Tag Archives: construction

It Is Better To Let Out Your Machines Rather Than Keeping Them Idle

What use is your heavy equipment for you if you are not able to utilize it due to non availability of work in hand? It is bitter to see them rot in the sun and rain and make no use of it. Heavy equipment are rather highly expensive and one cannot afford to see them do nothing. Well business is a mixture of ups and downs. The construction equipment was working in full swing when you had projects in hand. This was indeed the time when your business was picking up and getting projects were no longer a difficult job. However, when there is a declining trend in the business, you got to give some rest to your machines and at times the resting period simply does not wants to end.

It is then that you might want to take some very serious decisions. You can either think of selling them but that does not make much sense to you if the overall construction market goes sluggish. You may probably not find many buyers to take the deal. Other than that, if at all you get some buyers, they would like to buy the machine at their desired price. This means that you may have to sell it at a price way below the one you actually wanted to. In addition to this, when the market takes its turn and the real estate sector gets back in form, you’ll get projects but will find short of equipment.

In order to counter such a situation, it is prudent to let out your machine to a small time contactor who will pay you monthly rent for the equipment and once the tenure expires, you can expect to get the stuff back in the same condition that you’ve given him. Necessary paper work also needs to be undertaken before you let out the equipment to the party.

How to find a party

Finding a taker is no difficult deal as long you know the right ways to advertise your product. You can take help of newspaper classifieds or put them on internet or can even ask the people from your profession if they know someone who is interested to buy used equipment.

In order to advertise it in a newspaper, you need to get your facts right. Check which newspaper has a wider circulation in your city so that your advertisement reaches out to maximum people. You can even advertise in magazines which are exclusively meant to provide information on heavy equipment. People will know about you through such mediums and you will definitely get through with it.

You can also take help of posting an ad in a website which is into buying/renting and selling or heavy equipment. There you can have a larger scope to reach out to people looking for stuff you want to let out. All you have to do is give a brief description of your product and your contact details. Let the one interested call you up and you can ask them to have a visit and check the equipment all by themselves.

In this way you can still ensure an inflow of funds even if the entire construction business is on a downhill.

Hydraulic Hammers – A Must in the Construction and Mining Industry

If you think the construction industry is all about breaking old establishments and building a new one in its place, then you are partially correct. Though it is not all about just breaking whatever old you see around you and replace it with a new building but it’s about many other things which we don’t see. For instance, for constructing a hotel in an open plot, you do not need to break any old settlement. However, you can’t distance the subject of breaking things from this industry and therefore when we talk about breaking establishments, we are indeed talking about good strong hammers that can break off the old stuff without denting itself.
Just like one particular medicine can’t cure all the ailments, in the same manner one type of hammer can’t be used for all the breaking purposes. There are different series of hammers that are used for different work based on the type of work it has to do. Here we would be discussing about hydraulic hammers and different series of hydraulic hammers used for various purposes.
Light weighted hammers:- You need these light weighted hammers on small construction sites where you have things which are not very huge and strong and can be perished at few strokes from a light weighted hammer. Alternatively, it is used on machines which are considerably smaller than the ones we see on huge construction sites. These machines are used at sites which have problems with space and can’t allow access to big machines.
Medium weighted hammers:- Then we have medium weighted hammers which are used in mid-sized projects. They are comparatively stronger than the light weighted hammers and hence has the potential to break down stuffs which are quite strong. They however have to limit themselves in demolishing huge structures. These hammers are also known for consuming less fuel and are highly productive.
Heavy weighted hammers:- These are considered as the most powerful hydraulic hammers which are used by big construction houses. If we talk about big construction companies, they prefer to keep all sets of hammers as they may require either of them at any point in time. However, it is the heavy weighted hammers which are used extensively by them. These hammers are required in projects which are mighty big and need hammers which has more power and can work for longer duration. It’s important to note that heavy weighted hammers are available in huge range of series and that each type of hammer is used for its own specific kind of work. Therefore, the kind of hammer one chooses entirely depends on the kind of project he would be requiring them at.
After having understood about the different kinds of hammers, let us change our focus on buying them. It’s often advisable to buy used hammer rather than spending money on brand new which would also cost more to you. You can buy them online on any online selling site. There you can get in touch with the seller and may seek a better deal.

Get Rich by Moving In the Construction Industry

Becoming rich is perhaps we all dream of but only a fraction of us do make it to the top. It’s not that others may not have the skill to do the work but probably they are associated with the industry that doesn’t offer growth that quickly. Therefore, it’s possible that they have to spend more time in their respective domain and wait to make it big. Ideally, it makes much more sense to get linked with something which can give you what you want much quickly. In a nutshell, if success is what you are looking for, step into the construction industry.

Realty business is perhaps one of the high profits earning business and men working in this industry have more to get than to lose. For every bit of their work, they get compensated and may be this is what keeps them happy and motivates them to do better. For a beginner who has just entered into the construction industry with the dream of making it big in this domain needs to understand few things before he keeps his foot on the accelerator. For the industry to give you what you want you need to give few things to this sector and that would be your undivided attention, high level of dedication and devotion towards your work. In return you can expect all the resources that can make you become rich.

Following are the points which one should consider before he steps in this sector.

Work harder to accomplish to goals:-  Nothing can be a substitute for hard work. You need to remember that and keep working hard unless you accomplish your goals. More importantly, you need to set your goals and in order to achieve them; you should have a strategy in place. Moving in no direction is pointless. Therefore, setting goal is important and having a strategy in place becomes all the more important for you to achieve them. You may even have to skip your Sunday holidays and have to come to office. Well, that’s the price you supposedly pay to see your business standing in a consolidated position.

Take help/guidance from mentors:-  It is very important that you take help from your well-wishers. Their guidance can help you in avoiding serious mistakes. Make a learned man as your mentor and take advices from him. They may also help you with places from where you can pick up heavy equipments or their parts at a discounted price. Thus the role of a mentor in your life can be really helpful.

Human resources:-  Out of all the resources needed in a successful completion of a construction project, human resources is unarguably the most important of them. You need to ensure that you have the best men with you who are experienced and are considered as fine workers. Right from heavy equipment operators to stone masons, you need all to know their work well and get the work done within the stipulated time frame.

There is no shortcut to become rich. However, construction industry offers people an opportunity to earn money quickly than any other industry.

Want To Buy Construction Machinery Equipment – Read This Before You Decide

Irrespective of you having a start-up construction business or have being running it since a long time, the pre-requisite of any successful business is good construction machinery. The skills of the workers also play a role in shaping up your business but more importantly it’s the kind of machines you have that indicates where your business will be in the next few years. Alternatively, you also have to keep on upgrading your heavy equipments which largely depends on what kind of system the operator needs to get the work done. Engineers of heavy equipment manufacturing companies are working hard to bring innovative changes in the technology of the machines which in turn would be helpful to the operators.

Buying construction machinery equipments largely depends upon the kind of project you are into and if at all the operator can comfortably operate the machine. Below are some points which suggest when you should go for buying heavy equipments.

You company’s finances are in order:-  Important financial decisions can be taken only if the financial situation of the company is well in order. If you have just started up with a construction company, it’s advisable not to go for a buying spree. That will not only hurt your company’s finances but will also deter you to invest any further in upcoming projects which in turn will result in huge losses for the company.

Out of projects:-  New entrepreneurs often commit the mistake of buying heavy equipments and keeping their guns ready to fire. However, it gets too late for them to realize that they don’t have any projects with them and have to pay monthly installments to the bank, failing which the bank may confiscate the equipment. Hence, it is recommended that one should not jump into starting up their own business as long as they have not earned some level of maturity and a bit of knowledge in their respective domain.

Using alternatives:-  Buying is perhaps not the best available option when you have other option at your disposal. It makes more sense to take the equipments on rent rather than spending a fortune to buy them. The moment you bag a project, the next thing would be to begin taking heavy equipments on rent. You’ll find plenty of people willing to give the machines on rent. Make use of those opportunities and try to save your money for expanding your business.

Do some research before you finally decide to buy:-  This point is applicable for companies who are in this industry for a span of 5 years or more. They might be pretty settled as far as their business is concerned and can look for avenues to buy brand new and technologically advanced heavy equipments. It’s rather imperative for them to do a thorough market research and check which heavy equipment would apt for their project. Also check if buying them directly from the company would be advantageous or simply shopping it from the dealer would help them get more discounts. Also, look for other avenues before taking the final call for buying construction machinery equipment.

Find Out the Features & Utility of CAT 140 Motor Grader

Taking off snow from the road or putting aside huge logs and dump it in the truck, all these can’t be done without the help of a grader. Not only taking the snow off the roads but also it is used for moving earth. It can be widely seen in a construction or a mining site taking away huge blocks of debris or mud and dumping them in one corner. It has a long blade in the front which is used to make a flat surface. All the standard models come with 3 axels. The engine and the cab are located above the rear axle and the third one is situated near the front end of the machine. The blade is located just between them. The engines have a capacity of 125-500 hp which increases the productivity of the grader.

Having given a brief description of a grader, we would now be discussing in length about CAT 140 Motor Grader and how useful it is with respect to the construction and mining industry.

Let’s us begin with how useful it is in view to the operator. Engineers working with CAT have ensured that they pay more stress on providing high level of visibility to the operator. This is how they came up with angled cab doors, engine with tapered enclosure and slanted back window. This has helped a long way for the man inside the cabin to have an eagle’s view to things outside the box. They have also changed the control levers and steering wheel with joystick controls which facilitates the operator to work on those two things rather than keeping a count of number of switches inside the cabin. The space in the cabin has also been extended to give more room to the operator. Well, this lets him to relax inside the cabin when he’s got nothing to do.

The model 140 and its subsequent series are fitted with C9.3 ACERT engine which is considered as one of the best in the industry. This particular engine has supreme torque and significant capacity to pull things which are either sudden or short-term loads. While it does this, it can also maintain desirable grading speeds which permit it to get the work done faster without any sort of downshifting. The 140 series has been installed with “hydraulically demand fan” that automatically adjusts the cooling speed of the fan which is certainly done as per the requirements of the engine cooling system. This actually takes off the burden from the engine which allows it to use more horsepower on the ground and thus increases the efficiency of the desired job.

The brakes provided in the 140 series are hydraulic which gives more power to the brakes when they are applied. It also reduces the chances of the brakes getting deteriorated and thus increases its life. 

Overall, CAT grader 140 series is a machine with low maintenance cost, thus saves good deal of money of the owner and also consumes less fuel thereby help the company to make maximum profits.

It’s Pointless to Rot the Idle Heavy Equipment – Better to Rent It

A person has to strive a lot to establish his business. Right from gathering the right men for the job to acquiring the right set of heavy equipment, you put a lot in your business. After having done so much, the last thing you would want is to see the old equipments rot on a site which could have otherwise been used to do something productive. You’d definitely see no point in keeping the machine idle and watch it die its death. Therefore, it’s ideal for you to look up for options that will keep the machine active and will also earn a fixed amount on each and every month. You would simply rent it out to someone who is ready to pay its price.

While we speak about renting the equipment, the thought of “Why don’t we sell it” is quite evident to hit our mind. Well selling the machine may give you the price it is worth of. However, that will be the end of the story. You can further reinvest the money and buy new equipment after adding few more bucks to it. But the point is you have to add some extra cash from your savings. On the contrary, if you rent the equipment and contemplate to buy a new machine, the rental earnings can be used to pay the monthly installment to the bank. At the end of the payment term, you end up having 2 machines with you.

It’s not always so easy to find a party who agrees to take the equipment on rent at your quoted price. Especially if it is a used one, the taker tries hard to negotiate and bring down the rental price. Therefore, it takes a good deal of time to rent it off to someone. You can follow the below gives methods to rent the machine.

Talk with people you know:- It’s prudent that you talk with people about the thought of renting the heavy equipment. The word of mouth might spread and might reach to the person who is in need of the equipment. You both have to meet and agree with each and other’s conditions. If this works for you, you make a deal without losing a penny on advertisements.

Use of social media:- Social media is used by good chunk of people for many business purposes. They out their stuff on the advertisement section and in this way reach out to the larger section of the society. However for this, you need to have a website of your own so that people after clicking on the link would directly enter on your site and get a taste of things you have for them.

Put it on classifieds:-  You can advertise about renting your heavy equipment on newspapers as well as on internet. While selecting a newspaper, ensure that you put the ad with the newspaper which has a wider circulation in the city. This will allow your advertisement to reach a lot of people and thus increases the chances of renting the stuff at your price. You can also put the ad on classified websites which also fulfils your purpose.

Following the above stated methods can certainly work for you as far as renting the construction equipment is concerned.

Caterpillar Excavator 330 – Why It’s Still the Favourite of Many

When it comes to heavy equipments, there are lot of options available for the users. However, there is one such name which has its dominance over all the other brands and has its impression on the minds of the consumers. It’s none other than Caterpillar which has gone the extra mile to ensure that its consumers get what they want. Many are of the view that nothing can be better than heavy equipments produced by Caterpillar. Though there are other companies which have made their presence felt but one can’t deny the fact that Caterpillar has succeeded to win all hearts with its state of the art technology that it uses to manufacture construction equipments.

The construction equipments produced by Cat needs no introduction. They are renowned for their quality and excellence. We would be discussing in brief about the features of Cat excavator 330 and how it’s benefits the consumers.

Specifications:-  Starting with the specification of the boom stick of the machine, the shipping length of the unit is around 36feet, 8 inches, and shipping height of the unit is 11’9”. The maximum loading height is around 24’, 8”

The width of the machine outside the tracks would be around 11’ 1” and the height from the bottom to the top of the cab would be around 10’ 3”. If we talk about the engine, CAT is known to use the best engine compatible for the machine. For the model 330DL, they use C9 ACERT   engine which has a net power of 270hp. The engine oil capacity is around 10.6 gallon and the hydraulic system fluid   capacity is 108.3 gallon. Its operating voltage is 24Vand alternator supplied amperage is 35amps. The fuel capacity of the machine is 163.8 gallon which means that it can work for days without getting refuelled. However, it also depends upon for how long one would be using the excavator in a day.

The fluid capacity of the cooling system is 10.6 gallon. This ensures the applications needed to cool the cabin does not run out of fuel and allows the operator to work without any trouble. It’s advisable that the purchaser should go through the user manual before taking the call to buy the item. The user manual speaks everything about the machine. You can get every minute detail about the excavator in the manual and by that you can analysis if this is what you require for your project.

From where can you buy the machine?  You have multiple options to buy a Cat excavator. However, the best possible option is to order it directly from the company. Doing that will enable you with some additional benefits and unlike dealing with a dealer where they rush things to you, here you’ve the privilege to take your own time to decide if you should be going ahead with the purchase. They can also initiate a bank loan where you’d be required to pay monthly installments to the bank.  Shipping the excavator to your place is their responsibility. All you have to do is insure the item. At times, the insurance part is also dealt by the company.

Used Construction Equipment Can Get You a Good Price, Read More to Find Out

You pay a good sum of money to buy heavy equipment and when it gets old, you definitely do not want to sell it for nothing. Well, you are correct if you think your machine will fetch a good price even after having worked for you for 5 years or may be more than that. The key is that it should be in good working condition and rest everything would be just alright. Technological advancements do depreciate the price a bit but that does not mean the equipment has lost its shine. If you pursue to keep a tab of people looking to buy the machine, you may come across many. Not everyone would be ready to take it at the price tag that you’ve decided, but you won’t find it too difficult to sell it off.

Apart from selling the equipment, there are other options which you might want to ponder on. If your machine is in excellent condition, you might as well think of giving it on rent and can earn some good money on each and every month. There are many new guys who have entered the construction business and are more than willing to take equipments in good working condition on rent. They can be approached and the equipment can be rented out to them.

Different modes one can choose to sell/rent heavy equipment

  • Advertise it in the classified:-  Using this option will help you reach to people not only within your city but also outside your city limits. However, it depends mostly on whether you want to do business within your city or you are ok with shipping the machine outside the city. As far as selling is concerned, it should hardly matter about where the buyer belongs to. It’s probably a onetime affair and after you receiving the money and the buyer getting the equipment in proper working condition, the deal gets over and the business is completed.


However, if you are renting the machine, then you’ve to give a thought to ship the item outside your city. Therefore, it’s recommended to mention clearly in the advertisement that you’re looking for people within the city. This will allow the advertisement to reach to people in your city.

  • Using the online mode to sell/rent the construction equipment:-  This mode allows you to reach a lot of people as many of them remain hooked to internet for such deals. From the perspective of selling the item, you need to post a listing on an online selling website. Make sure you take some good pictures of your listing and the pictures should be authentic. Don’t take the picture of a new piece to deceive others, it normally doesn’t work. Put the features and the specification of the equipment in the description section and quote a price. If you’re selling the item, you can place it under “Buy It Now”, clicking which the buyer would be taken to the payment section. Once he pays for the item, you can make arrangements to ship the item.


You can use the same option to put it on rent. It’s just that the page will not have the “Buy It Now” option. It would be replaced by some other option which will indicate the taker to click on it to confirm the deal. Once that’s done, contact the taker and check when they would be coming down to complete the paper work. A contract is very important when you’re renting your equipment. Make sure you enter all the necessary points in it which are agreed and accepted by the taker. Once that’s done, you can ship the item.

CAT D8T Dozer – Know Its Features and Utilities before Buying It

If you manage to look inside a construction site, you will find the roads to be messed up with stones all over the place, mud all around the place which makes it quite uneven for a person to walk on it. It leads to problems for the workers as they find it very hard to walk on the ground especially if they are required to carry some stuff with them. Therefore, it becomes imperative to first level the land, bring the road in a position so that people can walk on it. In order to get this done, the company should possess dozers of excellent quality which can work all day and can level the ground for people to strut.

It is argued that Caterpillar was the first company who had invented a dozer but if we talk about the patent, it seems to be in the position of a British company. Nevertheless, if we try to analyse or carry a survey checking out which company has maximum hold on most of the consumers using a dozer, we will find none other than Caterpillar. Probably they are the leading dozer manufacturing company in the globe and unarguably claim to produce the finest dozers.

Talking about the CAT D8T dozer, it is a multifunctional dozer wherein the front blades can be replaced as per the requirement of the project. This means that it’s not only used to level the land but can be used for many other constructive purposes. There are some 4 combinations of blades that can be installed in this dozer.

The first type is the straight blade which is short in nature with no lateral curves and also has no wings on its sides. This type of blade is mostly used for fine grading. Then we have the angle blade which is held by a “U” shape frame. This frame has 3 holes on each of its sides which allow it to hold the blade it in right, left and center positions. The third type of blade is the universal blade. This particular blade is designed to carry more material as it is tall and very curved with large wings on its sides. The 4th combination is a shorter blade which is not much curved and also has smaller side wings. These are the basic 4 combination of blades apart from which there are few more which are used for specific kind of work.

Cat has used one of the best engines compatible for this machine. The engine has a capacity of 229KW which means the net power of the engine is around 310hp and the overall weight of the dozer is around 37250 kgs. One of the unique features of the dozer is that it can give you a good resale value unlike dozers of other companies. Alternatively, the engine consumes less fuel which increases the productivity. The fuel capacity is 170 gallon and the engine oil capacity is 10 gallon. The engineers have done their best to make this model a huge success amongst the consumers and it has gained all the accolades from various business magazines and magazines related to heavy equipments.

Used Bulldozers Aren’t a Piece of Waste – Follow These Tips to Make Good Use of It

Almost every item has a depreciating value and finally that item becomes obsolete and ceases to function. Same is the case of heavy equipments. Machines used in construction or in mining sites are quite expensive and after having used them for few years, you may find a newer model with certain changes in the technology being launched which you tend to purchase. That doesn’t mean the end of the existing machine. It is simply not the end of the story for the old one but perhaps it only suggests that it’s time for it to gear up for something new.

Here we would be speaking about what can one do with a used bulldozer. Would selling be the right option or simply giving it on rent would be appropriate. Let’s try to analyse what makes more sense for a person having used a bulldozer for the last few years.

Selling off the machine:-  If you have used the bulldozer for 3-4 years and if you are of the opinion to sell off the old iron and buy an upgraded model, selling off the bulldozer would make more sense. With the help of the money you get after selling the old machine and adding few extra bucks will help you get the new one. In order to sell the used bulldozer, you can post a classified on a local newspaper and give away your contact details. A bulldozer which is being used for 4 years can still fetch you a good price and hence selling the machine should turn out to be a good option.

You can also list the item on an online selling site. There’s a new trend wherein people are prone to buy things online rather than visiting a store and buy the stuff. Though buying a used bulldozer may not sound same as buying apparels from an online store, still it has its own importance which is clearly reflecting with the growing popularity of online selling portals. People do make their way by registering themselves in such online selling sites and are quite content after buying heavy equipments from there. You also make use of this opportunity and can list the bulldozer on the site. Giving proper description of the item will make it easier for the buyer to understand the position of the machine and help them to judge if they should be going ahead with the deal.

Putting it on rent:-  To a larger population, renting the machine would make more sense. However, that depends on the situation that makes them take the decision. For instance, you’re certain that you would not need your bulldozer for the next few months, it’d be better to give the machine on rent. You can earn some money as monthly rentals and once the contract is over, you can take it back. A word of caution would be to communicate very clearly about the maintenance and servicing part to the taker. Or else, they might not take proper care of the dozer and it may wear it sooner than expected.