Tag Archives: construction

Heavy equipment that is used by the military

If we think that heavy equipment are used only by the construction or the mining industries then we are only partially correct with our thoughts. There is another sector which is presumably larger than the both the sectors which also uses number one quality heavy equipment and accessories and this is the military. The US military uses various types of heavy equipment for its different uses and they give the order of its requirements to some top notch companies. The requirement is given to the heavy equipment manufacturing companies and they in return give the quotation to the military officials. Once they get the clearance from the higher officials, the procurement process starts off.

The reason why military needs advanced heavy equipment is that they always get involved in activities that can’t be done without the use of sophisticated machines. Machines that some construction companies have probably never heard or have seen are procured by the military for doing everything that a logical mind can think of. They use bulldozers, excavators, cranes, loaders, crawlers etc. and they train their men for the work. They at times also recruit operators from outside but for work that is done in highly confidential places, they prefer to put their men at work. Therefore, they also provide training of operating heavy equipment to the men in uniform so that they can curtail the use of civilian operators in highly confidential zones.

The heavy equipment used by the military may not be similar to the ones used by civilians. They are more sophisticated and technologically advanced and have the potential to do the work at a comparatively lesser time than the machines used by big construction houses. You may have witnessed some companies using machines that seemed to have served the military. Well, it all works this way. Once the heavy equipment gets older or outdated and the engineers in the military feel that they no longer need their services, it will auctioned at dirt cheap price to the civilians. These heavy equipment still have their worth in sectors other than military and therefore you will get to see large number of potential buyers interested to buy such machines.

Other than that the quality of metal used in such machines is outstanding and hence everybody knows that they will end up buying something worthy at a lesser price. The US military not only used heavy equipment produced by American heavy equipment manufacturing companies. They do not mind going for machines that are produced by French, German, Canadian or Australian companies. They primarily need quality to be number one and second the machine should deliver by consuming less time.

There is not set model of a machine. They may produce a dozer and make it look like something else. It may not look like a dozer that we all know. It may not necessarily be deceptive but the model that is used for military purpose is quite unique but will be highly reliable and efficient.

Heavy equipment rental prices

Heavy equipment can always fetch you good price irrespective of them being new or old. If you wish to sell it or let it out they always have a value attached and can prove to be a good source of income. Moreover, you will always find takers for your machine. Renting heavy equipment has been a viable option for people who do not want to completely do away with their equipment. They may need the machine later but may not see any temporary use of it and therefore they decide to rent the machine and earn some money in this process. For people who want to rent their machine should be aware of the existing rental price and can’t ask for an amount that sounds to be extravagant. They have to first do a proper research on what others are charging for similar equipment and accordingly he/she can quote his rate.

Knowing the correct rental price has often been a challenge for the giver. Your machine may not be that old and is quite efficient on the jobsite. You are quite unsure of the rental amount that you should put on the machine as you fear that you might either over price the item or may leave it underpriced. In order to know the correct rental price, you can approach few rental houses that work exclusively in this department and gather information to know what price you should be renting the equipment/machinery.

In case you do not wish to take help of any external 3rd party company and want to work it out on your own then the most viable choice would be to check out few websites that deals with renting heavy equipment. However, this process can be quite time consuming and you should do this only if you believe that you can devote your time and energy in gathering all the information required to know the correct rental price. Once you have started browsing the websites of companies that deals with renting heavy equipment, check out the listings of people who have posted their item on the website. Go through the description as that will suggest the quality of their machine and the price they are quoting on it. You will be able to identify if your machine is better than theirs and if you should be quoting a higher price.

It is also important to understand if the takers are ready to take the item at the quoted rental price. There could be many people who must have listed their item without even trying to know the correct rental price. Therefore, check the profile of those members who have successfully rented their equipment. It is only through them that you will get to know the correct rental prices or different sorts of heavy equipment. Once you are sure about the price, you can simultaneously register yourself on that website and post your machine. If you have more than one machine to rent, you can state that on the description so that people who are looking for multiple machines can find you appropriate enough and will go ahead with the deal.

Construction equipment fuel consumption chart

While many construction companies are spending a good deal of money in doing some research work pertaining to what can be done to reduce fuel consumption and continue with the same productivity. They are yet to come out with some solid answers. Though many heavy equipment producing companies are already in the mode of producing machines that they claim are fuel efficient but it seems that in order to make it fuel efficient they have to cut short some features of the machine somewhere which is not appreciated by the construction companies. What the construction companies are looking for is a solution to this problem which does not compromise on the existing features. So you just can’t take away what you have already given in order to make lives a bit comfortable. It is perhaps not the way it works. The heavy equipment companies have to come out with some solid solutions that do not play around with what they already have.

This has led to the need of creating a chart so that the companies can analyze where things are going wrong and what they can do to fix it. They also have to keep into consideration the cost that they will incur in making a machine which is highly fuel efficient as that might not have proportionate number of buyers. So overall, they might find themselves to be in a bigger problem which they might never want to be in the first place.

Komatsu has introduced PC200-8 Hybrid excavator which shows an exorbitant reduction in fuel consumption. It claims that the Hybrid excavator is able to reduce fuel consumption by around 25% than the conventional excavators sold by the company. They are also planning to make their machines more eco-friendly. This has been a challenge that many heavy equipment companies are facing for many years. As per their claims, they also state that there has been a fuel reduction of maximum 41% on sites where the upper structure of the machine turns more often. In their tests they have taken 3 different types of companies. First is the one that deals with waste soil disposal, another is into civil engineering and the third one does sludge disposal. The PC200-8 Hybrid excavator has shown up to 30% fuel reduction in the first company, 31% in the second company and the maximum was 41% in the third company.

Simultaneously there are other heavy equipment companies that have jumped in the race of producing machines that are fuel efficient and also provides a great deal of comfort to its users. Caterpillar wanted to ensure that people keep their trust on its products and do not change their loyalties to other companies and therefore they have brought in a series of different kinds of machines that are fuel efficient. However, the next big question that comes up is that are buyers ready to pay the cost of machines that promises of fuel reduction. Well, there are few giant construction and mining companies that are more interested in saving fuel and hence they would like to go for such products but for the rest, they have to wait for the prices of such machines to go little down.

Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur Lies In Your Ability To Learn New Things

The word business sounds to be so lucrative to our ear which is why we all want to own a business. There we will not have any anybody to give orders to us and can do things as it pleases us. If at all, we need to leave a bit early, we have the privilege to do that and do not have to answer anybody for that. Overall, it may give you a sense of freedom, a fresh air to breathe and live life on your own terms. Well, all this sounds so good to hear but does it happen the same way in our practical lives? Well, that is a big serious question which probably a businessman or an entrepreneur may be able to answer. If we give a thought to the fact on how easy it is to run a business, we may find ourselves thinking for hours; because it is not at all easy to run a business. A businessman before starting up a business has to deal with many things and also has to sacrifice a lot of things which he wouldn’t have to do in case he had done a normal day job.

Most importantly, he has to keep himself present to new challenges and to learn to overcome them without hurting his finances. Alternatively, just learning about his business may not be enough but he also has to know a bit of the laws of the land. In order to start a business, one needs to know the government policies of the place and what are the procedures he needs complete to procure a license. Also knowing the time it may take for him to get the license plays mighty role in his business. Thus, he needs to keep himself abreast with few things inside the business as well as outside that will keep him going all the time.

Have a role model:-  Having a role model always helps in difficult times. You might want to make a distinguished person as your role model who is your favorite. A person to whom you respect for his work and also for the kind of attitude he has towards his work. Keeping him as your role model will help you remain motivated as you may feel that if he didn’t give up in a bad situation, so won’t you. You may just stick to your basics and work harder to get through it.

Always keep yourself open to learn new things:-  This attribute is essential in almost all the industry. Employers are always in hunt of employees who know the in and out of their domain. In order to know everything about your line of work, you have to keep yourself open to learn every new thing that comes in your way. For an entrepreneur, it becomes all the more important to keep himself abreast with any small update that concerns his business. He just can’t let them go away or it might prove fatal to his business.

Tips to buy a used bulldozer

Any construction industry depends heavily on a bulldozer. If you too want to start a business of construction, then at first you should buy a bulldozer. But, if you don’t want to spend much money in buying it, then you should go for a used bulldozer. It is very cheap and you can easily get it from the manufacturing companies.

Buying a used bulldozer is not very tough. You only have to keep the following points in your mind while buying it.

Tips for buying a used bulldozer

  • Determine your budget: – The most important thing which we generally consider is the budget. To determine your budget, you should evaluate your equipment requirement. Your budget will be directly proportional to the size of the bulldozer you are going to purchase. If you need a big bulldozer which can carry out heavy tasks, then you should have a big budget. If your budget ranges from $2000 to $45000, then you can easily opt for a large bulldozer.
  • Transporting the bulldozer: – The next step is to find a path for moving the bulldozer to your business or construction site. For this, you should get a truck which has the equipment to drag a bulldozer. If you are unable to find such a truck, you should immediately contact a local construction company and rent a truck for the above said purpose.
  • Search for “Buy it now” sites: – Before purchasing a used bulldozer, you should go for a little search on a sell-off site like eBay. To keep away yourself from all kinds of bidding war, confine the searches to take in particularly those auctions under which it is written “Buy it now”.
  • Should match your need: – Another important thing before buying the bulldozer is that you should focus on the type of job you want to accomplish using it. It should match your need perfectly so that you can carry out the work without any difficulty and that too at a short time.
  • Check the condition of the bulldozer: – Many a times the sellers sell use defective equipment on which we have to spend money for repairing. So, you should be very careful while buying the product and don’t forget to check its condition before paying a single penny to the seller. This will save your money.
  • Call local construction companies:– It’s a great idea to call around the construction companies of your area and ask them if they have operated the machine which they are offering to sell. If you do not want to do online transaction, then you should opt for some local sources of bulldozers. It will prevent you from the transportation costs.


After going through the following steps, you can buy a used bulldozer without any worries. But, try to get it from a reliable company. The companies generally offer much-improved bulldozers and its total cost is also very reasonable. So, why spend extra money on buying a new bulldozer? Start your construction business today by purchasing a used one.

Choosing The Right Piece Of Heavy Equipment To Do The Job

Though construction industry is one of the industry that has the capability to generate good returns within a couple of years from the inception of the business and in order to ensure a successful business, one needs to know the in and out of the business and the equipments attached to it. It would be rather unwise of an individual to directly jump off into it without knowing the intricacies of the trade and then end up burning his fingers. Construction business is not rocket science and one doesn’t have to slog his entire day learning the tricks of the business. He only needs to make sure that he is learning everything that he gets to know on a daily basis. Apart from the knowledge in successfully running the business, one thing which also plays a crucial role in shaping up his business and responsible for its continuous growth is kind of knowledge he has on heavy equipment.

It is important to understand that not all heavy equipment can be used to perform every kind of activity. Though some machines are made to multitask, however this is not a thumb rule and it is not mandatory for every machine. Some equipment is good doing the core thing for which they are produced and are better not used for anything else. Therefore it becomes very critical to understand the role of the equipment and use them for purposes they are exclusively made for.

How can one choose the right piece of heavy equipment?

This one stands to be a very valid question as one may confuse himself in mid of several options available in the market. In such a situation, it becomes prudent for the individual to either do an extensive course on heavy equipment where he will be given a basic understanding on heavy equipments and can also know the specific role of the machine before buying it.

This option may not sound prolific to a person who has a set business and can afford a technician who will guide him on the equipment. For such businessmen, it is recommended that they hire a professional who will do a thorough study of his business and the type of projects that are progressing under his banner. Only after understanding his projects, he may recommend the heavy equipment he needs to buy. The other benefit in hiring such a professional is that they can guide you from which heavy equipment manufacturing company you should be buying your equipments. It has been witnessed that the most difficult decision to make is to select the best brand. The suggestion of a professional would be quite handy for you to take a decision.

One can also make use of internet to know what heavy equipment he should be using for his project. However, this may not be as effective as hiring someone to help you take a decision. In a nutshell, things will be in better control if you’ve the right equipment to get the job done.

Soil stabilizers can make the soil stronger and effective for construction purposes

Soil is one of main construction materials, without which, almost no construction work can be implemented. However, seasonal moisture makes the soil plagued and contaminated, causing cracks on the constructions. Therefore, to remove the moisture and to make the soil stronger, external stabilizers are incorporated within the soil through the heavy equipment namely soil stabilizers. For removing and replacing the poor quality soil with a very good quality soil, soil stabilizers are the only equipment that we need. It incorporates engineering properties into the soil.

What are the additives that a soil stabilizer incorporates into the soil?

Normally a soil stabilizer stabilizes the soil in two ways: 1) by adding mechanical additives, 2) by adding chemical additives. The mechanical stabilizers or additives are cement, bituminous and lime. On the other hand, Portland cement, Quicklime, Fly Ash, Calcium Chloride, Bitumen etc. are the chemical stabilizers or additives.

How does a soil stabilizer work?

The first thing before stabilizing the soil is to determine what are the properties that re missing in the soil that need to be incorporated. As soon as the engineers determine the additives or the stabilizing agents for the soil, the stabilizing technique is determined. If mechanical stabilizing method is chosen for the process, then all the additives will be mixed properly, as per their required proportion. The soil stabilizer spreads the additive mixture into the soil as soon as it is mixed; this is taken care of in the mechanical method as some of the additives that are used in this technique have a tendency to settle fast. If the additives are not mixed in proper proportions, then they will destroy the soil. Other than mixing, compaction equipment are also used for soil stabilizing, as it provides pressure from above and increases the density of the soil. Soil is also reinforced in the mechanical technique by adding gravels, sands and stones, boulders etc. to prevent the migration of the soil. In the chemical stabilizing method, the stability of the soil is increased by using Calcium Chloride; the soil’s resistance power is increased by the Bitumen and other products. Chemical soil stabilizers efficiently add these stabilizing agents to the soil.

Types of soil stabilizers:

  • Tractor-towed soil stabilizers:

This heavy equipment or soil stabilizer has a mixing and milling motor that is driven mechanically. The additives or binding agents for the soil stabilization are mixed in this motor and spread on the soil across the ground, along the full width of the machine.

  • Bigger Tractor-towed soil stabilizers:

This soil stabilizer can cut the ground with a 6 foot, 7 inch or even an 8 foot cutter that can cut 20 inch deep into the ground and put the additive mixture into the soil.

  • Very Large Soil stabilizers:

This soil stabilizer has the capability of controlling or rather preventing the formation of the dust clouds and thus the stabilizing agent or additives are saved from going out into the atmosphere.

Know the main Advantages of EOBRs

If you are willing to start a construction company that bring success into your life then you always should be very careful on choosing the right path. There are a number of starts up companies who are dealing with this field. It is not an easy job to run a construction business. You need to take care of many things. Organizing the site, managing workers and track down the every single detail of your site is very important. You should know how to operate the heavy equipment. It is obvious that you need to work with the heavy equipment, so it is very essential to purchase the best heavy equipment. Now, many companies are taking the help of electronic onboard recorders (EOBRs) to maintain the safety and security. It is really difficult to use the electronic logs as the drivers and other workers know to work with paper logs. They cannot manage to work with this technology. Many workers feel that this technology is really different and need proper attention. Once you start to use this technology you will surely love it. It actually helps the drivers to save their time and makes the work easier. Here are some important reasons for why drivers love to use EOBR. Take a look-

It helps you to reduce your paper work as well as reporting time. With the help of this system, the drivers do not have to waste their valuable time by finishing the paper forms and counting the working hours. This fleet tracking system helps to gather the diagnostic information from the engine and help the workers in their job. Through this way of working, workers can smoothly record the each data of their Hours of service. You can completely rely on EOBR because it provides 100% error free and perfect data. So if you want the details of such data or information then you will easily get that from this device.

Most of the workers and businessmen want to stay compliant to their job. This is their biggest concern of a job that helps them to build the business properly. If you cannot meet the compliance then you may have to give penalties or fines which can ruin the image or reputation of your business. If something is going wrong in the site then this automated alarm makes you aware of it. Fleet managers also use this technology to get rid of their problems. It helps them to track a record on the drivers and workers of that site.

Through this EOBR system a person can easily be connected with his office. It is not safe to talk or share confidential things over phone.  So, you can use this system in your office to get detail information when you are not in office.

These are the very few things that you can get from this technology. So, you should definitely use it.

In Need Of An Excavator Bucket? – Let’s Look At Your Options

If you are into the construction industry then the use and maintenance of heavy equipment and its attachments are probably an integral part of life. It is obvious that when you are dealing with such heavy equipment then you also have to deal with breakdowns of the aftermarket parts. Replacing these parts seems to be a more viable alternative than replacing the entire equipment. The excavator bucket is one such heavy equipment that may need replacing.


Excavator Buckets- The Various Kinds


With the advancement and diversification in the construction industry, the excavator bucket has also undergone the evolutionary process in order to suit the need of your heavy equipment. So, what are the different kinds of excavator buckets that one can come across in the market?

  • The first kind of excavator bucket available on the block is the one that is used for regular purposes. The teeth of this kind of bucket help it in moving and cutting through the earth quite easily. (Dirt Bucket)
  • Next in the group are the “ditch maintenance” excavator buckets which are ideal for moving surfaces that are loose. The teeth of the bucket is such that it is an ideal choice for scraping away the earth rather than cut through it. (Trenching Bucket)
  • The “ribbed bucket” has been especially created for working with the earth moving equipment which pulls the bucket at the rear end of the machinery. The exterior surface of the bucket is fitted with “wear strips” giving it a ribbed effect. Their teeth are very much similar to that of the buckets used for general purpose as they too can be used for a variety of purposes. The acute edge and the absence of teeth in the grading bucket make it ideal for carving slopes.
  • The “dedicated buckets” are similar to the general purpose excavator buckets in a way; their teeth are quite similar. In addition, these kinds of excavator buckets have “wear plates” that can be easily exchanged when required.


What Do You Need To Keep In Mind While Purchasing Excavator Buckets?


So, now that you know that you need excavator buckets, how will you decide which or what make is ideal for you? Here are some pointers to guide you through the entire trading.


For starters, you should be clear about what kind of bucket will best serve your purpose. For instance, if your job requires you to work on concrete surfaces, then looking for an excavator bucket that is meant for muddy surfaces is not a great deal.

Choosing a reliable supplier is also crucial as that will ensure high quality quotient of the product.


Use of and maintenance of the heavy equipment forms a major concern for those involved in the field of construction. And buckets do form an important aspect when it comes to the excavator. Hence, having a working knowledge of the different makes and purposes comes across as a good idea.


Few Important Things One Must Know Before They Start Operating A Wheel Loader

A Wheel Loader is considered to be one of the most important heavy equipment in the construction sector and the operators working on them are paid real well for their services. But this does not imply that operating a wheel loader is a difficult thing to understand and one has to go for enormous training before they master their work. It may not be a cake walk for a newbie to understand everything about the operation part of the equipment but once he starts working on it, he will certainly understand that it is not as difficult as he had perceived it to be. Moreover, there are many institutes that give you formal training on working as an operator. They mold you so well that by the time you are out of the institute, you have learned most of the things about the machine. Rest depends on how hard you work on field and how much effort you give to know the functions aligned with various models of wheel loader.

We would be having a brief discussion on what are the different things one need to know to operate a wheel loader.

Get through a good institution:-  You learn well if you have good teachers to teach you. That is why it is important that you get yourself enrolled to a good institution where you are given both theoretical as well as practical knowledge of different machines. Once you clean the initial stages, you can go for specialization where you can select wheel loader as your prime subject. You’d then be given intensive training on that particular equipment and will have every chance to excel in your career. So take a start by joining the best institution in your city.

Knowing the kind of project:-  Wheel loaders come in different weights and sizes. It is interrelated to the sort of project you would be using the machine. For small work, you can make use of equipments which are compact and less heavy. However, if you are given to work on big projects, then you have a good opportunity to try your hands on the wheel loaders we generally see around various construction sites. You just can’t use a compact wheel loader in a huge site as it may not be of much use to you.

How well do you know your machine?  Getting through from a good institution does not necessarily make you a good operator. What makes you a good operator is how well you know your machine. An operator is considered to be the heart and brain of the machine. There should be a connection between you and your machine and it should be so intense that a single glitch somewhere down in the equipment should give you signals that something is wrong with it and you need to get that fixed. You may come around many operators who have been working with a loader for years, has the capability to understand there’s a glitch before anybody else can vaguely figure it out.