

  • As people are continuously facing the global crisis, it has become impossible to spend too much money on some necessary items. In case of small business, they completely depend on their fixed budget. Hence, they have to buy used heavy equipment and serve their works through such machines. Used heavy equipment can provide you amazing services. In fact, there is another way out for you as well. You can rent the required equipment for your site for some days. Many big companies are also facing the crisis for last few years. To maintain their balance they rely on the renting service. It will help you to do your work within your budget.


  • Some land owners find it as the smartest way to save money. Well, it is actually true because you will get many used heavy equipment and also its different attachments such as backhoes, tractors and skid steer loaders within a very low price. If there is any damage in the equipment then you can repair it. However, it can work twenty four hours and give you the best service.



  • Well, you have to find out some places from where you can buy heavy machineries at cheap or reasonable price. You can search internet to find out the names of such companies. In fact you can ask some of your friends or relatives. They can definitely help you to get the detail information of such places. You can visit some local dealers; they can also guide you and give you an idea about such cases. Sometimes, some people call auction to sell their equipment. This is one of the best places to buy used equipment.


  • Well, it is also important to verify the machine properly that whether you can work with it or not. If it is not in good condition then you shouldn’t waste your money on it. Inspecting a machine properly is highly especially when you are going to buy it. You can definitely check its different parts to see whether it can perform well or not.

These are the few tips that you need to follow before buying heavy equipment at cheap price.

The New Case Construction S Series Multi Fit Coupler

If you are in the industry of construction, you are probably not unfamiliar with the name CASE Construction Equipment. They have developed some new designs that are slowly proving to be a ground breaking discovery in this industry. This introduction goes by the name CASE S Series Multi fit Coupler. The use of the coupler system enables the contractors to get the hydraulic excavators transformed into multi tool carriers. These carriers have the capability of executing several important tasks from the comfort of the cab. It is a genuine coupler with a twin locking system and it is completely automatic. The hydraulic coupler is very light and also much safer as compared other couplers that are found in the market.

One of the best aspects of the coupler is its design which is strong and light at the same time. Materials that are used in making the coupler of steel cast that are very strong. If you compare it to the other brand in the market, you will see that the coupler is lighter than the others by almost twenty percent. Therefore, you can expect improved performance of the machine as well as very easy maneuverability. The CASE S Series Multi fit Coupler has been designed in a manner that makes it highly versatile. You can work with it in face shovel as well as backhoe positions. The swing radius is also very large that enhances the power of lifting and digging.

Another good part is that not only is it sturdy and strong, it is also an equipment that is very safe to handle. You will be able to avoid the attachments to be released inadvertently as there are two mechanical locks that work independently in the system. In this way you can avoid severe damages or any sort of harm to the operators or environment. If you face a power loss or a hydraulic failure, the rear as well as the front attachments would be secured by the system. Therefore, extra precaution has been taken in the design of the equipment so that you can get additional operator safety. There is an Automatic Blocking System that has been uniquely patented. This helps the operator to visually conform that front and the rear end has been locked. The coupler cylinder also comes with check valves along with a solenoid valve so that retention of the pressure is possible in case there is a failure in the hydraulic hose.

If you are in the construction industry, it is highly recommended that you go for the newly developed CASE Construction S Series Multi fit Coupler. Some of the most excellent features of the equipment is that it is entirely automatic along with a quick hydraulic coupler that has a twin locking system. The steel cast tensile materials that are sued for making this equipment makes it very strong and durable. Although, the equipment is strong and hard, it is not heavy at all. Therefore, it is very easy to handle and quite safe for the operators.




Heavy construction equipment sales job needs

With the huge necessity of the heavy construction equipments in making a revolution on this earth, the sales industry for the heavy construction equipment has gone quite far. It has a very bright career with tremendous prospect. If you want to start your career in this industry, then this is the right time to do so as there has been a huge boom going on in the construction industry.

However, if you are a novice in this industry, then you must check with the demands of this job regarding the qualities. A salesman of the heavy construction equipment is quite different from any other field. It needs certain qualities that must be inherent and certain qualities that can be obtained only after a professional training in the heavy construction industry sales management course.

How can a course help you get a job?

There is no specific course that can provide you knowledge and a degree in the sales of the heavy construction equipment. However, in case you wish to have a successful career in this field, you have to have a professional degree in any of the business related fields. These can be any, management course that provides theoretical knowledge about how to improve the sales of a product. But, theoretical degrees are helpful only in the preliminary level, in order to reduce the competition of selection. But, the practical experience is much helpful in getting a sales job in this field. If you have had any sales related work experience in any small showrooms or dealers, then you can get a permanent job as a salesman in the prestigious heavy construction equipment manufacturing company.

What are the duties that a heavy construction equipment sales person has to perform?

It is the duty of the heavy construction equipment sales person to understand the product so that they can guide the buyers through the features and the qualities of the product. Understanding the needs of the buyer, whether they are in search for an agricultural equipment or heavy construction equipment, is the primary duty of the salesman. Not only this, but also making suggestions, providing them with all the varieties of options and that too as per the budget of the client are the duties of the salesman. The sales person may also perform the duty of receiving orders over the phone. Even the reports for any damage and the complaints must also be taken care of by the salesman of the heavy construction equipment.

If you can be a successful salesperson, then you can make a good fortune from this industry. It is a highly paid job when you can meet the needs of the clients and the customers. But, it is a job of high conviction and determination. Without dedicating yourself into the needs of this job, you will not be able to become a successful sales person in this industry.

Highway Construction and Maintenance to Reduce Accidents

We all know that road is a chief means of transport that helps in developing the nations in all aspects. Roads help the nations to unite with each other. Earlier, travelling from one nation to another by roadways is quite problematic for the people but as the world is developing technologically, different modernised equipments are discovered to make the roads smooth so that travel becomes easy. Highway construction is basically a part of the civil engineering course that comprises of planning, design, construction, operation and preservation of roads, flyovers, and subways to provide safe and time-saving travel to the people. The highway engineer planned and design highways keeping in the mind the augmenting problem of traffic. There are many methods in constructing highways.

Various Designs of Highway Construction

The location, configuration and the shape of the highways are decided in the designing phase by the engineers. The engineers design the highway after completing the phase of planning and development. The designs of the highways depend on three features that are human, vehicular and roadway. It is the duty of the highway engineers to design the road properly so that the number of the accident cases reduced a little bit. There are many designs involved in highway construction that are as follows:

  • Lane width
  • Alignment, super elevation and grades
  • Level of Service (LOS)
  • Design traffic volume
  • Design speed
  • Number of lanes
  • Sight distance
  • Cross section
  • Horizontal and vertical clearance

Other than these there is a kind of design that is known as flexible pavement design. This design comprises of three or four layers and the longevity of this type of designed highways is 15 to 20 years. The speciality of this design is that the pavement is made up of hot mix asphalt.  Rigid pavement design is another important genus of highway construction design. This design is chiefly employed in building airports and foremost highways. Portland Cement Concrete is the most common substance that is used in this design. The longevity of this sort of design is more than 30 years and is constructed in three layers.

Methods of highway construction

  • Subbase course construction is a technique of highway construction that is positioned between the subgrade and base course of the path. The width of the subbase usually comes in the range of 4 to 16 inches and it is planned to support the structure of the pavement. The different materials used in this method are gravel, crushed stone, fly ash, cement or lime.
  • Base course construction is another kind of highway construction mode that is placed directly under the surface course. The usual thickness of this base course varies from 4 to 6 inches. When the heavy loads are put on the surface of the pavement, this base course becomes powerful to handle that load. The materials utilised in base course construction are often applied with cement, calcium chloride, sodium chloride, fly ash or lime. This amalgamation helps the base course to carry the heavy load of the pavement properly.





How to fix a hydraulic leak on heavy equipment

Hydraulic is a technology that is widely used nowadays in most of the heavy construction equipments. This technology is very much helpful for running the functions of these equipments, because it is a fluid that moves within a confined section of the equipment and the high pressure created by this, moves the equipment in the desired direction. The hydraulic is mostly favoured by the users due to the tremendous amount of force that it generates, which helps those heavy construction equipment that needs force to perform. Nowadays, the equipments which are used at the construction sites; alone do not require this hydraulic system to be the working principle in the equipments, the small industries also make use of it to reduce the man power and costing that the hydraulic technology can offer.

What are the basic requirements for implanting a hydraulic technology into heavy construction equipment?

  • Hydraulic fluid or the hydraulic oil is the basic requirement for creating the hydraulic technology. It is this fluid that creates the pressure, which works as the main instrument of rotating or controlling the chamber.
  • A pump because without it the technology would not work to create the pressure.
  • The chamber to hold the hydraulic fluid. For that, a series valves and hoses are required.
  • A hydraulic motor and ram.

How does the hydraulic technology work?

The hydraulic pump draws and pumps in the hydraulic fluid, from the reservoir and sends it to the chamber where the valves and hoses work as the medium to create a high pressure through the pump. This high pressure then works as the main force of work for the rams and the motors. These rams and motors then move the equipment as per the directions of the user. The pressure that is created is very high, and equivalents almost 1000 PSI to 5000 PSI.

How to deal with the leakage?

Although you take ample care of your heavy construction equipment that is run by the hydraulic technology may face damage, especially leakage. This may occur due to a lack of force. If there is a hydraulic leak in the equipment, it is very difficult to deal with, because, hydraulic chambers and the entire system requires specific tools to check with the damage and the mechanics must also be quite trained.

  • Using a seal may be very helpful in case there is a hydraulic leak. Normally the seals are made of metal, but they can also be rubber rings with metal bands around it.
  • The area that has been damaged due to a low pressure, most of the time faces the damage. So, if you fix a stainless steel metal fitting, then it will create a high pressure and there will be no possible leakages further.
  • If the lines of the valves and hoses get thinned, due to constant movement of the fluid inside.  So replacing the lines will solve the problem.


Protect Your Head with the Heavy Equipment Hard Hat

Active involvement at the construction site is equivalent to danger. One cannot really avoid being a victim of mishaps when it is the construction site that is in question. Safety gear has therefore, acquired an important position in the entire business with the heavy equipment hard hat being an indispensible part of it.

Why Is It Important To Go For Heavy Equipment Hard Hats?

It is not really possible to be a part of the construction industry and be away from hazards. Unwanted mishaps can occur anytime, especially when you are actively involved in the onsite construction activities. And one of the most susceptible parts of your body that might be a cause for lasting damage is the head. Therefore, protecting the head before proceeding to deal with heavy equipment is the best option that you can come up with. Aiding heavy equipment operators in this direction is the heavy equipment hard hat. Heavy equipment hard hats may be made of durable materials such as metal, or they may also be made of fibreglass and rigid plastic. Certain hard hats are also designed to ensure the drainage of rainwater to the front, instead of it running down the back of the heavy equipment operator.

Heavy equipment hard hats come in a number of makes and models. Some of the hard hats on the block are fitted with goggles and hoods, while others are fitted with face shields meant for the protection of the face. In a survey conducted by the Bureau of Labour Statistics, it was observed that a large number of head injuries that occurred in the construction arena or when dealing with heavy equipment occurred as a result of not making use of the heavy equipment hard hat.

How Can The Heavy Equipment Hard Hat Prove To Be A Useful Safety Gear?

Safety has acquired a major concern in the arena of construction in the last decade owing to the growing number of accidents and mishaps. Keeping this aspect in mind, the construction industry has come up with a number of safety devices for preventing on site accidents. One of the safety devices that have become kind of indispensible is the heavy equipment hard hat.

  • The use of heavy equipment hard hats can prevent the head, shoulders, face and neck of the concerned worker from severe injuries from heavy falling objects, spills, drips and the like.
  • The hard hat also comes equipped with a rigid shell like structure that can prove to be elemental when protecting the head from fatal blows.
  • The heavy equipment hard hat also comes attached with a suspension like system that acts as the shock absorber if something heavy lands on the head of the worker.
  • Apart from the above-mentioned functions, the heavy equipment hard hat can also protect construction workers from potential electrical hazards, such as electrical shocks, acting as an insulator.

Complete elimination of accidents and mishaps from the construction arena is not really possible. But one could work out ways to minimise its number. The heavy equipment hard hat does contribute significantly in this minimisation.