Tag Archives: heavy equipment

How important is appraising value of heavy equipment

How important is appraising value of heavy equipment

When you are in a construction business, you have those big machines that were bought by spending huge dollars. You used it for many years and then you feel like selling it off as it may have grown too old and you thought you should be replacing it with new ones. This is when you see the need of appraising the heavy equipments so that you can know the right value of those machines in the present terms. There are several companies who work as appraisers and their job is to check the number of years the machine has worked and what could be its value if you want to do away with it. Getting the heavy equipments appraised on an annual basis is very important as it gives you the value of the stuff every year and by this you know at what rate is the value of the equipments getting reduced year after year.

Here, we would be talking about the role of an appraiser and on what basis does he appraise the worth of equipment.

Who is an appraiser?  An appraiser is the person who can analyse the worth of the equipment you have been using for years. He can help you to determine the estimate value of the machinery using some calculations. There are good numbers of companies who are certified to do the work of an appraiser and the figures that they have evaluated are accepted throughout the country.

Why does one have to appraise their equipment:  Normally, there are three major reasons for getting your stuffs appraised. It starts with knowing the cost of your equipment, to find out its market value and to determine the income. All these factors play a crucial role in determining how an appraiser takes up the work. At times, the business owner also approaches the appraiser to simply know the worth of his machines. He perhaps may be looking to compare it with a brand new stuff available in the market and thus by appraising his machine with the one available in the market, he can get an estimate of how much more he needs to spend in order to get the new stuff. The appraiser on the other hand has to be very careful while evaluating the worth of the machine. They need to do their part of the job by maintaining proper standards set upon them by their regulatory body.

Criteria of appraising the equipment:  There are many important parameters that an appraiser has to follow while appraising the heavy equipment. In order to provide a good estimate of the worth of the machine, they do a thorough research of the items history. They also need to check the present value of similar items which can be compared with the item they are appraising and then can come to an estimate. Another important criterion is to get information from the client whose machines are getting appraised. You can hope the information you get from them are true and in any case you see any discrepancies, you can cross check it and bring that in your report.


Save Our Environment, Go Green – Start Using heavy Equipment with Electric Engines

It’s high time that we start thinking about our environment which is with every passing day is only getting more and more polluted. The reasons are many but the steps taken to tackle the menace are negligible. It’s certainly our responsibility to take up this issue in our hands and look for preventive measures. In construction business, we make use of these heavy equipments which emanates poisonous gases which is quite harmful to us. The companies due to known reasons are more interested in seeing these machines work all day long. However, the fact that irregular maintenance is deteriorating the quality of the engine which in turn is the cause of emission of black smoke and other poisonous gases in the environment which is sufficient enough to make us sick. You can simply imagine the scene in a construction site where you see a number of such machines emitting smoke. It also becomes hard for the people working there to breathe causing numerous health issues.

Keeping this in view, some heavy equipment companies have come up with some models which have hydraulic electric engines which claim to have zero emissions of poisonous gases. Nevertheless, they are still in testing phase. Moreover, it also increases the price of the machine which does hurts the costing of the company. A company may spend “X” amount on procuring heavy equipments that run on diesels but in order to do their bit for the environment, they have to shell out more which many are not ready to do. It seems that slowly and steadily, construction and mining companies are coming out of the grove and are accepting the new model of using electric engines but the ratio is too less. At the same time, the government is not playing a decisive role in implementing any law which compels these companies to start using heavy equipments with electric engines.

This concept of equipments being new has number of ambiguity around it. One does not know the durability of the machines. Though the manufacturers give tall claims about their machines, yet it becomes significant to see how good they can stand on their claims. Since this new technology has been introduced, it talks loud about increasing the efficiency of the machine and also saves on expenses that are incurred from the consumption of fuel. It would be rather good to see such machines taking on the construction site in the next few years and alternatively if such engines can even make their way on the roads thus replacing vehicles that runs on gas.

Implementation of this new technology solely depends on the fact that whether it’s going to be profitable for the companies manufacturing them and at the same time shows its worth to its users. This very condition plays a pivotal role in replacing the old models and making its place in the automation industry. Alternatively, the government should also play its part in encouraging the use of this new technology in the machines. Incentives should be given to tax payers using this technology. This will act as an impetus and will drive many in changing their models and going for eco clean technology.

Don’t Keep Your Roller with Loose Tracks – Enrich the Life of Your Heavy Equipment

Do you walk while dragging your feet on the ground? You certainly do not because if you do then that erosion deteriorates the quality of the shoes you are wearing. The same goes for your heavy equipment. You can’t afford to have loose tracks for your roller or else that will finish off the life of the roller. The machine which would have otherwise worked for many years will lose its potency in few years. In a construction company, machines are their main assets because it is because of these equipments that they can get their work done so quickly and are running in huge profits. Hence it becomes utter important to take care of these machines and not letting them get ruined because of loose tracks. So what needs to be done in order to prevent the machines from having loose tracks?
Maintaining your machine:- This is one of the most significant step one needs to take to see his machine working hard in the site for years. Proper maintenance of the machine will take care of the wear the tear it had to go through on a daily basis and will bring it back in shape just when you need it the most. Simple maintenance work such as adjusting the track or lubricating it at regular intervals as advised by the experts and timely inspection of the track are some of the steps which one should take in order to ensure that they are in good shape.
Adjusting the tracks:- Proper care should be taken while adjusting the tracks. If it is too tight, it will lead to unwanted friction between the bushing and the pins. This happens soon after the tracks begin to rotate. As a result of this friction, it kills the quality of the pins, bushings and other component causing a pain to the operator as well as to the person who owns the machine. The friction also reduces the horsepower of the machine. However, this doesn’t mean that they should be left loose. Loose tracks will injure the carrier rollers and other things that support it during rolling. If the machine moves reverse, the problem might turn bigger. The drive sprockets will slide over the bushings of the track and this will lead to rapid wear and tear of the sprockets and bushings.
How to determine if the tracks are set properly:- This could be pretty informative and you might want to try doing this. You have to place a straightedge over the idler and the front carrier roller. Please ensure that you remove all the slack from the track. Now take a ruler and measure right from the top of the track shoe to the very end of the straightedge. You can then refer to the manufacturer’s manual for correct measurements. You can follow this method of measuring the track on the field or else if you have the time to call an expert who can get this done, you should do that as well. This was just hands-on information on how you can maintain your machine and avoid problems like loose tracks.

How Can One Auction Heavy Equipments

There are many big construction and mining companies who have plenty of heavy equipments meant for performing various works. These machines though have a long life are often used by such companies for few years and are then sold to small time construction companies or to the contractors who are always on hunt for such deals. The reason for selling them is not that the machines no longer work. They sell it because the machines are in proper condition and they can presumably get a good price for it. These construction companies have different forums to sell the stuff. They can make use of internet and post the item there on their web site or can make use of some online bidding portal to sell the item. Alternatively, they can also post their item on classifieds both on the internet as well as on local newspapers. These are few of the widely known and used options available to them to sell their stuffs.

We would be speaking in length about each of the mode one can use to sell the machine.

Posting it on internet:-  Internet has made the world come closer. It is no longer necessary for you to deal with people from your locality. With the help of internet you can simply spread your wings wide enough to reach out to as many people you want. People throughout the globe will have access to your listing and anyone who is interested can go for the deal. However, some has experienced difficulties in shipping their product to far off places. Keeping that in mind, you may take a call on it and if at all you have ways to tackle the issue of selling it to someone located in a far-off location, you may as well go for it.

Posting an ad on the internet is fairly simple. All you got to do is register yourself on an online portal and be ready to upload few pictures of your item. You may also have to key in the features and specifications of your item on the auction site. Once that’s done, your part of the work is over. The listing will be followed by people all over the world. They will start bidding on it and that will eventually raise the price of the item. In case, you want to close the bid in the mid and sell the item to the highest bidder, you can do that. However before you close the bid, please confirm with the highest bidder if they want to go for it. You may also want to check the feedback score of the bidder. A feedback score is a mere reflection of the way the bidder does his business. A good feedback score means the bidder is a good buyer and will not default. You can definitely go ahead with the sale.

Posting ad on local news papers:-  If you’re targeting bidders from your city, you can list the equipment in a local newspaper. That will allow men from your city to place their bids on it. You need to mention the date and venue of the auction in the newspaper so that people interested in buying your stuff can gather on that day and bid on it.

Both the above mentioned methods of auction have worked well with many sellers. It only leads to getting a good price for your product.

From Where Did the Manufacturer Come With Different Names of Heavy Equipments?

If you are working in a construction or mining site, you would day in and day out hear names of different heavy equipments. You have to listen to names such as Bulldozers, Excavators, Loaders, Chip Spreader, and Road Paver on a daily basis. If you happen to become a mechanic of heavy equipment, then these names becomes an integral part of your life and you perhaps also want to name your children on the name of these machines. Well that was on a lighter note, nevertheless we at times think who must have given them the names they actually possess. Of course, these may definitely have some history behind them and some may feel unearthing the past is a waste of time. But at times, it has been fun as well. We won’t be digging too much into the past but would still give it a shot to find out how did they come up with such names.

It is coherently argued as to who made the first bull dozer. Some say that it was Benjamin Holt who invested the first bulldozer in 1904 while others say that it was a company in England that transformed its wheel steamed traction into a crawler. They also managed to get the patent for their invention. Till then, they did not come up with any name for their invention. As a matter of fact, both the inventions were merely traction engines and none of them could be called a bulldozer. Later, a gentleman by the name Hornsby came up with his version which looked a bit closer to what we know as a bulldozer. It was learnt that Hornsby sold his patent to Mr. Holt in the year 1913 and thus they gave it the name of a bulldozer.

If we dig a bit deeper, we also come to know that the blades of the bulldozer were being used before it was installed in any tractor.  The blades of the frame were harnessed on two mules and were made to work on the fields. Once they invented the tractors, the frame was taken off from the mule and fitted in the tractors thus giving a sort of relief to those poor animals.

It’s said that this was the foundation on which other heavy equipments were invented. Following the same design and making a bit of changes in its technology, these companies started producing other equipments and gave names that fit the character of the machine. To be precise, it would be very difficult to say how the heavy equipment manufacturers came up with these names as different people related to this subject has their own view points and therefore have their own beliefs backed by some logical reasoning. It has become a matter of huge discussion which leads to showing off of numerous documents as evidence, but that hardly proves anything. Nevertheless, the manufacturers are more interested in giving new designs and better technology to the consumers and in this shaping up the heavy equipment industry for better.

Forums on Heavy Equipments and Its Uses

Forums on Heavy Equipments and Its Uses

A person who has just stepped into a construction business may have lot of questions on heavy equipments and from where to buy them. They may be trying out different things to find an answer to their questions but would greatly appreciate if they have something where they can simply post their questions on heavy machineries and have experts to answer them. That would work wonderfully with them and they should be pretty contented with it. Ideally, a person starting up a construction business would have himself worked in a construction business for few years, just to understand the intricacies of the business and how things work there. He would also know which machine is needed for what purpose. However, he may not know the technicalities involved in those machines and may seek the advice of an expert in such matters. In order to help people new to the business, a forum on heavy equipments is of utter importance. It will help the newbie to put their questions and get a satisfactory answer from them.

Where can one find such a forum:-  If you’re thinking that taking part in such a forum is beyond your reach, then it’s time to change your thoughts. Forums on heavy equipments are certainly within your reach and you only have to make use of internet to get through them. Internet is just one of the ways of reaching them. There are many other ways through which one can become a part of the audience and listen to the experts. Let us now focus on how one can create a forum or become a part of the forum and get desired answers of their questions.

Create a webpage:-  If you have thought of opening a forum, you should start it by opening a webpage. You can give it a name of your choice but the name should co-relate with the sort of forum it is of. For example, you can name the forum as “Durability and utility of heavy equipments” or something like “Heavy equipments – A must for all construction companies”. Give it a name that speaks of the co-relation of the motto of the site. You can keep options like to become members of the site so that people can sign in to your site and become a member. Remember, the person who becomes the member of the site takes extra effort to log in at least in a week and check if there are any updates put by any other member. If someone shoots a question and if they supposedly have an answer for that, they make sure they put it down there. This is how things start up. People who are not a member of the site may visit the site as a guest and if they find things valuable, they might end up registering for the site. Well, this will only increase the number of people joining your site.

A boon for beginners:- It definitely act as a boon for beginners as they know where they can find answers instead of searching it on web pages which leads to wastage of time.

Thus creating a forum may not only be helpful to you but will also serve other’s cause.

Buying or Selling of Heavy Equipment – Put it on Classifieds

Buying or Selling of Heavy Equipments – Put it on Classifieds

Big mining companies or construction companies has variety of machines that are used for different projects. Some of the machines which are old and are hard to maintain are usually sold off to small time contractors who cannot afford to buy brand new equipment. Such contractors have a great deal by buying the machineries at a price much below the market price and can use them for their work before disposing it to scrap dealers. These machines do not have a short life. They can carry on for years and years which makes it all the more beneficial for the contractors to make optimum utilization of the piece before disposing it off. Sellers have wide range of options through which they can list their items for sale. These options are very user friendly and easy to understand. We would be discussing in detail about the different options one can use to sell their old stuff to interested buyers.

Listing it on classified on the internet:  There are innumerable classified websites where you can list your item and can thus give wide exposure to it. You may find several buyers interested to buy your machine and may also receive many phone calls asking for an appointment and simultaneously to inspect the machine. All you have to do is list the item properly for getting maximum exposure. Buyers would be interested if only you advertise your product by giving all the relevant information that signifies the utility of the product. Any additional information would be welcomed by the buyer. Sellers are charged by the online classified site for listing their item and the charge may depend on the kind of product you are listing or the price you have quoted for the product. Some classified websites charge a percentage of the price you have quoted and if the item is sold successfully, they might charge a little more for the sale.

The seller needs to be very careful with the terms and conditions of these online portals and should list their item only if they have completely understood their conditions and fee structure. You can know the email address of the prospect interested in buying your item and can communicate with them. In this way, if they need any more information or specifications, that can be given to them via email. Overall, listing an item in an online classified is a great option one can have to sell their heavy equipment to interested buyers.

Newspaper classifieds: This is another widely used option to reach to potential buyers. Here, you have to first identify a local newspaper having maximum circulation. You can then post your ad by giving some features of your machine. Posting an ad in a newspaper gives you limited space and thereby it becomes important to give your contact details in the advertisement. Buyers may not know much about your equipment by looking in the small ad. If you want to get it clicked, getting the prospects contact you is of prime importance. You can as well give out your email address in the ad and can get responses from interested buyers. All you have to do is just email them the specifications on their email address and rest will follow accordingly. You’ll start getting calls from the buyers and if things go well, you’ll complete the sale for your good.


Mechanics for heavy equipment –Less in numbers, high in demand

Imagine that you have a major construction assignment to complete but due to lack of proper maintenance, your machines are experiencing frequent breakdowns. I’m sure this will prove to be a big blow for you and you would be ready to spend any amount of money to ensure your machine starts working at the earliest. Well as a matter of fact, many construction companies experience such breakdown quite too often, for which the only remedy is to get it fixed by a mechanic. If you think that a machine breaking down and unable to work can hamper your business activity, in that case you got to get yourself ready for something more serious to come. Imagine that your machine has stopped working and your employees who are usually competent enough to fix petty issues related to the equipment are unable to get this resolved. You start looking for a mechanic who specialises in fixing such big machines. However, to your disappointment, you found none to help you out.

Here we would be talking about how can one get mechanics that are competent enough to tackle such grave situations and can help you put your machine back on track. Though the points would be brief in nature, it will definitely be helpful to you.

Search the net:  A simple solution to every problem. If you are in search for something and you need it quickly, you can’t get it better from anywhere else other than searching it on the web. Internet holds the answers to all your questions and one can certainly reply on it. So if one of your heavy machines breaks down and you are on a hunt for a mechanic, you probably know where to look for it. Just go on to google and start searching for a mechanic in your area and you will come across plenty of them. Now, you can approach them with the help of the phone number on their site and there you go. You have a solution.

Put it out in the classifieds:  This one is a time consuming process and you cannot do this when you have a live project in hand and no alternate machines to work on it. However, if you already have a back up ready to replace the faulty stuff, you can make use of this option. You only have to publish an advertisement in the local newspaper stating your requirements. Also ensure that you state down your contact details in the advertisement. Within few days, you would be having someone to contact you. You can check his competency by speaking with him over the phone and if you feel he is apt for the job, go ahead and struck the deal.

Mechanical Colleges:  Do you know that some instructors in mechanical colleges are highly competent mechanics. Since they know almost everything about the machine, they become quite useful when it comes to fixing your machine. However, there is a catch here. These instructors are usually loaded with college works that they don’t get time to take up any other assignments. In such cases, they offer an apprentice to help you who also possess a certain degree of knowledge and experience towards repairing the equipment.

I hope that by now you know what you can do to repair your machine in case it goes down completely.

Heavy Equipment Training – A Must for Every Heavy Equipment Operator

Heavy Equipment Training – A Must for Every Heavy Equipment Operator

The job of a heavy machine operator is indisputably one of the toughest jobs and one has to be highly skilled and trained to perform his duties with zero errors. They have huge responsibility on their shoulders and understand that any mistake done by them can have serious consequences on the company they work for and simultaneously on others as well. With the advent of technological advancements, things have been made lot simpler for the operators to perform their duties without undergoing an error. However, it takes a great deal of effort and constant learning to understand the technological changes that comes up every now and then and incorporating the changes can at times act as a challenge to these operators. So what makes these men the best in the industry? We would be unearthing this question and will try to put down some facts that speak in volume about the kind of training one has to undergo before becoming a heavy equipment operator.

Ideally, one has to go through rigorous training which includes classroom training of 2 years and on the job training of 3 years. We would be discussing what sort of training they undergo in the 5 years of their learning of heavy machines.

Classroom Session:  This is the initial and perhaps the most important part of their training. Here they are given a brief introduction of the machine and are made acquainted with its parts. It is considered to be the most vital part of the training as the students are given basic understanding of the machines and its properties. If they follow the manuals properly, they will comparatively take less time to understand the concepts and will easily grasp more in the following sessions. Classroom training also involves training on safety measures that needs to be followed on duty. If the teachers can inculcate the importance of safety measures to the students’ right from the base level, they will grow up as a far more responsible operator and will stringently follow the safety codes while performing their duties.

Students are also taught a bit of technical stuff like removing hazardous waste, equipment maintenance and repairing parts of heavy equipments. These things gives the student a better learning of how important it is to keep the machines well maintained and in case of a break down, what they can do to fix the problem (as long as it does not require a technical expert to fix the problem)

On Job Training:  On job training is a level higher than the classroom training. Here, they get a practical approach to all that they have learn in the classroom sessions and may find things to be more interesting as they will get to operate machines (of course under the guidance of an expert). They have to work and study for another 4 years and get themselves acquainted with different types of machines. All their learning’s that they had in the classroom takes a practical approach and things become all the more exciting for them. They can try their hands on machines like bulldozers, excavators and other earth moving machines.


John Deere Equipment: The machine that brought revolution in the agricultural and construction

John Deere Equipment: The machine that brought revolution in the agricultural sector.

Farming has never been that great as it is today and all credit goes to the American legend named John Deere. He was the mind behind the green tractor we can see on the fields which brought a revolution in the agricultural sector. Well, if you are thinking that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and had all the resources at his disposal to make this happen, and then you got to change your thoughts soon. This is because the present article would talk about his early life and how he got transformed into a legend and managed to change the very face of farming.

John Deere was a college dropout and didn’t have much formal education. He lost his father at a young age and his mother who was a blacksmith trained him to become one. His life took a turn when his blacksmithing company got bankrupt and he had to sell it off to his father-in-law. He then went to Illinois and started working as a blacksmith. During that time, there were hardly any blacksmith in that area and hence he had absolutely no trouble in finding some work there. He produced his first plow in 1837 and since then there was no turning back for him. In the coming years, he sold many plows to the local farmers and was constantly getting orders to produce ninety to 100 plows every year.

This is how he became a legend and gave his best in the field of agricultural equipments. After his demise the business was handled by his son. This was all about John Deere.

Posthumously, his company expanded its wings and flew higher in the sky. John Deere’s company purchased a tractor manufacturing company named “The Waterloo Tractor Company” and since then it was his tractors that farmers trusted the most. Very soon, the company came up with a new model named “The John Deere Model A”. It had three wheeled design and was considered to be one of the best tractors then. Slowly and steadily, they brought in technology and the tractor became more refined which proved a great deal to the farmers. This led to many such inventions in the field of agriculture where the farmers were gifted with technologically advanced equipments at a price they can easily afford to buy. The machines manufactured by John Deere’s company were long lasting and they still continue the trend of delivering performance over their peers.

John Deere’s company did not limit itself to domestic farming. They went beyond that and tried their luck in commercial farming. In the year 1956, they invented the “420 Crawler Loader”. It had the loader bucket in the front that made it look like a bulldozer.

Apart from the big machines manufactured by John Deere’s company, they also take pride in claiming that they have produced numerous small agricultural equipments that are beneficial to the farmers in ample of ways. Thus, a noble deed started by John Deere has now taken the shape of a mighty company creating many more success stories for us to read.