Tag Archives: Construction Business

Growth of the construction industry is co-related to the economic prosperity of a country

The growth of any business is directly related to the amount of effort one puts in his business to make it big. However, it is also co-related to the economy of the country. If the economy is sluggish, you can’t really expect much from the business, no matter how hard you work to develop it. You have to wait for the economy to gather some speed so that things work for you and you start doing well. It has also been witnessed that the economy is doing great. However, it is just few specific industries that are not performing due to certain policies of the governing body. This also plays a vital role when it comes to the development of the business. If you are also a part of the industry that is affected by the policies of the governing body then it may cause harm to your business as well. You may suffer hardships till the time the policies are not amended for the betterment of the industry.

Things are quite similar when it comes down to the construction industry. This industry does really well and favors everybody who is associated with it when the policies are favoring it or when the economy in a whole is doing well. But when we check the flip side of the coin where the policies are against the construction industry or the economy is in a pathetic state, the same industry that was booming and was favoring a whole lot of people can turn upside down for everybody. This however does not imply that one should shut shops when the industry is not doing well. It is also not practically possible to close the construction business at the time when things are not going your way and to pick it up from where you left when things are back in shape.

The recommended option would be to go slow when the tide is against and ask the investors to hold on with their investments for some years (if you are associated with constructing condos). You can also take up small works/projects that come your way. When things are not working out for you, it is better that you stick to projects that do not have a good profit margin. That will at least help you to keep the company floating and you may not have to look for any cost cutting measures.

Just in case, you fall in the category where you are unable to get any business neither big nor small, it is prudent that you cut short on your costs by either renting your heavy equipment or if you feel necessary then selling the one off that you feel you may not need them any longer. If things does not become any better after taking these measures, then the last resort to keep your company floating would be to sack employees who are not so experienced but still have a good package. That will help a bit to cut down the cost and you can expect things to move on for few more months.


Create a descent looking website of your construction company

We often define ourselves through our personality, the way we carry ourselves, the way we communicate and how presentable we are in front of others. Well, it may not be so hard to have a good personality and be presentable to sell yourself to others but when it comes to selling your company to get good businesses from others; it is way too difficult job. If you are a guy who is not so technically savvy with computers and programming stuffs, you might need help from someone who knows about these stuffs and have experience in creating websites for other companies. You got to get hold of one such guy and create a website for your company.

When you are in the construction industry, you got to be far more presentable than your competitors. You need to have a website that is unparallel to the websites of all the other companies. Having said that, it does not imply that you should make the website way too appealing for others to lose interest from viewing your site. It is ideally recommended that you take some time out to check the websites designed by other big construction companies and try to keep things simple. People do not like to get into something that is complicated; so if you try to make your site look jazzy and highly upbeat, it may not go well with the viewers and you may have to end up changing the website again to make it look normal.

Try to put as much information as you can:-

A website of a company is like a guidebook that speaks everything about it. Hence, it is imperative that you put in as much information as you can in a systematic manner. Putting information in a haphazard manner can lead to confusion which will not be appreciated by the viewers. Try to keep it as simple as you can but as the same time it should be attractive and not look like you have copied some redundant website. You should mention about the different kinds of projects done by your company and also state the upcoming projects. Try to put some pictures of your work that will make the site look presentable and attractive and will also let the viewers know about your work.

Keep tabs to differentiate about your works:-

It is important to highlight the projects your company has completed for which if you need to put them into different tabs, you should do it. It is not advisable to put everything in one page. On the contrary, you should make use of tabs to differentiate your work and also put few words expressing your thoughts on the project. Try to write all positive as it can draw more customers towards you.

Hire good website designer for this work:-

Designing a website is not everybody’s cup of tea and it needs men who have undergone special training and have learnt to design websites. You should hire someone who has done work like these in the past. He can turn out to be a real job-getter for you.

Keep yourself ready for challenges in the construction sector

Generally, we are surrounded with different sorts of opportunities and challenges. To be specific, we can regard ever challenge as a form of an opportunity because the moment you take up the challenge in life and are able to surpass it that turns out to be an opportunity for you. It is equally important to understand if you should be able to accept the challenge or not. Know your strengths well before you take up any challenge because in case if you are not able to achieve it, it can even break you from within. It has been observed that people who are linked with the construction business suffer big time after having taken up a challenge that they were not suitable enough to fulfill. They realize this later but by that time things have already gone awry for them and they could not convert that challenge into an opportunity for them.

Keeping yourself ready for challenges is an art that one needs to learn and slowly master it. It can’t be taught nor can it be learned in a day. You first take time to understand what you are getting involved in and once you know that this risk is worth taking that you should go any further with it.

Keep your temptations at check:-

It is crucial that you do not fall for offers that are too good to get. You may even get offers that are huge and have many people involved in it. Huge offers are often tempting and it draws you more towards it but you should be wise enough to analyze your benefits and the cost you are paying to get that offer. Oh yes, there will be a cost attached to it. It will not come to you for free. Therefore, before you take up the offer, understand your risk that is involved in the trade and the possible threats attached with it. Since there will be more construction companies attached with the project, you need to understand the role of your company and the share you would be drawing. It should not happen that some other company puts the blame of their wrongdoings on your work. You also have to check how good your rapport with the other companies is. If you share an excellent relationship with them, then there is no problem with going for the deal but in case if you see people whom you do not like or who do not like you, it is better that you do not get yourself involved with it.

Always set up a back-up plan:-

A back-up plan is a much needed aspect when you are dealing with important projects that have severe financial implications on a company. In case if anything goes wrong with the preliminary plan, then the back-up plan can always be used to safeguard your interests and also ensure that the project is on line. You can encounter any form of challenge when you are dealing with an important project and being ready for it will only display your seriousness towards your work and your ambitions in life.

The zeal to achieve excellence can take a construction company to the next level

Many experts in the construction domain are of the opinion that starting up a construction company is relatively simpler than to continue it. You may not have to experience too much of difficulties when you begin a construction company but when you are on it, you will face several kinds of challenges coming from all corners and in order to tackle them you need the ability to stick tight with your business and take rational decisions knowing the situation you are in and last but not the least do not lose any hope. The moment you lose hope is you lose everything.

Other than that, one more important attribute is essential when you start a construction company and that is the zeal to achieve excellence. You should always keep the flame burning within you and if it is on you will take your business to the heights you have always wanted to. It may take some time but not eternity.

We will be discussing few very important aspects that is required to take the construction company to the next level.

Giving more importance to quality work:-

When you are new in the construction domain, the one thing that will bring you in the limelight is the kind of work you deliver to your clients. In the beginning, it will be very difficult to get clients and if you do not have clients, you do not have work to do. Striving hard to gain the trust of your client should be your first priority and once you have their trust, it is very important that you keep his trust intact by delivering quality work. Once the client sets his trust on you, he may pervade the message to few other people who might then look up to you to complete their projects.

Create a brand name and have right set of employees:-

Once you start getting known for your work, it slowly develops your image in front of your clients. In other words, you are becoming a brand from thereon. When you started up your business, people hardly know you but your good work has helped you set up a brand and now you are known in the construction industry. Since your business is growing, it is now crucial that you hire the right set of employees who are as dedicated to their work as you are. Also ensure that once you have the employees you were looking for, never let them leave your company out of dissatisfaction. Try to keep your employees happy and if they are content, it will be reflecting in their work.

Have the right set of heavy equipment:-

When you are in the construction domain, having the right set of heavy equipment can definitely make your career. For that, you need to have a basic understanding of heavy equipment and its utility. Pick the machines keeping in the mind the kind of projects you have in hand. They are pretty expensive machinery and buying anything that you do need can have an adverse impact on your business.

Give your employees the opportunity to grow

People ideally have the notion that construction sector is a highly rewarding sector and if they are able to perform in this industry, then they can really make it big. They see a lucrative career in this industry and hence try to stick with it even during turbulent times. Therefore it also becomes the responsibility of the employer to reward employees who have performed consistently for the last few years. They should be given with additional work and if they are able to perform well at all times then should rightly deserve a raise in their position.

Giving opportunity will help them learn new dimensions:-

Construction industry is a wide and dynamic sector and it may take ages for one to learn it in totality. Deserving employees should be given the opportunity to learn new things in this sphere. Before you give them the chance to learn anything new, check if they are interested in widening their horizon to learn more about this industry or they are happy doing the same work but just want to lead a team. The aspirations of your employees matters a lot when you want them to take up any additional responsibility. At the same time, you should also check what they are good in. Are they good leaders who have the potential to command respect or they are good in managing administrative work or simply desire to learn the next level. Whatever the case may be, you got to take the onus and understand what they want.

If needed, you arrange your human resource team to speak with outstanding employees and check their field of interest. The people from the human resource may be in a better position to understand their desires and accordingly you can chalk out something for them.

Provide them with options and let them pick up that suit them:-

It has been noticed that lot of times employees do not know what is the next level of work that they should be learning. After having worked in one kind of work, either they get bored of it or they become so used to it that they do not want to leave doing that. They like to stay in their comfort zone and doing anything else apart from that is a strict no. It is important that they become comfortable with their job but do not devote their entire life doing just that. You have to take them out of their comfort zone and hand over few other works. This process will help them to develop and learn more about the business. It is advisable that you give them options and guide them on what they should pursue. This will play a vital role in their overall growth in the construction industry. These men will then become valuable asset for you and there are chances that they will also remain loyal to the company.

Your employees are one of the most important resources of your company and taking initiative to help them grow will eventually help your company to grow.

Know the construction business well before you start one

Before you put your hand in any kind of business, it is first important to know a bit about the business. Not all businesses are the same and therefore you need to prepare yourself as per the needs and wants of the business. To become an expert in any trade is always a plus but there are few trades that expect you to be an expert. Anything short of that can put you in trouble once you have started your business. In order to overcome any business hurdles, it is necessary that you be ready with the insights of the trade so that when needed you can take the correct decisions and also do not make unwanted blunders.

Construction business in specific, you got to be very sharp while taking decisions. Any incorrect decision can prove to be very costly for your business with irreparable losses. Though the construction business can be very fruitful and also a very profitable business but it comes with a price and the price is if you take any incorrect decisions, it can ruin your business and can completely destroy your career in this industry. Therefore, it is advisable that you take some time out to first learn the tricks of this trade and then once you feel comfortable, you can begin your business.

Try to know how the business works:-

In order to run any form of business, you should first try to know how to run the business. For that try to work in a construction company for the first few years and learn every possible thing, right from getting clients, acquiring business from them, knowing the right amount of capital to be invested in the project, wages to be paid to different employees etc. This means that you have to work for few months in each department and try to learn things there. You may not know everything in detail but knowing a bit of everything will really help. You will get a fair idea about this business and can then give a thought to the fact that if this trade really your cup of tea or you should just restrict yourself in working with one such construction company and get fat package.

Pay good attention to the administrative and finance department:-

The administrative and the finance department of a construction company are like heart and lungs of a human body. They need to function thoroughly and any mistake on their behalf can really have a toll on the company. They both need to work in close sync with each other so that everything is in place and there are no chances of any fallbacks. You can get to learn a lot from these 2 departments on the entire working of a construction company. If you get the chance to be a part of the finance team, you will know the package that an operator as well as a laborer draws and working in the administrative department, you will learn how to take care of the various needs of the employees.

Learn every small thing that you can and only when you feel that you can start a venture of your own, give it a shot.

Keep a track on your finances while spearheading for any expansion plan

When you think of expanding your business, it means that you are having sufficient money to let you think about it. It would be absolutely naïve for someone to even think about expanding his business without having enough money in hand. The other option would be to take loan from financial institution. However that will cost you interest that you will be required to pay for the next many years. Taking loan can’t be termed as a bad option. It is just that one should go for this option only when it is really needed. As long as they can do with the money they have in their account as surplus, they should try to take care of any expansion plan with that.

We will be discussing few very important points that one should take into consideration before they decide to spearhead for any business expansion.

Multiple projects should be avoided without adequate resources:-

When we talk about expanding our business, we have to pay a lot of heed to the fact of having enough resources to take care of the extra project. You can’t sign up with a company and commit them of completing their project if you do not know whether you have adequate resources in hand. One of the major components that come under the word “Resources” is availability of finance to fund the project. You just do not want to start up with something and then get to know that you are unable to carry it along due to scarcity of funds. That will be a nightmare both for you and the one who gave you the business. That will also go against your goodwill and will deteriorate your relation with your client. You definitely do not want that to happen with you.

Knowing your finances helps you to take better decisions:-

You can take better decisions when you know how much money you have that you can utilize for your business. Remember, you also got to meet your financial responsibilities with your existing company like paying salary to your employees, taking care of operating and non-operating expenses and many other expenses that probably your accountant may keep an account of. It is better that you call up a meeting and take detailed report from all the departments. Understand the immediate financial requirement of any department and once you have taken suggestions from every corner, you decide what should be your next step.

Turn up to a financial institution if you really have to expand:-

At times you may get an offer than would be too lucrative and naturally very hard to resist. You will certainly not want someone else to bag it instead of you. In situations like these, you may turn up to a financial institution to avail loan from them. However, before you do so, have a small talk with your business advisors and check what they feel about the project. In case, if they all are positive about it, you may take a shot.

Construction industry is all about taking calculated risks and overcoming challenges

With rising fuel prices and several cracks in the economy, it is the construction business that is taking the major blow. It is becoming increasingly difficult for small construction companies to sustain in this kind of an economy. The conditions of the larger ones are no different. Before they can think of any expansion they got to think of cutting costs and cutting costs generally means laying off of people from the company. In such a situation, if someone tries to make his way in this form of a business, they are taking a big risk of their life.

Construction business can pay you real well but only when you find yourself suitably fitted in this business and with no unhealthy competitors around you. But the actual situation is largely different. There is a cut throat competition in this sector and every person wants to eat the big piece of the pie. Unhealthy competition can also largely impact the quality of your performance as you may be in a hurry to pick more projects and in this process will not pay enough attention to the existing work you got. Other than that, if you do not have sufficient funds to complete a job, you try to compromise on the quality of amenities you are installing for the project. Compromising on the quality of work can never be a solution to anything especially if you are doing this to maintain enough reserves to fund another project.

Calculate your risks and do not overburden yourself:-

Knowing your risk is very important in the construction sector. People have gone for a royal ride just because they took more risk than they can and lost almost everything. Before taking up a new work, few things need to be analyzed. Check how big is the project and if you find yourself to be incompetent for taking up any big projects for the time being, it is advisable that you stay out of it.

You need to know the kind of infrastructure and men needed to complete the work and if you do not have them, you are heading for trouble. Big projects are profitable but they also take time to complete. So you got to analyze if you have the capacity to stick around for that long and complete the work. If you find that you may not be able to finish the work in time due to lack of infrastructure or lack of sufficient funding, it is better that you opt out of it. It makes no sense to overburden yourself by taking up something that you find is too hard to chew.

Taking calculated risks can help you overcome new challenges:-

Calculating risk is all about how you analyze your strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities. After taking into consideration all of these factors, you understand your position and the fact if you can overcome a particular challenge. Do not take risks that can have hazardously negative impact on your business.


Learning the construction business is important before you hop in

When you are thinking of stepping into a dynamic business, you got to think twice before you do so. It is never easy to be stable in a dynamic business environment as you will keep getting new challenges every now and then and if you do not know how to deal with them, you got to end it there. Construction industry is one such dynamic industry that definitely has a lot to offer but at the same time, when it comes to taking things away, it becomes very harsh while it does that. There are numerous examples of individuals who have started their construction business but could not survive during the hard times. One needs to understand that this is a high competition business and in order to survive and move further in this business, one needs to learn the business well. Experience in running the business does matter a lot. You got to be with someone and understand how the business works. It is only after that that you can think of hopping in this industry.

Learning a bit about heavy equipment is a must:-

If you are in the construction business, it is important that you become friendly with the best friends of this industry. Heavy equipment are considered to be the best friend of the construction industry. You can’t operate a construction business without heavy equipment as you need them to complete your projects. Therefore, it is a must to learn a bit about the different types of construction machines available and used in this sector. Once you learn about the machine, you also need to know how often you need to service them and from where you can get the parts of the machine. Also knowing a good mechanic will always be helpful as you can turn to him for any sort of assistance to fix your machine.

Check the wages people are paid in this sector:-

Knowing the standard salary/wage rate that an employee gets in the construction company is also very crucial. The salary that you pay to an operator can’t be definitely paid to an engineer or an accountant or for that matter to a laborer. They are all paid different amounts as per the salary structure defined by the industry. Once you know that, you will also pay them accordingly. Not knowing that piece of information can lead underpaid operators and overpaid laborers. This will lead to major internal conflict within the company resulting in people leaving the company.

Experience matters a lot:-

In order to learn the business well, you should spend few years working in one such construction company. That will help you to understand how the business works, how to get clients and how to close the deal. A person who is a novice will not have a clue of how to grab a deal. Working in a construction company will help you learn lot than you can expect and then after having spent good number of years, you can think of beginning your own business.

Keeping your cards close to your heart is the thumb rule to success in the construction industry

Every businessman has some or the other secrets that is the reason of his success in any industry. Especially in the construction industry, people need to be very shrewd about what they are telling to others. In no way they can utter a single line of their success mantra and people who write books claiming that they have written all the secrets to become successful in life are not so true. They may just give a glimpse of the entire mantra and elaborate it extensively to make it look like they have written everything in the book. However, that’s not the fact. A businessman would always want to keep his cards close to his chest and would hardly or never reveal his business secrets to anybody.

We would be discussing why one should not speak more about his achievements and the way he managed to attain success in public especially when he is dealing with men in the construction industry.

Your business model is unique:-

We all follow very distinctive business model and if it works we start reaping fruits. We add few things from it and deduct any unwanted elements which ultimately make it a model that many would like to follow. But the sad part of the story is that you can’t allow your business model to go public. Construction business is a highly competitive business and everybody wants to grow as quickly as they can. In this situation, if you make your model public and easily accessible to the general public, then there will be no stopping for people who will use your model and claim it to be theirs. You have only unnecessarily grown problems for yourself. Therefore, just keep the stuff with you without letting others have the slightest hint on what model you follow and how you work that you make such good profits.

Integrity is key:-

Integrity is a big business requirement and it is hard to get people who know what integrity is all about. It is absolutely important to hire the right set of people who understand the importance of honesty and integrity. People of strong character and principles should be the one you want them to be a part of your company. Once you are sure that you have found the right set of people on whom you can trust, you can share your business model with them and can work on it to take your business to new heights.

Avoid being a part of excessive limelight:-

We all like to become famous. But becoming famous at what cost would be an interesting question. It is fine to know people in your business circles and is also great being known to them. Having good connections always help you in your business but coming into excessive limelight can become a problem. Unknowingly, you may give people the chance to take undue advantage. Too much of anything is not good and definitely for your business.