Tag Archives: Construction Equipment

Employ D6 Cable Dozer as a Weighty Farming Tractor

D6 bulldozer is a kind of pathway tractor that is manufactured by Caterpillar Inc Company. This dozer is usually available in the weight of 18 tons. It is furthermore utilised in military base camps in the model name of SNL G152 middling canker. This dozer falls under the class of heavy equipment. The readers of this article will get to know the applications of D6 cable bulldozers in agricultural and other sorts of fields. The farmers started using this mechanism in the year 1941. The blades and rear tools are attached to these D6 cable dozers.

Antiquity of D6 Cable Bulldozer

The first D6 cable dozer was operated in the year 1935 in the name of RD6. This conventional dozer was equipped with an engine of 3-cylinders. The first D6 model was invented by Caterpillar with the version of 4R and 5R chains. Some of the features of traditional D6 Bulldozers are as follows:

  • D6 8U and 9U bulldozers were available with 6-cylinders engines.
  • D6C was launched in the year 1963.
  • D6D with 140 hp motor was launched in 1977.
  • In the year 1986, D6H was invented with the drive sprocket system.
  • D6M is also a sort of cable bulldozer that is accessible with LPG adaptation.

Engine Feature of D6 Cable Dozer

  • The modern Caterpillar D6 cable dozer applied a 6-cylinders diesel motor with the rate of 1800 rpm.
  • The measurement of the engine disarticulation is 638 cubic inches.
  • The capacity of the fuel tank of this transformer is 65 gallons.
  • In this engine, the customers get the facility of conduction up to three expedited cogs and one overturn gear.
  • The height of the Caterpillar D6 cable bulldozer is 105 inches.
  • The length and breadth of this dozer are 184 and 96 inches respectively.
  • The weight of this heavy equipment is 33,000 lbs.
  • The frontage and back tires pathways are available in the size of 60-74 inches.

Indispensable Protection Guidelines for Bulldozer Operators

  • Only proficient, qualified and experienced employee should be permitted to control bulldozers.
  • The drivers should always wear the seat belts whenever they start the machine.
  • The machinist should start the engine of the dozer only when the path is clear.
  • The bulldozer drivers should know all the techniques of lock out, tag out and block out at the time of refurbishment of the machine.
  • The method of traffic control helps the dozer operators to run the equipment in public place.
  • The operators should use flaggers to manage the mechanism in a crowded area.
  • It is sensible for the workers to keep the bulldozers away from the transparency power rows.

D6 cable bulldozers are obtainable in the souk with various sorts of dozer blades. The short straight blades with no tangential bend can be applied for grading the soil in fine particles. The U-blades are big, arched and have the feature of great elevated wings that help to collect more amount of earthy material at a time.

Learn the six basic applications of bulldozers

Bulldozer is a heavy constructional equipment that is mainly used to build roads and glade the land. In the olden days, most of the bulldozers were in the form of tractors. The farmers used it to plow their field. But now, it has become more useful with many modifications such as rear ripper claw. At present, it has become an unavoidable part of the construction industry. Apart from that, it is also used extensively in mines and various projects of engineering.

Applications of a bulldozer

You can use a bulldozer for variety of purposes. Some of them are given below:

    • Building of the roads: – The first step to build a road is to remove the topsoil. It is very important because the topsoil contains large quantities of moisture and organic bits and pieces. This removal of the topsoil helps to increase the stability of the road. You can easily push aside the topsoil with the help of a bulldozer. It leaves an opening for the construction of the road. This opening can be filled with rock-strewn. Many people use the bulldozer to smooth the cram of the opening.
    • Demolishing old unnecessary structures: – Another important use of bulldozers is the act of destroying and demolishing old and unnecessary properties. You can knock down a building quickly using a large bulldozer. Bulldozers that are used for demolishing purposes comprise of a powerful cab to protect the user from any kind of injury. After knocking down a derelict property, you can use the bulldozer to mound the debris and polish up the whole area.
    • To move huge quantities of earth: – The bulldozers are extensively used for pushing away large quantities of soil and earth. It can set aside the piles of organic matter by making use of the blade. You don’t have to use any backhoe to uplift everything and keep it aside for later disposal. Sometimes it is attached with various kind of digging machines or backhoe. This backhoe is used to uplift any material from the excavation site which is later pushed away by the bulldozer to some distant places.
    • For construction purposes:- Bulldozers have many different purposes to serve in the process of construction. Most of the big projects of construction need widespread preliminary work of the site which the workers can smoothly do with the help of the bulldozers. It can easily strip off the vegetation for digging the pit.
    • For clearing enemy’s base: – The armies use bulldozers to clear the enemies’ bases and other infrastructures. They use armoured bulldozers which protect them from the attacks of enemies.
  • For deforestation:- The sharp blades of the bulldozers are used for cutting down large trees.


As it goes on tracks, it has great grip against the land. Bulldozers are used by the workers to carry out the work without any difficulty. If you too need a bulldozer for any kind of above mentioned work, then go and get it today.



Steps to bulldoze a farm using a bulldozer

Do you want to clear a farm? Don’t you know how to use a bulldozer for it? No worries. You only have to follow some simple tips to use a bulldozer for bulldozing a farm.

It is a well-known fact that farmland clearing is a very difficult and lengthy task. You can make this job easy and quick only when you have the right type of bulldozer with you. Due to the presence of curved blade in its front, it is known as bulldozer. If you don’t have the suitable equipment then you have to spend a lot of time in doing this laborious work. You can directly go and buy a bulldozer, or you can rent it from some genuine renting company. Using the bulldozer, you can easily steer away any kind of debris from the farm. Even an average-sized bulldozer can easily clean acreages of brush and rock-mottled farms in one day. But, sometimes it takes more than one day to do this. You can also hire contractors, but you should try to complete the job yourself. This will keep away excess expenses.

Steps to bulldoze a farm

  • Cut the trees: – Get rid of the trees by cutting them with the blade of the bulldozer. Big trees may need some more shoves for completely knocking them down.
  • Tie up the remaining trees with chains:– The stumps of remaining tree and huge boulders should be tied with a chain. Attach the other end of the chain to the backside of the bulldozer. Now, to uproot the big trees, start driving the bulldozer in the forward direction. If there is any unnecessary small structures of farm, then pull it down using the chain.
  • Force the debris into heap: – Now, it’s time to clean the debris. For this, you have to use the blade. Force the debris and other rocks into heap so that you can pick it up later for disposal. Segregate the heaps into controllable portion so that you can avoid doing any extra work during the process of disposal.
  • Level the dirt: – This is the most important step in bulldozing a farmland. To make the land suitable for farming, you have to blend the dirt with the help of the bulldozer blades. Try to maintain very minimum distance between the blade and the ground surface.
  • Fix a rake: – Rake in bulldozers lends a hand to clear the remaining debris. The rake should be fixed to the bottom end of the blade of the bulldozer.


Scientists have designed the latest bulldozers which are good looking and can perform any kind of heavy task with ease. The modern bulldozers are provided with electronic goods. With the invention of the bulldozers, bulldozing farmland has become a child’s play. But, you should remain very careful while using it. Any negligence regarding it can cause havoc adversities. So, before using it, you should take the advice of the professionals.

Learn More about Your Heavy Equipment- Getting To Know About the Sources

Those involved in the construction arena are going to appreciate the important position the knowledge of heavy equipment has. It is a widely accepted fact that the heavy equipment is a key ingredient of running a successful construction business. In order to keep the success quotient of your construction organisation at a consistent level, it is important that you pay attention to the latest developments and trends of the construction industry, especially the heavy equipment.

Sources of Information- Getting To Know More about Heavy Equipment

Continuing with the study of latest developments with respect to heavy equipment in the construction arena is important. But the question that one might face on this score is where exactly does one look for information?

  • Blogs– Construction blogs are one of the best ways of staying updated the latest developments and trends of the construction industry. All you need to do is follow a blog that provides verified and analysed data to its readers and you can get to know all that is there about heavy equipment.
  • Social Networking Media– The tech savvy global population today stays connected via the social networking sites. These social networking sites can prove to be a veritable trove of information. Pages dedicated to the construction industry provide its followers with updates of all the recent developments with respect to heavy equipment that are likely to affect the construction arena.
  • Online Construction Journals– You could also consider following reliable online construction journals. These journals provide detailed information on not only the developments that have taken place, but also informs professionals about the researches going on with respect to heavy equipment and the effect the success of these might have on the industry.
  • Construction Forums– The World Wide Web is filled with all kinds of forums dedicated to distinct fields. You could look for those forums dedicated to the construction industry to gather knowledge about the recent developments with respect to heavy equipment. These forums also come equipped with interactive features, allowing users to interact with other professional of the same field. These forums will let you share and nourish ideas which can then be applied for development of your business.
  • Seminars and Conferences– You could also consider attending seminars and conferences. Not only will these let you know about the latest heavy equipment and technology on the block, these conferences often prove to be useful in developing business relationships and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors.
  • Construction Unions– Being a part of construction trade organisations always helps as you can avail information on the latest newsletters and publications etc related to heavy equipments quite easily.

There are a number of sources that a construction professional could consider when they require information on the heavy equipment. All they need to do is opt for the source that is the best for them and keep a tab on that source in order to stay updated.

Prevent Accidents at Construction Sites with Heavy Equipment Back Up Alarm

If you are in the construction business, then you must be aware of the number of mishaps that occur regularly in the construction sites. As somebody involved with the whole business, you must be aware that working without heavy equipment is not really an option in the field. So, what can one do in order to reduce the number of accidents? Take safety measures, of course.

The Heavy Equipment Back Up Alarm

Working at construction sites almost always equals to working under hazardous conditions. One really cannot avoid being prone to accidents when they are involved in this particular field of work. It is in thinking along these lines and coming up with safety solutions that the people involved in the arena of construction have come up with certain solutions to reduce the number of accidents. And the back-up alarm system put to use in heavy construction equipment serves this function.

Dealing with heavy equipment without venturing into the danger zone is not really an easy feat. Operators or those in the vicinity of the heavy equipment are always vulnerable to hazards especially when it comes to backing up the heavy equipment. Anybody in the vicinity of the heavy equipment can meet with an accident if they are not careful enough. This is where the heavy equipment back up alarm comes in. Back up alarms have been found to save the day by emitting a high frequency sound that warns people in the vicinity of the heavy equipment when it is being backed up.

Things to Keep in Mind When Dealing With Heavy Equipment Back Up Alarms

Back up alarms can prove to be great when it comes to ensuring safety and preventing mishaps from occurring at construction sites. However, construction site supervisors need to keep certain aspects of the back-up alarm in mind when opting for the deal.

  • Back up alarms are meant for the safety of the on-site worker or people who might be in the danger of running over by the heavy equipment. In such a situation, it is important for the back-up alarm to be audible from a distance of at least 200 feet.
  • The other aspect that construction site supervisors and workers need to ensure when handling back up alarms is the proper functionality and bi-directional feature of the device.
  • Since, the noise emitted from the back up alarms has been found to be of significant discomfort for people living in the surrounding areas, a lot of companies have come up with certain alternative solutions, such as, self-adjusting alarm volumes that keep the noise in check.
  • Manufacturers have also come up with integrated back up alarm systems that are a mash up of lights, camera and radar system. Construction site supervisors can consider using some of these to enhance the productivity of the entire thing.

One might, therefore, conclude that among the many safety measures that have come up on the block, the back-up alarm system is definitely one of the best.

Get the detail of most useful heavy equipment for construction sites

Well, running a successful business is not an easy job. It needs experience, skill and patience. However, the most important thing that can help you to run your construction business is heavy equipment. Without the help of good and reliable heavy equipment it becomes very difficult to run a construction site. You need to purchase the most important heavy equipment such as bulldozer, excavator, wheel loader, backhoe loaders, skid steer loaders and many more. Such equipment help to maintain works properly. Workers cannot work in the construction sites without the best equipment. To dig the ground, shift extra material from one place to another they need to take help from heavy equipment.

Therefore, it is really important to know every heavy machine properly before purchasing it for works unless you know the details of such equipment you cannot work with them. Here is a list of some essential heavy equipment. Check it out-

Backhoe loaders:

It is almost same as the tractors. It contains a big shovel that is attached at the front of the machine. There is a small bucket strongly attached with the loader. You have to use this bucket for digging.  Usually workers consider it as medium sized equipment that is used for smaller works. It needs a very small space to perform the entire operation. It can easily move dirt and other additional material, dig fields and trenches; in fact, you can install smaller pipes under the ground with the help of this equipment. One of the best features of this machine is that it can be used in any places.


To run a construction business, you have to rely on bulldozers because it is the most useful and strongest equipment that is very important for the construction industry. You can move extra dirt and all the wasted material from one place to another with the help of a bulldozer. A big flat blade is attached with the front side of the machine. You can use the two hydraulic pistons to operate it. Actually these two pistons help the blade to move in right direction. A bulldozer helps to crush larger boulders easily.

Motor grader:

Motor grader is a type of heavy equipment that is used to grade smoothly and move small dirt. It is a very important machine that helps the workers to complete their works within time. It has a big and long blade which is attached with the machine perfectly so that it can meet every angle in order make a flat surface. Well, this equipment also has another blade which is located at the front axle. This part of the machine helps to perform underground mining. It actually uses to grade dirt properly or gravel roads. Thereby, motor grader is the most important equipment for the construction sites.

These are the most useful heavy equipment that are used in the construction sites. You should try to know about the different parts of this machine in order to work properly.

Skipping Monthly Maintenance Can Deteriorate The Quality Of An Equipment

The heavy equipment working on the site has to go through a lot on a daily basis. For instance an excavator which is given the job to dig the earth becomes covered with dust by the end of the day and if it is not washed properly, it may start developing problems. This instance suggests that we need to clean the equipment daily if it is completely drenched in dirt. But it also needs something more than just a mere washing. It is very important to service the machine at least once in a month. By servicing a machine, it implies that an expert hand is required to undo the parts of the machine so that it can go to the depth of it and wipe away the dust that gets accumulated in the most interior parts of the machine.

It is not particularly the engine that needs to be taken care the most. It is perhaps the overall stuff that needs to be properly checked and if anything seems to be not working up to the mark needs to be replaced by a workable part.  Let us first do a “Root Cause Analysis” of why do we need to service the machine and then we may talk about how we maintain it.

Not cleaning the machine may pave way for the dust to settle in the most interior parts of the machine:-  We all have seen how a construction site looks like. It’s way too dusty and becomes almost suffocating for a person to stand in and work all day. Imagine what a machine has to go through. Just because it can’t react doesn’t means it doesn’t go through complications. Not trying to win any human sentiments, machines convey a lot to us through its performances. If it is not washed daily, there are high chances of dust getting settled down in the most interior parts of the machine causing blockage. With time, this will deteriorate the quality of the parts of the machine which eventually will make the part obsolete. Getting a new part in the mid of work will day the entire day’s productivity for a toss and will eventually lead to losses to the business.

May result in blockage in the engine:-  The dust may settle down near the engine blocking the flow of oil to the engine. That will cause more friction in the piston which will ultimately crack down the engine.

Certain preemptive steps should be taken to minimize the problem and that could be done only through servicing the machine on a monthly or on need-on basis.

Follow the manual stringently:-  The user-manual gives you plenty of steps that can be taken to prevent any complication with the machine. One should make it a rule to read the user manual before he starts using it. It also states how one should keep the machine to increase its longevity.

Take help of an expert to get things fixed:-  If there happens to be any problem with the machine, it’s prudent to take help of an expert to get it fixed. Please don’t try to fix it yourself or you may make it worst.

Constantly Repairing Heavy Equipment- Keep It or Do Away With It?

Heavy construction equipment need a very constant and continuous care. As the equipment have to perform very hectic task throughout a day, including the demolition of the dilapidated buildings and removing the debris and the other heavy duty works. On the one hand, the cost of the heavy construction equipment is very huge, and therefore it becomes quite difficult for the buyers to cope with the expenses; and on the other hand, the maintenance cost for the heavy construction equipment is also very huge and does not leave the buyer’s monthly list of tasks.

Why Does the Heavy Construction Equipment Need Repair?

The heavy construction equipments have to perform very strenuous and hectic work at the construction sites. From carrying the raw materials to removing the debris, all depends on the heavy construction equipment. Therefore, whenever there is damage, the equipment needs a repair. The damage can take place in the internal parts, to the fuel tank to the wires and cords. If it is a fuel leakage, then it is very important that it is repaired from the very beginning. If there is an electrical damage that has taken place, then the equipment will not even work, then that also needs immediate repair. Any delay will damage the entire work that is in progress. Repairing plays a pivotal role in the outcome of the service that the heavy construction equipment provides.

Repairing Heavy Construction Equipment- For How Long?

Is your heavy equipment in need of constant repair? Is it not functioning well? If yes, then it is probably time that you replaced it. Heavy equipment is the most important part of the construction without a doubt. On them rests the productivity of an entire construction unit. In such a situation if you find that your equipment is in need of constant repair and is not able to deliver the productivity expected out of it. What will you do then?

Since, they are subject to constant wear and tear it is not at all surprising that the heavy equipment needs maintenance more than anything else. You might have noticed that the rate of productivity of brand new equipment is much higher than the repaired one. And it does not really take a genius to figure out the rate of productivity is much lower when the repaired heavy equipment is subject to another repair and another and another. So, it cannot really be called a wise decision to retain such a machine for a long period of time.

One could also cite economical reasons for doing away with such machines. Constant repair of heavy equipment implies a constant expenditure on the part of the company. This means that a substantial portion of the profit earned by the company goes into repairing the whole thing. Now, this exactly cannot be said to be prudent. It is, therefore, best to do away with such faulty equipment and replace it with something worthwhile.

Tips to maintain your heavy construction equipment

The heavy construction equipments are one of the most essential elements in the construction industry. With the revolution going on in making the earth the best planet, heavy construction equipments play the pivotal role. Whether it is demolishing the old dilapidated buildings, or to remove the debris, or even constructing a bridge over a river or lakes, without the heavy construction equipment, this dream would never have been possible. This is the reason why these equipments always stay on top of the list of priorities for the construction businessmen. However, the only problem with these equipments is the cost – it is huge and sometimes makes quite a big hole in the pocket. Therefore, the owners must take a thorough care of the equipments and repair it properly; so that they do not have to get rid of the equipment at once or that they can use and utilize them for a long time.

There are quite some tips that can help any construction equipment stay fit and provide maximum output to the owners. It is not a very difficult thing to follow, but takes only 15 minutes a day to go through. Proper maintenance of the heavy construction equipment will increase the safety and the life of the equipment. These maintenance tips include:

  • Cleaning:

This is the first thing that needs to be done. The reason behind cleaning the heavy dirt or the debris from the equipment regularly is to make sure that there is no leak or damage on the parts of the equipment.

  • Repair the damage:

Damage repairing is the next most crucial part of maintaining the heavy construction equipment. If the leaks or the worn out parts are nor repaired, then the damage will worsen. This includes the checking of the oil or coolant leakage.

  • Protect the wires:

Protecting the electrical wire is very important. The heavy workload damages, crushes or cuts the electrical wires and cords most of the time. To prevent any further hazards, the purpose-built casings or the ramps must be carefully covered around the cords.

  • Lubrication:

Lubricating the heavy construction equipment regularly and that too, before every use of the machine, makes it work properly and increase the quality of the service. Within the pneumatic tool, corrosion constantly takes place due to the environment created by a condensation in the air line. To prevent this corrosion, the owner of the equipment or the operator must coat the internal tools with the lubricator namely air-tool oil. This oil will help the equipment to prevent the corrosion and also displace the moisture.

  • Fuel:

A full tank equipment works better than a half tank or semi tank. The efficiency and the quality of the output become much better with a full tank than with a half-filled tank. Therefore, after the end of a working day, the tank needs to be filled. It also helps the owner to determine the fuel consumption rate of the equipment.

If all these tips are followed, it is very unlikely that the equipment will face any difficulty.

Important points of operating a motor grader

Different types of heavy equipment are highly required in the construction industry. When you want to use this equipment then you have to know all the critical ways of handling it properly. It is really difficult to know the proper ways of controlling or handling a heavy equipment of construction site. The motor grader is very useful equipment that helps the operator to make roads. Motor grades especially use for making roads. If you use this machine then you will be able to maintain the job properly as well as the site.
Follow some instructions:
• You should check some important things before operate this motor grader because without knowing it properly you will not be able to operate this system. This process of safety checking include some actions like you have to make sure that all the parts of the equipment are able to perform all the task and can function well. Essential safety equipment like fire extinguisher is available in the system. You should check the grader properly and inspect it that whether this machine can serve you its best or not.

• After checking all its parts you should start the machine and check its clutch, brakes, transmission and controls. Make sure that you have used the proper gear during the working time. You need to very conscious over the speed of the grader. You should not move it very fast. Remember that if you can maintain or control the motor grader in the working time then you will be able to perform your job more smoothly.

• You have to know the entire process of controlling your machine. Here are two middle levels in the machine that control the rotation of blade as well as the circle shift. It actually helps to operate the machine. Through this blade rotation you will be able to make a right angle for your blade and thereby it will be able to move properly. The circle shift is also an important part of the equipment as it helps you to move the blade. There are several levers that help to lift the blade. It actually makes things easier for you.

• You have to know the basic functions of the machine so that you can properly operate the motor grader. If you know all the little details of your machine then you will be able to use the blade smoothly. This information will help you a lot.

• You also have to know the process of pulling a ditch because in all your operations you will need to use these tricks. You have to perform this task very safely so that the blades cannot harm the tires.

These are the basic tips that will help you to operate a machine. But you have to be very careful. Motor grader is a very helpful machine but if you do not use it properly and not apply the proper maintenance then it will stop working. Therefore it is highly necessary to maintain the machine at a regular basis.